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Everything posted by rubyroo
Retrieving & Field Training Talk
rubyroo replied to RubyStar's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Hey a TSD! Nice to see you back into it too. We have also started to tighten things up over the last month or so getting ready for winter. Rocket seems really happy to be back at it also, most importantly. Our first trial has come to a sudden halt as I was asked what the probability of not to trial novice and restricted on the same day under the same judge because it might be a long day if I do (heaven forbid I pay for the opportunity to participate in a sport I love, that is more often than not struggling to even get numbers to run a stake) I cant begin to tell you how angry and upset I am Why would I go away for the weekend spend a few 100 $$$$ and not do what I've been training to do with my dog. Anyway enough of my ranting. Best of luck to you and Em this season!! I look forward to reading your updates -
Labs were born to retrieve, you should check out the Aussie retrieving website. Try this link: http://retrieving.org.au/bb/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3603 Gorgeous dog, great temperament!
Retrieving & Field Training Talk
rubyroo replied to RubyStar's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Hey TSD! Yes my guys haven't been out as much as I had planned for this time of year, and are just stir crazy, the old boy just screams the place down when it's walk time. I'm a little hesitant of pushing Rocket to much, he seems to be pain free, but just something catches my eye when he runs, not sure what it is but just doesn't look right? Doesn't stop him flying into the dam at 7am and in the minus' thinking he can catch a duck, dumb dog, it is so cold. Must get back out in the paddock, only 2mths to go and my snake phobia will be back in full swing. -
Retrieving & Field Training Talk
rubyroo replied to RubyStar's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Hi tapua, the retreiving Australia website is the best for trial and training day info. Not sure of anyone off the top of my head out your way? I will try to remember to post any new info here for you. http://retrieving.org.au/bb/ -
Retrieving & Field Training Talk
rubyroo replied to RubyStar's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Hi tapau, we had trials in Harden last weekend, wouldn't have been too far a drive for you? They will be there again in September and also canberra in September if you are interested? Glad to hear Em and yourself are still hard at it TSD. They are so funny when they are trying to talk to you. I would love to go rough shooting, hoping it will happen in a month or so, just waiting for a few birds to arrive, not sure where they are all at at the moment! How much fun for you both!! Novice is so hard to win at the moment, a few 2nds 3rds and consistently finishing, so I'm just going to keep up for training for restricted and hopefully enter both in September. We are on hold for a week, I came home the other afternoon to a very sore dog, I think he has hurt his back, so after a trip to the vet for some pain killers and a few days of rest he is now jumping out of his skin it's scarey! I'm worried he will hurt himself more. Anyway a few months now between trials to prepare. -
Restricted To Gundog Obedience Trials
rubyroo replied to weisnjac's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
I am aware of a non registered GSP, having been assessed by a panel of experts to confirm that it was a GSP, was eventually allowed to compete in RATG only, no retreiving trials. You could post this question on http://retrieving.org.au/bb/ as this is where I believe some of the panel can be contacted. Hope this helps? -
Retrieving & Field Training Talk
rubyroo replied to RubyStar's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Yuk!, she looks gross :laugh: -
Retrieving & Field Training Talk
rubyroo replied to RubyStar's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
USA options, cabelas, huntem up, lion country supply and also eBay USA. I would like to support the local guys here, but they are just way too expensive compared to what you can get overseas. -
Retrieving & Field Training Talk
rubyroo replied to RubyStar's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Well done TSD!!! What a great weekend for you both! -
Retrieving & Field Training Talk
rubyroo replied to RubyStar's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Just saw the results TSD!! Congratulations on your win -
Thumbs up for heike! She has a class starting in bungendore tomorrow, you Could give her a call. I have similar problems to you, she is very thorough, and has helped immensley.
