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Everything posted by jemappelle

  1. It's a difficult decision to make with any dog. If it helps, I would also make the same decision.
  2. So sorry LMO. I remember meeting your gang quite a few years ago. You have a legacy of many wonderful memories.
  3. Liver treats give my girls the run. And my girls eat a lot of grass as well. Hopefully if you give her digestive tract a break and then do the plain chicken and rice in small meals, all will be well.
  4. It's early days yet. Do you spend a lot of time outside, playing with him so that he is used to the yard and sees it as a nice place where fun things happen? Also, to check if he settles after you leave, drive around the block and quietly stop outside the neighbour's house where he can't see you. I've even parked the car a few houses away and quietly gone in the front door when neighbours were complaining about mine barking, to spy on them. lol
  5. I paid $50 which is a lot more than I usually do. Their full price is expensive but when I got mine, they were the original, no copies around. It's already outlasted a $20 bed.
  6. I always buy online and only use PayPal because of their guarantee. I bought mine at the Mellow Hub https://www.themellowhub.com/
  7. I've had one of those beds for quite a few months now. Probably since last winter and the dogs love it. It washes well and doesn't smell.
  8. I wouldn't risk it. The best advice I can give is to talk it over with your vet.
  9. I had a dog door installed in the glass of the sliding door as the glass needed replacing. The glazier used the Hakuna brand from Bunnings and the rotten thing wouldn't stay shut so was always flapping in the breeze. We tried 3 from Bunnings and all were the same. So I went with a Pet Walk brand - nice and strong with a good magnet. Because it has a strong magnet though, it is a bit noisy.
  10. My old cattle dog did something similar. By the time we got to the vet she was fine. The vet thought it was a neurological incident and possibly geriatric vestibular disease.
  11. I know it's not local, but I send mine to Feather Edge - they are great with blade sharpening and servicing with a quick turn around time. They also have some really good tips on their web page. http://www.clippersharpening.com.au/
  12. There is a free app called Razor Prank that makes the noise and vibrates the phone. I used it all over my Cav for a few weeks, starting off slowly down near her tail. She is OK with the clippers now.
  13. Interesting reading as I have a new dog to the house with what I call 'the yeasty smell'. As she had bad dandruff on her lower back when I got her, I put her on an Omega 3, 6 and 9 supplement and that cleared up the dermatitis and got rid of the smell. However she's had a bit of a gastric upset for 10 days, so no Omega supplement, and the smell is back. The vet did a swab the other day from her anus to look at the fecal bacteria and commented she has a lot of yeast around her back end. She also has a couple of tiny yeast related spots on her chin that the vet looked at but is not concerned about. She did mention Malaseb baths and I will get some and use it for a while. I may also clip her a bit shorter. Also quite a few years ago I adopted a Poodle x that had black skin on her tummy and quite a yeasty smell about her. That all just went away with a good diet and regular bathing but I can't remember what I used as a shampoo.
  14. Another thought was thinning scissors. Or a matt breaker with a blade in it. My Cavalier has very long fur around her back legs and for summer I've used a #9 blade with a #5 steel comb to lightly go over her rump and then follow the hair growth around her back legs. She now has much shorter hair that has blended in with the rest of her coat.
  15. What about something like a Mars Coat King that thins out the coat?
  16. I was talking to a locum vet recently, about her locum work. She said that a lot of clients put the guilt on them along the lines of: why does it cost so much, you would do it for free if you really loved dogs/cats etc. That is a big part of it!
  17. That is fantastic! Your dedication is amazing and Happy Birthday to Amber!~
  18. I also think part of it is the build up and excitement of making the decision, choosing the puppy, buying all the things you need and so on.
  19. Which one is the 6 monthly spot on as I've never heard of it. I have used Advantix with good results but it needs fortnightly application for paralysis ticks. I use Nexgard now and haven't had any problems.
  20. I believe that in Victoria that the process is different for each Council area. It would be worth asking this on your local Facebook groups to see if anyone else has had any problems getting the permit.
  21. I can't figure out how to detach this flap, otherwise I would change it temporarily. I think she will get there, eventually, and I figure if the tiny cat can use it, she will. lol We do a bit of training each day and I tie it up when I go out.
  22. This is Evie who has been with us for nearly 4 weeks. She is a retired breeding girl and is 3.5 years old. We're having a great time introducing her to all the local Cavaliers (we have a very active local Cavalier group) and all the local sites. She has fitted in really well with Phoebe (my blenheim girl) and the cats, the only problem I am having is that she is scared of the pet flap. My flap is hard and has a strong magnet as the door faces south and we get strong southerlies here. Anyway, here are some photos. The first is the first day in the Blue Mountains, the second is after a week at home and then lastly at a friend's house where she will use their soft flap pet door.
  23. Can you block access so she doesn't see the 6 am walker? Having owned cattle dogs I can relate to the high pitched excited barking. When I got my second one the noise at first light was enough to have them sleep inside, in separate areas. lol
  24. I'm with Papillon Kisses. I have Cavaliers which have a similar coat. Yes the floor has hair on it, as does the furniture, but it is easy to get off. I have a cordless vacuum that does a great job and use it every second day for a quick zip around to keep on top of it. This only takes abut 10 minutes. And if you bath them regularly and use a force dryer to dry the coat, most of the loose stuff is blown out then. I've owned a Poodle x before and the regular clipping is very time consuming and expensive if you get it done professionally.
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