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Posts posted by swazzie

  1. Her original owners in Canberra broke up and neither one of them could or wanted to keep her - their loss . We met the woman briefly and she didnt have any kids . Chloe was very standoffish at first ie wasn't keen on cuddles /pats etc but she got over that and is the most lovable/ smoochy dog now. Have an vet appointment so fingers crossed she's ok.

    OT-I've realised I should read back through my iPhone posts-or use spell check.

  2. We've had her 21/2 years and moved last year to a rental and she was fine then . We were told she didn't have the best start for example when she was naughty she was put in the laundry. As a result she was a bit wild when she came to live with us but she a lovely dog now. The baby is 41/2 months but the dogs has definitely not bring left out or anything . One thing I hIave noticed is Chloe seemed not to notice the baby for the first few months but recently has been more interested in him. He's taken to sleeping by his cot when he's havin naps- the same room she's scared to come out of at times. I am going to take her to vet as I came home this evening and she was downstairs with dh but wouldn't come upstairs again.

  3. I haven't posted here in awhile, so I hope it's ok to come in and ask a question?

    I have two beautiful labs Bru and Chloe. Bru we got as a pup and Chloe from rescue. Chloe came to us with some bad habits and for the most part we've trained them out but she has always been a bit nutty. However she is so loveable and even though Bru is more interested in people , they get on great.

    Recently Chloe had been doing strange things

    First she ran away , something I was not expecting as neither dog has ever tried this before even though the opportunity has often been there. She slipped out the front door . Then we moved into our new house , back to the block we used to live on ( both dogs lived in old house which was on block) and she ran away three times in two days - never very far and always came when I found her and called but it's given me such a fright as we are one road away from a very busy road. The backyard is fully fenced but we had tradies in and she slipped out when someone left a door open. Its hard because I've never had to worry about doors as the dogs have never in 4 years ( 3 for Chloe ) shown any interest in running out. I also have a new baby so I'm sometimes in other rooms etc. anyhow the running away is fixable as we get putting up a front fence very soon.she also managed to find a gap out the back fence , we've fixed it but it's a constant worry with people in and out.

    Next thing is ,she has gone from being a fearless dog to being afraid of stairs and the latest is doorways. It's weird it's like every few days she remembers she's scared again and will stop either at top or bottom of stairs and give out this scared bark. She's not a barker at all normally . Then last couple of days she will stand inside our bedroom and start the scared bark until someone goes to encourage her out ,but she may have been in and out of same room multiple times that morning!

    We've been joking she's demented but I'm actually beginning to worry about her.

    My dh thinks its the new house but she ran away the week before we moved here so I'm not so sure .

    Any suggestions /opinions would be so appreciated

  4. I have heard of guard dog owners doing this to prevent their dogs from eating things they shouldnt or being poisoned.

    Is teaching a dog to only eat when it is gven a command and easy thing to teach and do they stick to it? For instance, teaching a dog that the only time it can ever pick up food of any sort is when it is given a specific command or word. Do they adhere to this if you are not around, so much so that they will never pick up food without associating it with that particular command?

    Would appreciate the experiences and feedback of those in the know.

    We taught this to both our Labradors, Bru when we got him as a pup and Chloe our rescue when she came to live with us at 13 mths

    I would stand in front of Bru with his bowl of food and put it down and pick it up until he sat- first step

    Then after he mastered that i added a specific word and if he tried to dive in the food bowl was picked up again and again until bum on ground and he waiting for the word.

    It was pretty easy to teach- it just took patience at the start.

    Even when he went to stay with a family at xmas he wouldn't eat unless they gave him the word

    Bru will take food off other people now but only if they say his word..

    Chloe will sit and wait for the release word aswell but she probably would still take food off another person - we are working on that

  5. I find it hilarious that people seem to think dogs think like them.

    I love my dogs to death, am defintely guilty of treating them like small people, however i know they are dogs and there is different rules in the dog world

    What no one has said on this thread is that dogs adapt their play style to suit the size and age dogs they are playing/ interacting with.

