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Paul Joanne and FIZZ

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Everything posted by Paul Joanne and FIZZ

  1. Hey guys and girls I just thought i would give an update on things well we seem to have a different puppy altogether now she is amazing .. . sleeping soundly and having a great time playing with us. She is still sleeping down stairs in her pen / crate . . i give her a hot pad every night to snuggle up with and a ticking clock near by which seems to have done the trick She has never eliminated in the house at all so i have been making regular 2 hour visits to her during the night to take her out side to do her business . . Last night i though i would test her out i took her for a wee at 1 am and then straight back to bed. . I then left her to see if she would call me when she needed to go - 530 am and lovely night sleep had by all and little fizz gave me a quick shout - off we went for a wee . . .She really is super amazing . . I am also still giving her time alone in the garden during the day up to 1 1/2 hours at a time she will play and sleep and whine a little bit but not too much . . followed by lots of play and praise . . i have had her on her lead for up to 2 mins at a time ( only round the garden and house ) - she still does not like it yet , she bites it and tries to pull on it - i can distract her for a couple of seconds with toys and treats . . any other getting her on the lead tips ????? she is only 9 weeks old and is very intelligent and a great bundle of fun
  2. However - i now have some more questions - sorry How much excercise is to much and how much and when should i be given her alone time during the day . .I tried an hour and a half of alone time this morning - she was out in the garden and was ok for about 20 mins then she went nuts . . dragging a plant pot around and barking like mad . . ive just brought her back in and out her in her crate and she was asleep in seconds . . why would she not sleep outside - Cold? Scared ?
  3. Hi everyone , some great advice here thank you . . Last night was perfect - up 3 times for a wee and no howling - like a different dog over night some pics attached
  4. Hello to everyone, My partner Joanne and I have recently got our first puppy a top litle german shepherd called FIZZ . . She was the smallest in her litter and full of beans and we fell in love with her. She has been in our house now for 3 days and she cant half howl !!! More so during the night - like last night she went for hours at a time . . When we put her to bed she will howl fairly quietly to her self the nod off to sleep, the problem is when she wakes up on her own she goes crazy howling at the top of her voice for what seems like an eternity this will be broken up by what sounds like aggressive barking then she will howl again. Everyone i speak to inclding the breeder says she must be left alone to get on with it and I agree . . untill its 3 am and im worried what the neighbours are thinking. . And to add to the confusion, her toilet training record is impecable - she will not go in the house at all - she does everything outside which is amazing. confusion because - we are trying to leave her to howl - but is she howling for a wee - she does wee 3 times per night , i lie awake trying to pick my moment of quiet to take her out for a wee . .only trouble is . . . i get no sleep !! oh so many questions she is a bundle of joy and loves the garden - someone just tell me that there is light at the end of the tunnel
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