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Posts posted by swazzie

  1. My dog Bru is sick and we don't know what is wrong

    Husband has taken him to 24hr vet now as he was shaking .

    He was doing this weird burp thing before we went away , and on and off since we came back

    He's lost weight very quickly and is not eating much. We were managing to get tuna info him this past few days( as he was refusing dry) but today he didn't have little or nothing

    He's a lab so he always eats normally .

    I'm so upset and only dog people really get it.

    I dunno why I'm writing this , praying it's not serious - angry with us we didn't bring him to vet a Last week, but we were all sick and didn't .

  2. No too be honest he's seems same as always. I've felt around his tummy and pressed it firmly and he didn't even flinch.

    This dog! I swear everytime( it feels like) we go on holiday something happens.

    Last time he got a large gash on his leg and he needed an emergency trip to vet ! He's never sick the rest of the year

    I should also say the other one burps all the time - we don't even think twice and joke about Chloe and her little lady burps - her is food though- ie eating what she shouldn't

    He's now asleep - ruddy dog

  3. I need opinions

    Bru has been doing these long burps over the past few days. It was only occasionally up to today. This after noon his been doing them about every 20 mins or so.

    Normally he never burps - at all

    My problem is we are going on holidays tomorrow(flying) and I'm dropping both dogs to the kennel at 4 today. I have small boy home today and don't know if I should try the vet.

    We are both in work in morning and flying afternoon.

    I'm freaking out that there might be something wrong, but on the other hand I'm thinking surely it's nothing it's burping

    It's just that he doesn't do it ever

    He's not eaten anything new or done anything different that I can see or think of

    Any advice??

  4. I also think maybe an older dog (lab ☺️) that is already trained with kids. Thinking back Chloe was crazy when we got her at 1 as a rescue, she would have been fairly boisterous with a small child. Now she is the the most laid back dog ever and treats small boy like he's her kid- very motherly. Mine are 7 this year so their pastimes are sleeping , following small boy round , eating and lying about some more. On the other hand Bru was mostly always calm ,so I think he'd have been fine as a puppy with a kid.

    Depends on the family and if they know to put in the work from the beginning .

  5. I have two labs and a three year old. They are the most gentle dogs and just gorgeous with small boy. Literally since we brought him home they have adored him. We trained them to be quite inside and don't allow crazy behaviour in the house.

    Small kids can be rough with dogs it's just a matter of teaching respect .

    Highly recommend them as a breed for a family with kids .

  6. I probably wouldn't bring a very young pup to the million paws, but the reason I'd be most worried is that it's 5kms - bit long for a growing pup.

    In saying that at the Brisbane walk I only saw one pup and s/he was in a puppy pram!!

    I wouldn't be worried about bad behaviour at that walk, as every dog that walked around us/ that I saw were so well behaved for the entire event - maybe it was the rain ????????

    Disclaimer: when we got there , we heard a bit of a scuffle when everyone was waiting to go- rest of the event was issue free.

  7. Ok thanks for all the comments and advice , I'll send them to her .

    She is a very sensible person and I believe she will get help for the dog, whatever it takes.

    She knows the hugging maybe an issue, so is addressing that.

    They visited the large rescue organisation to visit puppies, met this dog, fell for dog, said they'd think about it, little girl pleaded, rescue lady said yes little girl you can take him home today( mum was shocked and wasn't planning on that at all) couldn't say no ( due to a different reason involving a dog they were to get) so he came home with them?that day.

    Very wrong imo, but that's what happened.

    So yes, he was looked at ,but whether it was to the extend if dog was suitable to live with them- not sure probably no

  8. This is for a friend.

    She rescued a pup late last year, he's now 8 mth.

    He had a really sad story , was beaten so badly as a pup that one of his front legs had to be removed.

    He's a number of breeds, bit of Dane in there I think so he's already quite big.

    They are the loveliest of families , the biggest heart and they basically fell in love on first sight and took him home.

    So roll forward to now and he has settled in with them, however, he started to display some anxiety which they feel is based off his early life . He barks at the male neighbour and seems very scared of him. She said the man is the nicest ever , had never even been near the pup but thinks the pup is reminded of the male who beat him due to neighbours build. She's worried about noise complaints

    On top of that he is showing a little bit of aggression towards one of the kids- the girls who's 6. They also have a boy 3 but pup isn't growling at him at all.

    I've suggested trying to get some training for him ASAP as I worry about the growling . Also have said they need to make the dog understand where he is in the pack as right now it seems to be dad, boy, dog , mum , girl. As well as some basic training ideas especially around food as he is food obsessed .

    They love the dog dearly, he is a dote- very loving , the girl in particular adores him, hugs him etc.

    Any suggestions that would be low cost, that she can do with the dog maybe at home?

  9. Ha ha stupid iPhone Leonberger it is.

    This one was just so beautiful, I wanted a cuddle.

    The owners were lovely, they seem very used to every second person asking then what it was and gushing about how beautiful he is.

