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Everything posted by Karma

  1. I cant wait - although Ive never tried my Border Collie x at flyball etc, I think he would love it and have always wanted to come out and watch. This is nice and local too!
  2. Ive recently adopted a 6mth old Border Collie cross. He is SO intelligent and prey / food driven it isnt funny! I would love to get involved with agility or flyball training of some sort in the South-West Sydney area, but dont know where to start looking. Any advice?
  3. Name: Eva Age (optional): 35yrs Location: South-West Sydney Rescue Group: none currently (emergency foster cared for DCH) Time in Rescue: a few months (while foster caring) and volunteered at RSPCA about 8 yrs ago Who can vouch for: OpenArms (congrats on Curtis!, Mia is the same age), NalaCleo (sorry about the panicked phone calls with Lola ), Wizard1 Preferred Breed: all Experience (if any): have owned dogs all my life but due to a marriage break-up last year, had to stop foster caring while I got back on my feet with a (then 2yr old) and 14wks pregnant. Would like to consider it again in the future, or at least help out with donations and transport when I can (Im only 5 mins from Renbury).
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