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  1. My sweet almost 7 year old Cav Gem is currently at the vets suffering from Diarrohea. Her blood work came back showing that the proteins in her blood were low. Haven't checked a stool sample yet but hoping they can get one while she is there. She has never suffered Diarrohea before and of course being the Dr Google that I am its horror stories. I didn't get to see my regular vet who knows I am such a worry wart and tends to be very sympathetic and words things so I dont "Dr Google" . I did notice before the Diarrohea started that a few days before she did the bottom scoot on my carpet so I am hoping for worms and nothing sinister. She been on metronidazole since Monday and Tuesday her stool was better but Thursday it was back to being sloppy hence our latest trip to the vet. I want to start her on probiotics when she is home so any suggestions which is good one to use? . I am so use to having my little shadow around I am missing her like crazy even the hideous farts she has been doing lately lol.
  2. Get a crate they are a godsend. My 14 week pup sleeps like a log in hers.
  3. I am so sorry for your loss. Having lost my GR Charlie at 7 months I feel your pain. I now have a Cav so I understand what a beautiful little dog they are and how precious she would of been to you.
  4. Yes I have the wire type not the plane travel type but either would be fine. Make sure it is the right size though.
  5. Have to agree about getting a crate. I have one for my almost 10 week old Cav and she is going great guns. She generally goes all night without needing to go out to wee. Last night she went from 10pm to 6am and only really got up at 6 am as I got her up. It has made such a difference crate training this dog and I highly recommend it.
  6. Each panel is 90cm x 70cm and each little square is about 10cm x 5cm.
  7. I decided to go purchase two of these today and joined them together with cable ties. They make the best puppy pen which is large enough to fit my crate. Well I actually connected the puppy pen to the crate so it didn't have to go around the crate and gave extra room. So far my little pup hasn't complained at all. I will still lock her in her crate for a sleep but I found it a godsend if she is awake and you need to do things without having to confine her to the crate. $46 dollars well spent. Thank you to the person who thought about using these and posted this on DOL.
  8. I am happy to say my little girl has learnt fast three days in and she now wees when we ask. I think I was worrying unnecessarily. I am also happy to report we have had no wees or poos in our house except for her first hour home.
  9. We got our little Cav yesterday and I am having trouble getting her to wee. As you can see from my post it is 1.30am and I have taken her out twice tonight trying to get her to wee. She starts whinging and so off I trot out to get her to wee. As soon as I put her down she starts thinking it is a game and just jumps on my feet and thinks it is play time. I don't speak to her it is all done very quietly but nothing seems to make her wee. I know she can wee as I have seen her do it. My previous dog would wee almost straight away but was a boy and I am not sure if this made a difference. I am crate training her Does rubbing their belly help? I am sick of standing out in the backyard with a torch for 15 mins waiting for her to do something. I just want to get the wee over and back to bed hate standing out in the garden in the middle of the night
  10. Thank you everyone for your condolences on my baby Charlie. I know he is there waiting.
  11. My baby Charlie died on Monday 7 months old whilst under GA getting xrays done. He was too young and it is hard trying to understand how and why this happened. Charlie may you run free forever my darling boy. RIP CHARLIE 07/05/2008 - 08/12/2008
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