Retrieving & Field Training Talk
rubyroo replied to RubyStar's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Yah TSD and em!, You go girls! -
Retrieving & Field Training Talk
rubyroo replied to RubyStar's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Retrieving & Field Training Talk
rubyroo replied to RubyStar's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Yes, yes and yes The weather turned a bit miserable today. I did two sessions, first one on our own with hand thrown marks and the second one with Mr TSD throwing for us. Similar concept for both sessions - leave the fun marks (game) and get the hot blind (dummy) first. If she picked up the dummy cleanly she was allowed to pick up the marks. The ultimate reward :D Ran a triple with the blind splitting two marks and a double fall (blind with mark). It really seemed to help her understanding so it will be interesting to see what she remembers tomorrow! Fantastic concept, so far from being there! Nice work girls! -
Retrieving & Field Training Talk
rubyroo replied to RubyStar's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Yah to Torn and Joy!!, love it when shorthairs beat the field! She has done so well on a state and national level these last few years, what a achievement! -
Retrieving & Field Training Talk
rubyroo replied to RubyStar's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Ooh channel swims scare me! Well done. Rocket thought he would try and run the bank today, so I just headed back toward him, very calmly, and he took off! So i stayed calm called him softly and the bugger went straight to where he broke from and sat! We did get this one right next time around, I was glad as the temp has dropped again and not very pleasant outside, and didn't want to push it. It's great when they go, ok! I'll just do it! -
Retrieving & Field Training Talk
rubyroo replied to RubyStar's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
I'm very excited for you entering the national! You training sounds great, lots of fun and no pressure. Glad she got her groove back. Our water recalls are going nicely. I threw a dummy today and he wanted to run the bank back, so I stopped him, walked back and put him where he should be and recalled him. He did it! Will try again tomorrow, baby steps! -
Retrieving & Field Training Talk
rubyroo replied to RubyStar's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Yeah another successful arvo, with a recall across a bigger damn! Cheeky bugger was starting to slink in the water before I called him, at least he wasn't going to run the bank! -
Retrieving & Field Training Talk
rubyroo replied to RubyStar's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Good luck next weekend FD! TSD, makes you feel great when there is an audience who cheers loudly! My kids do that to me! I gave the monkey a bit of a break and just had fun in the paddocks. Now it's warmed up a teeny bit (and yep 2 tigers in 2 days, around the corner from home, damn it ). I took rocket to the dam for some recalls. The first 2 on a rope so I could guide him and not run the bank the next 2 were great only one needed a stop whistle, and then straight ahead! I repeated this yesterday and again today at a different dam, he did really well. He understands so I just have to keep repeating/reinforcing the concept. So hopefully will get a chance to get out tomorrow arvo. I'm excited I've not been clay target shooting for a few months now, finally have a leave pass tomorrow morning the boys are doing the canberra fun run, 5 & 10kms no way not me!! -
Retrieving & Field Training Talk
rubyroo replied to RubyStar's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Happy belated birthday em!! :D -
Retrieving & Field Training Talk
rubyroo replied to RubyStar's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
The right ear is ok, not convinced about the left yet, but doing my best to keep them covered. Sorry haven't had a chance for a photo yet, will try tomorrow. Need to think of a plan for training over the weekend, love watching my DVDs but after 20min, start thinking about training and miss half of it, I just can't concentrate for that long. I think we will do watching fetch, with dummies, then rabbit skinned dummies. Maybe some triples hand thrown, he is loving this, I'm not having to put my hand down to line him up he is just getting so focused and can't get there quick enough. Maybe I'll even get an arvo session in and to T drill. If it is warm maybe just a couple of water retrieves, he has been swimming every day by himself! So cold Rocket has been cigaring lately aswell, I've just been putting where is should be before I praise calmly, when he does it right ive made a bigger fuss over it. We only need the smell of rabbits and roos to loose focus, good work with the ducks. Wagon wheel sounds good, I might try that again too. I love the look on their faces when they know better! -
I've always seen snakes in the first week or two in September, so on the countdown now. Winter is never long enough!
Retrieving & Field Training Talk
rubyroo replied to RubyStar's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Not so funny - put on a snood. You can use a piece of nylon tight or the leg part of an old sock. Pull it over his head and on to his neck, "arrange" his ears where you want them, then pull it back to cover his ears and it will keep them in place. Looks funny but very effective! Thank you. I may have to try that. I did cut an arm out of an old skivvy but his ears keep falling out, he looks like a nanna! To the snood shop I go. Thanks -
Retrieving & Field Training Talk
rubyroo replied to RubyStar's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
You girls have had a great season trialling!! Your re-cap of the weekend is always fantastic, I can just imagine being there. I really enjoy watching the springers work, they have so much enthusiasm, and boy can they run. I'm impressed that she pulls herself up when she knows she isn't on track. She is a smarty pants. It was a nice weekend here but the wind was just awful. We did a few sessions on a long line, fetch, here, sit. I think is starting to sink in. I used the rabbit skinned dummies, they are his favourite. Holding a pigeon while I'm getting dinner is getting better, he didn't drop it today, I gave it to him when I walked outside and he bought it over and waited. Blasted bunnies keep popping up on our walks, and we just can't help ourselves. I'm having a dreadful time with his ears at the moment, I've finally got one to stop bleeding and now the other has started. I've even covered his collar up to stop it hitting it. Maybe I should tie his ears up!! -
Retrieving & Field Training Talk
rubyroo replied to RubyStar's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Congrats to you both!,