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Everything posted by ninahartland

  1. Can't remember the name of mine but I guess its similar to ping string. It runs on DD batteries and I have 2 strands of it round where I keep the chickens. Works fine, in fact I dont even keep it turned on anymore, they only needed one zap and now dont go near it at all.
  2. Keeping everything crossed here that you manage to get this guy after all the effort from everyone. You guys are all amazing :rolleyes: Good luck for Saturday!! I'd be there but just a little far away,lol
  3. I have a Friendsofthehound contact on the Sunshine coast....will pm you her number.
  4. Oh it definately helps allright. I lost my daughter 4 years ago and always said the next female dog I got I would call Mikki. Daughters name was Kim so I just spelt it back to front and added an i. Bit silly I know, guess its my way of remembering her.
  5. There's no way that I'd be going anywhere without my dogs !
  6. I have Medibank private and I'm sure they cover 100%. I was able to choose between $100, $200 and $500 excess. Course the premiums differ with the different excesses. Haven't had to claim yet though so dont know what they're like at paying out.
  7. I've used something called Glyphosate 360 herbicide. I buy it from one of those produce type places, the guy assured me its harmless to pets. Works well too...it takes a couple of weeks then all of a sudden no more weeds,lol
  8. So sorry to hear about your deerie boy Elfin, he's only a pup isn't he (unless I'm getting confused with someone else which is quite likely ). Sending good thoughts that he's ok and hope you manage to find a witness. Hugs.
  9. Have a good birthday Gypsy with lots of yummy treats OT...your Jasmine looks very like one of the W Wyalong dogs you helped a while back, is she the one I'm thinking of ?
  10. Yep, thats what I say too LouBon. They are still a living,breathing thing and feel pain just the same as anything else.
  11. This is so sad Why cant he be rehomed interstate if the owners are agreeable? I get so mad when there's news items about the dingoes up here on Fraser island, showing how emaciated they are and how there won't be any left soon. Why doesn't someone go and give the poor things some bloody food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. My dog is desexed and is on Suprelorin implant and my insurance company paid up. I would never go without Pet Insurance, I have had good experiences on the whole and saved a fortune too. That's interesting cointreau...have just had superlorin in my boy again and never thought to claim as its not an accident or illness. I've been with Medibank for about a year with no claims yet so don't know what they're like at paying up.
  13. Woohoo!!!!!!!!!! Thats great Meea. October's not too long to wait...it'll go fast!!!!!!!!
  14. I always wanted big dogs but could never talk my parents into getting anything bigger than a cocker spaniel,lol Always knew my first dog would be a wolfie or a dane. Now have had both breeds for years and will never be without a wolfie!
  15. Hey Nina - your best bet would be Jane Harper from Dogs on Track, she has a lot of experience with dog aggression too http://dogsontrack.com.au/ Thanks Huski Just had a quick look at website, that must be you and Micha in the testimonials, then I noticed Deb and Monah too! Will definately be giving her a ring!
  16. Thanks K9 and for everyone else's input as well. Now does anyone know a behaviourist they can recommend up near me (Hervey Bay )? Don't want to look in the phone book, need someone that knows what they're doing!
  17. Thanks Corvus, I can see what your getting at (I think ) but I wouldn't want to be rewarding the behaviour at the same time he's cowering around him, ok maybe when he's looking from a distance but then would he ever associate it with the behaviour in question?
  18. Vickie...the few times I've had him out on his own, he's always been on lead anyway, so hard to say what his interaction with others would be. Have always walked them all together. He usually tries to dominate the new fosters at first, lasts about 5 minutes, probably thinks he's got a chance to not be the underdog anymore,lol
  19. Yes Corvus, could probably get someone to take 2 out for a while, just leave Gus and Riley here but I dont think it will make any difference to his fear of him. Ok so what sort of confidence boosting things can I do? Have always done NILIF but what specific things can I do that he will associate with the problem. I think I'll just be resigned to the fact that he's a big sook and thank dog for wooden floors
  20. Why are your dogs able to access each others resources, especially food. You're then putting pack behaviour totally in their hands with this. Everyone eats out of their own bowl and touch no one elses, if you have to tether them then do it. There doesnt have to be fighting. Posturing and a quick glare can be enough to make a weak willed dog piss itself. What was he like as a pup, very submissive? Did he exhibit similar behaviour and you find it returned during hormonal periods? Also how young was he desexed, he may have been a low testosterone dog in the first place and now he never really 'grew up' if you get my drift. Yep I think thats it Nekhbet, they dont like his weak energy he's giving off He's not allowed to go to anyone else's dishes till they've finished, none of them are, just that a couple of times I haven't been there all the time and just caught him going to Rileys which you wouldn't think he would do if scared of him. He's always been submissive even as a pup, was only desexed last year though (at 2 years ), seems to be worse since then come to think of it.
  21. Aidan2...you could be right but there's really no way I can test this theory, I dont have kennels to separate, they're all house dogs. Corvus...I'd say the tension is definately coming from Riley. The two of them were outside on the deck last night, heard a bit of clattering going on and Gus was trying to hide under the table so I'd say Riley is communicating something to him, but it must be so subtle cos I sure cant figure it out. Joe (other shep ) tells him off sometimes too for just walking in the door!! He doesn't pee around Joe though, only Riley. I know they dont like the weak ones in the pack and its natures way to ensure the survival of the pack, but they're not in the wild,lol and poor Gus cant help being a softie and if Gus is so scared of him why does he stick his head in Rileys dinner!! Riley will just walk away when he does this. Bloody dogs!! ;)
  22. Monah....there's never been anything wrong with Gus's leg,lol, you must be getting confused in your old age :D Joe had the snip ages ago too. You could be right about the maturing I suppose, Riley's obviously the top dog and doesn't have to do anything to freak Gus out apart from stand near him!! Come round for coffee and cuddles anytime :D Dory...I'm pretty sure it hasn't got anything to do with the foster going, as I said, they are used to fosters coming and going and he didn't form a particular attachment to the last one. Thanks for the input guys :D
  23. Have just had the superlorin done again last week in case it was that wearing off (he's had 2 before though) and this has been going on for quite some time, just seems to be getting worse now. Its definately submissive peeing, all the other body postures are happening too....low down, ears back, submissive licking etc No, no other changes at all. Had a foster leave about a month ago, but I'm sure thats nothing to do with it as I usually have a foster coming and going.
  24. He's not usually away from the others much, sometimes I'll take just the 2 sheps out and he's just a usual dog. I'm around most of the time (carer for elderly mum) so if I go out shopping etc its no more than a couple of hours so there's always someone around. Even when they're out in the garden I see him hiding under the bushes sometimes to get away from Riley and all Riley does is walking close to him.
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