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Everything posted by jemappelle

  1. I have been told by vets that it is common for dogs to attack other cats and dogs that are having seizures. Have you taken Bob back to the vet for a medication adjustment as having seizures every 7-10 days is still a lot for the poor boy. I can only suggest having the dogs separate when no one is home.
  2. The only thing I can suggest is to set up a little pen for Clive so he can still lie next to your desk etc and be safe from Bobbin.
  3. When my Cavalier was going through her chewing phase I put a dried cow's hoof in the crate for her. She loved it!
  4. I've had old dogs with only a few teeth and a cat that had all her teeth removed at 6. They cope perfectly fine, in fact, they seem much happier after the problem teeth have been removed. The cat lived until she was nearly 18 and the vet felt that the fact she didn't have teeth helped her reach that age (dental disease affects heart, liver, kidneys etc). The gums harden so they can still eat dry food and soft bones.
  5. It depends if you want to take your dog on to the breeder's premises which is probably not going to be allowed anyway, due to risk of infection etc. I once took an existing dog with me but she stayed in the car (winter time) and the pup went into the car in a crate.
  6. Royal Canin breed specific one for Cavaliers and sometimes their light one for small dogs.
  7. I've never used the Wellness Core brand either. I feed mine a mixture of dry, freeze dried and raw at the moment in their 2 meals per day. Some times I change the freeze dried to the cooked Prime100 rolls. Mine love the variety and are doing really well on it.
  8. I've had two blind dogs and both coped really well, still went on walks with me and had full lives. One of the blind dogs had glaucoma and a detached retina so had that eye removed. Once the pain of that eye was gone, she was like a new dog.
  9. The skin is a bit flaky and it looks like an irritation or ringworm. If you gently pull the fur immediately around it, does it come out easily?
  10. Sounds like he was bored. Try giving him something like a dried cow hoof when he is in the crate so he can direct his chewing to that. No help with the bed, sorry, never had a problem with that.
  11. Mine get K9 Natural for breakfast which is similar to Frontier Pets. I put a little warm water over it and let it soak for about 1 minute and they go nuts for it! The cats love the Feline version dry, as well, as a topper.
  12. Sleeping away from mum often means she is too warm. And as screaming means something is wrong, she needs to go back to the vet, as Rebanne said. I'm not sure what 'gas x' is but if the repro vet said to do it, I would be. Possibly the pup has wind - have you tried burping it?
  13. Having been a cattle dog owner in the past, I would say go with that pup, but I am biased. As Rebanne said, it is up to you to put in the work to shape the dog. Both my cattle dogs were excellent with all kids and never tried to round them up or nip them but they were never left unsupervised with them either. Good luck with your choice.
  14. Have there been some changes as my accountant told me (years ago) that breeding is a hobby, not a business?
  15. Yes, the uterus is horn shaped so she could quite possibly have aborted one horn and the other horn carried on as normal. It happens in cats quite a lot as they also have two uterine horns.
  16. That's how I got my black and tan girl. The breeder was going to keep her as she has a beautiful, soft temperament but when she found out what a good life she would have with me, she changed her mind. Lucky me!
  17. Is he interested in retrieving? If you can get him keen to chase a ball he will most probably go after it in the water.
  18. It will say on the paperwork whether it is a main registered pedigree or a limited registered pedigree.
  19. Unfortunately a lot of people don't know what a purebred is. Conversation with my neighbour: Me: What breed is your new puppy Neighbour: Poodle x Pomeranian but I think it's a crossbreed as it's microchip papers says Poodle x
  20. Here's a good article from the Camden campus of the Sydney University Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Having the puppy teeth removed will help with her comfort now and hopefully the jaw will grow into a better alignment without their hindrance. https://www.univetscamden.com.au/blog/canine_overbite_treatment Good luck.
  21. It sounds like the bottom teeth are under the alignment of the top teeth which is an underbite or parrot mouth. In my experience, depending on breed, the bottom jaw keeps growing so like others have said I would be having the lower K9s clipped or removed and waiting for the adult teeth to come in. What breed is the pup?
  22. They all seem to progress differently. Is he on fluid medication? Can she have the fluid in her stomach drained? My tri girl lived a very active life right up until the last couple of weeks. Have you been checking his resting breathing rate?
  23. I think you will find that the parasites are living in the soil. Ask your vet if it is possible to decontaminate the environment.
  24. This came up on one of the Cavalier Facebook pages and some members said that they got a refund after providing proof of desexing.
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