    We bring our dogs to a lovely dog park which is regurlarly visited by both big and small dogs and they all get along just fine.

    I see examples every day of the bigger dogs playing in a different manner to accomodate the smaller size of the dogs ie the big ones rough and thumble and with the smaller ones, it depends on how much the smaller ones likes to play/ run/ chase etc

    I've seen my dogs and other large breed dogs bowing to smaller dogs.. it depends who's the boss that particular day. :eek:

    I understand the above doesn't apply to all dogs, maybe just the well adjusted ones who have been taught manners.

    However , there is no excuse for bad behaviour in dogs either in or out of off leash parks.

    It is up to people to train their own dogs how to behave and i believe having off leash parks is a great training ground.

  6. I agree with Mikeilli that while it is true there is a lot of Fat labs around the place there is plenty of other breeds that are just as bad.

    It makes me sad that any dog is allowed get overweight as it really affects their energy levels and long term health imo.

    The amount of people who think a lab equals fat and cuddly is criminal

    Here is a few of my two

    Bru(Yellow) who is 20 mths and is about 32kg and Chloe our recent addition who is 23-24kg( she is alot smaller than Bru)



  7. Just wanted to post and quick update- thanks to those who replied

    Things have settled down so much in last couple of weeks

    We cut back the evening walks a bit and there was an improvememt straight away in him

    Poor guy was knackered from the laps with Chloe during the day and then our walks in the evening

    We are gradually increasing the amount of evening exercise again as we like the dogs to be fit and happy

    Both are very happy with each other now, face chewing has stopped and scars are almost gone.

    We introduced bones to Chloe- poor thing didn't know what to do wth first one- she's over that now :vomit::eek:

    Bru is a happy boy once again who loves Chloe- they are rarely apart these days- think he realised she is here to stay and not a visit :eek:



  8. We are taking Chloe for a vet check up tomorow and i'll ask him about Bru.

    He did have a full check up the week before we got her and all was really good.

    We were away over xmas for a month and he stayed with a family who have a Golden Retriever same age and he was ok, however i am going to find out if he was like this after the first couple of week. He was compltely normal when we brought him home( just over a month ago)

    I am thinking it prob is tiredness, think we'll shorten the walks for a few days see if that helps

    I am wondering should i be worried about the face chewing- should i put anything on the marks?

  9. We got a second dog just over a week ago. She is a rescue Lab 14 mths. We have a18 mth Lab caled Bru

    As soon as we brought her home they hit it off and it was like she has always been here

    They played together outside and there is no agression but they do play rough- we weren't overly concerned with this as labs do like a bit of rough and tumble especially with another lab( just my opinion/expierence with our guy)

    Chloe seems to be smitten with Bru and follows him everywhere and he has been very cute with her- very gentle as he is bigger.

    All was good until last couple of days.

    Bru seems to suddenly be depressed( for want of a better description) and wants to be alone alot.

    To explain he is normally very smoochy and loves our company- outside the house he loves meeting other dogs but home he is at our feet or sitting with one of us.

    My worry is she is a bit rough with him, she sort of chews his face and at first i wasn't concerned but there is holes and marks on his cheeks and i'm wondering if it's getting to much for him.

    He is very gentle and would never snap back and i don't see it as them fighting, its just her teeth are a bit sharp( we will give her bones to help with this, as am sure she has never had any/many)

    Last couple of nights while he initally seemd ok out on our walks and at the park he doesn't seem to want to be in the same room as Chloe at home.

    She does follow him everywhere and that seems to make him worse- he just sort of saunders off and curls up by himself.

    We make sure and give them individual attention as well as attention togther so as no one feels left out

    Should i be worried? Or am i just being an idiot and all will be fine once they settle in?

    I've no idea how to stop her chewing his face during the day-we don't allow it inside as we encourage calm inside behaviour.