  10. We were at the million paws walk today and I have a new dog crush - Leon Berger. ???????? The most beautiful dog I've met( aside from my two of course ☺️????)

    Anyone have one?.

    DH said I can't have one as they would eat us out of house and home.

    Edit to correct burger ????

  11. The first year we had Bru I swear I sent the vet on holiday with our out of hours visits.

    One time I was convinced he was limping and therefore must have hip dysplesia (sp!!) .

    The vet makes him walk up and down, dog is wagging his tail so much and no limp, vet says to me with a smirk he's the most healthy dog he'd seen( and seeing he'd seen him the prior week for something else my baby dog had, he should know)

    Another time we thought Chloe had eaten a kg bag of chocolate. It was good Friday and the vet gave me choice, take her to the out of hours animal hospital 45 mins away, or make her sick and watch her all evening . So we did the latter and then next day realised that actually she didn't eat the chocolate ( 4 hrs outside with the dog, few calls to the vet ) and it was a rat!!)

    Thankfully I got smarter after that first year!


  12. Ok I said to Dh just now about the snake possibility ,as Ive the worst phobia about them.

    I got "yeah swazzie a snake move into our brand new house three years ago and it's living on air in there and scaring crazy chloe every few weeks /months!! - no I'm not going to check ????????

    Ok then

  13. I did not think about the snake in wall , now I'm stressed about the hallway????????????

    She not overly fussed with noises in general ie we have possum galloping across the roof each night and she wouldn't even raise an eyelid - most of the time, aside from these episodes she one step away from slothdom.. Think statue dog.

    If she heard the food bin opening though she's be down that stairs like a billet ,ghost / spirit /animal/smell get out of the way.????

    But I'm wondering now if she does hear/smell something in walls , even though she's more looking down at floor when she's refusing to come out /in and jumping round .

    The weird thing is this all started a few months after we moved in and it started on stairs then moved to top of stairs, which is the problem hallway.

  14. It's timber floors throughout

    I'm not keen on feeding her in our bedroom or in hallway as they eat downstairs.

    So many people say to me that she sees something , I'm not wanting to believe that ,as it give me the shivers ???????? however since it something that only happens on and off and does send her really crazy I'm wondering .

    It's a new house though , but we did knock our old house and build a new one.

    She is a very observant dog when it come to some things, like for example when I was first pregnant and didn't know she was sniffling my tummy area constantly . Any time baby would kick she'd be over with her nose stuck to me.

    If DS is unwell she's super sensitive and protective of him.

  15. I'll try that next time.

    DH thinks she has issues from before we got her that resurfaces now and then. She was a rescue, but we have her from 1 yr ,she's 7 this year . For the first couple of years she was a little scared of the laundry and anywhere that she couldn't see an easy way out- we think she spent some time confined in a laundry. She ok with our laundry now though and has no issues in bathrooms etc.

    When we got her she was scared of stairs, but Bru taught her she so she's fine now, however every maybe 6 mths or so she'll refuse to either come up or go down the stairs - food does help get her moving though.

  16. Lol I stand there thinking what are you seeing doggie. Meanwhile the other lab is standing there wagging his tail and has a goofy lab smile during the carry on .

    In all seriousness she genuinely seems to be afraid and I think sometimes she looking at something and barking .

    The small boy doesn't have many words yet and last time while chloe was carrying on , he's pointing at the hallway and then blabbing to chloe.

    I'm the biggest skeptic though so do think I'm reading too much into it .

  17. It's a new house less than three years old.

    She's a lab and is completely unaffected by storms and there is never anything in particular I can pinpoint to weather or noise etc

    Eg week before last it was late afternoon and then last weekend it was Sunday morning. Both normal days no storms , wind or anything .

    Twice within two weeks is a lot usually we get a longer break.

    I'm general she is a calm dog.

  18. One of my dogs has been acting a bit weird on and off over the past couple of years and I'm wondering if anyone has experienced similar with their dogs

    I'd like to start by saying there is nothing medically wrong with her.

    So every now and then Chloe will decide she's scared to pass through one corridor in our house. She'll either a) won't come out of bedroom to rest of house as she has to walk through the hallway or b) won't go into the bedroom.

    She acts kind of distressed like a high pitched bark( note this dog rarely barks and if she does its playful at the other dog, if he's not into playing , she doesn't bark at people who come to door, out on road etc)

    Sometimes it goes on for upto 30-45 mins during which time I sonetimes try and calm her down or coax her out or into room.

    Once she's passes the hallway ,it's like she then forgets it's an issue and will happily wander in and out thru same hallway, no issue for rest of day.

    The frequency is once every few months.

    We've said jokingly that she sees dead people ????☺️

    The most recent time my three year old small boy got upset because she was ( they are literally joined at hip) but she seemed to calm a bit when he stood next to her.

    Anyone any ideas?

    I'm not super worried as it not a frequent thing but I do find it odd..

    Also should say her eyesight is fine.

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