Hey All,
My Bull Arab X, Tilly, started leaking urine several days after we brought her home. Upon taking her to the vet, he suggested that the main cause could be incontinence and prescribed Stilboestrol. We were intructed to give her one pill every day for seven days, then try one every seven days. If that didn't work, go to every six days.
We are now starting on every other day as the Stilboestrol doesn't seem to be working, or perhaps we thought it could be that it's more than just incontinence. I guess more of the point is that the Stilboestrol is working, but only for two days and she'll start leaking again. Poor kid hangs her head when I or my partner come near her with a washcloth!
The other main point is that she's quite young. I've read a lot of different articles and whatnot about older dogs being on the stilboestrol, but I've yet to encounter any stories about younger dogs being on this medication. I'm looking for some advice, perhaps, some stories as well would be fantastic. Is there anyone else who has had this problem, with a younger female, and if so, what ended up happening with you and your pet?