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Everything posted by ninahartland

  1. I've just had one of my boys done and he's hardly licked at all He's got the disolvable stitches, don't know if vets are starting to use these now or just the vet I took him too. Was quite surprised when I asked if I should bring him back in 10 days for stitches out, and was told, no, no need.
  2. One of my gsd's has a spot on his hip he keeps licking, just won't heal with the constant licking.Anyway,the vet suggested I try antihistamine tablets {human ones from the chemist}.Said it would take away the itch so he didn't feel the need to lick anymore. Have been giving him these for 2 days now and certainly seems to be working, he doesn't lick anymore and is finally beginning to heal. Just an idea it may work with Riley
  3. Only just seen this thread So happy to hear your girl is recovering....it's such a stressful time when they're not well. Hugs to you
  4. I hope she didn't have the cheek to charge you after that
  5. Thanks for the heads up Ellz.....might go and look at that tomorrow.Have been meaning to get a dremmel or something similar for ages.
  6. OMG ! How awful for you {and poor Ruger}. No,I've never heard of liver torsion either. What a good thing you decided to ring the other vet, thank God you did. Give Ruger big hugs, oh and welcome to DOL Nina
  7. I use daily heartworm pills. I just give them with their breakfast every morning so there's no chance of forgetting. Used to do annual vaccinations,but like others, have done more research, and won't pump any more things into them they don't need,imo. I don't vaccinate now past the 1 year booster
  8. Just wondering, seeing as this is a vaccination thread, what would most of you do when getting a rescue dog from the pound with no vacc history?She's about 2or 3 years. I don't do mine past the initial booster, don't like pumping things into them when they don't need it. Will be getting her desexed when she arrives, but what about vacc? Nina
  9. Only ever give mine brisket bones.The whole bone gets eaten so there's no chance of one of them finding a buried bone and someone else decides they want it!! Trouble !
  10. Hi Clare and welcome My last Wolfhound had cardiomyopathy and was on medication for about the last year of his life.He was only 6 when he went to the bridge That's the sad thing about the big guys isn't it, they just don't have a long lifespan.I did have a Dane once though that made it to 13. Nina
  11. RIP little girl So sorry for your loss Troppodogs, hugs to you.
  12. Aaww, poor little guy How's he going this morning Kingbob?
  13. Love that last pic of your boy dog geek .... Looks like he's thinking "what the hell has she done to me"
  14. Aaww! He looks so gorgeous with his blanket on Sending healing thoughts for Fred and give him a big hug from me.
  15. Ohh,I am so sorry to hear this DW My thoughts are with you and I'm sure you'll do the right thing for Deisel, you sound like a wonderful mum. Hugs and healing thoughts to you
  16. That's just what I'm looking for! Have looked on the vet product sites but can't find them,seem to only have the clippers. Where did you get yours from?
  17. You beat me to it Crisovar :rolleyes: Was just going to say I always but my heartworm pills from supermarket,Homebrand even{!!}.Cost about $3.50 for 100 tabs.
  18. It's ok.Forget last post,I sussed it out!!!
  19. Help please! How do I get my new sig loaded?? Went into update sig in my controls but then what?? {sorry,so dumb at this}Before I came on DOL I knew nothing about computers and don't have any big kids at home any more to help. Thanks in advance Nina
  20. Wow !! Thank you so much,it's amazing. Could never,in a million years been able to figure out how to do that. Thanks Rach
  21. Rach,have found another couple of pics,will these be ok?
  22. One of mine ate the whole banana cake I left cooling on the benchtop!
  23. Oh wow,that's amazing Rach! Thanks so much for doing that,I thought you might have trouble fitting them all in !! Would it be too much trouble to ask you to take out Genie{grey},as she's a foster,and squeeze in the Rotti instead? Love the green paw background!! If it's too hard,don't worry,will just use it like it is now,that is when I figure out how to get it there!! Many thanks again ,hope it doesn't take you too long to do all that. Nina
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