    Just to be clear she is in her permanent home, we love her, just trying to figure out if this is just a settling in stage.

    Also i do not want to seperate them during the day.

    He's not ill as when alone with me he is same as he always has been. I've checked both of them of ticks/ bites etc

  10. I took this on my phone this morning so quality not great

    But i thought it was too cute not to share outside the lab forum

    This is our boy Bru with his new sister Chloe who came to live with us forever last Sunday

    She is 14mth, he is 18mth old

    We think they get on.... :cry::(


  11. Could you make some suggestions? Eg. "my friend had that same problem with getting her dog to come back, so she tried X".

    Or maybe suggest that she buy something like this: http://www.vetnpetdirect.com.au/BDLSNUB ...or if it is really bugging you then buy her one and say you had it laying around at home and didn't need it anymore. :thumbsup:

    I'm going to print the info about the snub lead and show it to her tomorrow see what happens

  12. I might try chatting with her again tomorrow about it. The issue is guite a few people have had a word with her about it and offered all sorts of solutions help because they are a lovely group of people and wanted to stop it and help

    She just either doesn't listen or doesn't want to listen, i can decide from her which it is.

    The sad thing is her dog is lovely and very friendly, our guy loves him but i won't risk a broken leg.

    The same is the case for others that go, who have outrightly said they don't want her dog near theirs if she doesn't take the lead off.

    Explained to her how dangerous it is etc

    Thanks for the advise i'll see how we go again tomorrow

  13. Haven't been on here in awhile but i have a question/need advise

    We live about 20 mins walk from a dog park. It's a lovely park and the people and dogs that go there are all great.

    There is rarely any trouble between dogs, they all get on big dogs, small dogs all breeds.

    They all play lovely together as all know each other.

    However, recently a new lady has started coming with her young dog( not sure of the breed- mid sized very sturdy dog)

    She lets him off in the park to run around with his lead still on.

    My issue is this little guy likes to roll around with the big dogs and the big dogs tumble and run etc my worry is a dog will get his/her leg stuck in the lead and there will be damage.

    A few people have asked her nicely to please take the lead off while she is in the park and others have told her to take the lead off.

    Her response is she couldn't catch him unless he has the lead on( she walks up to him and stands on his lead to stop him running off)

    It's at the stage now where people have had to stop their dogs playing with this particular dog.

    He is a lovely little dog and all he wants to do is play so i feel very sad for him

    Tonight i spent the whole evening calling our guy away as there was a few near misses yesterday when all the dogs were running together and there nearly was a entanglement.

    Talking to this woman is not working, is their anything else we can do? Aside from finding another dog park or not going there anymoew

  14. Hi perthite

    We have a 7 month old lab, he is not a barker(except if he thinks a possum is going to jump from the tree in through the window into the house :( )

    However there was a lab at our puppy school that barked all the time at home according to her pwner , i guess what i'm trying to say is all dogs are different.

    I will say and it's just my personal opinion that, they do need a lots of space to run around.

    They have lots of energy to burn and do like to explore..

  15. Just thought i'd pass on what our breeder told us to do for first few weeks when we brough Bru home. He said put some hot(not too hot) water in a bottle,wrap in something( we used some thick towels) and put it into bed with the pup. Apparently it reminds them of being nice and warm with it's littermates. We tried it and it worked, he would snuggle into it for the first week or so then he didn't need it.

  16. Outside for definite, we leave our guy outside during the day and he entertains himself with whatever he can find- bits of tress, pots, logs etc( all attempts of introducing kongs have resulted in them being buried somewhere) :rolleyes:

    He will probably stay near the house for first few days and then start exploring around your yard.

    Lab pups like to chew, dig and sleep all day and most importantly like being in the shade.

    If you don't have one, the best thing to buy for him is one of those blue pools you can get from kmart- best thing we ever bought for our guy. It's a instant cool down for them.

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