I had the same poblem with Bru, he would only drop if i bent down and tounched the ground.
Then we started back at the second lot of puppy training and the trainer said that all the pups had to drop without their owners putting bums in the air the following week
Oh and we were not allowed lure them with food to drop it had to be hand signal or command only.
We did do a run through in class that week, but most of the puppy owners were in the beginner class and were more confused that the pups..
At home I started by pointing at the floor while standing and using a clicker when he got it right
After a few goes he got the message as he would do anything for a treat this dog.
I then added the command "drop" and changed to the flat hand as it's the preferred method appartently.
I found at first becuase he was really good a touch target, by using the flat hand up and down i was confusing him and he was trying to jump and touch my hand
He will drop now on command either by hand signal or the word "drop" although if there is another pup around i have to work with him a bit harder :rolleyes: