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Everything posted by nixy
I decided to get my Great Dane male desexed at 4 months mainly due to the fact that he started humping (not that he knew what he was doing) and if he tried to hump one of my girl dogs, he would have had the biggest barny lol. He is now almost 10 months old 33" at his shoulders and is over 50kgs. He is slim and lanky and has a slender head. He is the biggest gentle giant and such a couch potato! hehe
That is true, the life span of any dog is dependent on the breed, the breeder and the care of the owner. Plus pure breeds are often cared for better then crosses. If you look after your dog well regardless of it's breed you can be pretty much ensured that your dog and friend will live a long, healthy and happy life.
this is a pic of akasha lazing around hehe and here are 2 pics of akasha and her mummy bonny ^_^
it will definately be an enjoyable journey im just going to guess that she will grow to a similar size to my other girl
you shouldnt aspire to this. A dog grows to what it grows, if you want guarentees then purchase a pedigree. Grow giant breeds slowly and better to be a bit undersized then grow them huge and suffer the consequences of bad legs and joints later. This is a really good point Nekhbet. You need to read up a lot about feeding large breed puppies such as using only a large/ giant breed specific food, maintaining a steady diet for the first 12 months at least (ie not switching around), no calcium supplements etc etc. You also need to be aware of the appropriate exercise for a growing large breed puppy. i am very aware to let her grow slowly and always monitor the amount of protein she eats.
akasha's mum was tan, and her dad was a black pure dane... i've asked about the heritage of her, and there is nothing that mentions rottie which i was suprised about too. souki is the first puppy i've had, and when she was driven down here, i thought it was ok to take puppies from the min age of 6 weeks, but ive read a lot on here that it is recommended to take them around min of 8 weeks.
naw thank you ^_^ i cant wait to see her growth journey and how big she will get! to me, the bigger the better, means more love to give haha or more big bear hugs
that's a pic of her at 6 weeks this is her at 10 weeks lazing on the couch this is her still at 10 weeks playing with her older sis akasha who is nearly 2 (great dane x french mastiff) another action shot, akasha weighs in at 46kgs souki thinking akasha's great dane like lip tastes nice lol
sorry i clicked on wrong quote im such a noob lol
i have familiarised myself with the forum rules and I am not posting in a breeders topic so I believe that I am allowed to write this in here as it didn't seem to fit in any other topic. ohh!!! thank you so much, I was trying to find an appropriate area to type this and couldn't find anywhere, I didn't mean to insult anyone
Bindii, stop attacking me!
wow, I'm sorry if you took my wording the wrong way, I do apologise for that. I rescued my puppy to get her out of a pig hunting life style as I don't believe it is a nice sport.
i have familiarised myself with the forum rules and I am not posting in a breeders topic so I believe that I am allowed to write this in here as it didn't seem to fit in any other topic.
The mother has been sold interstate so yes this is the last litter from them and as to them being desexed, I don't know if they will be or not. I know this forum is based on pure bred dog breeds, but I am still a strong believer in cross bred dogs. Yes, pure bred dogs are very nice and very saught after, but with my experience I have found that all the cross bred dogs I've owned have lasted till at least they were 15 years old and have never had any serious medical problems. Whether that means I'm just lucky or not I can't say but I think cross bred dogs make just as nice pets as pure bred dogs
I recently got a beautiful merle great dane x irish wolfhound puppy who is now 10 weeks old. I have been monitoring her weight and height and was wondering if anyone knows approximately how big she will grow? Her father was a great dane x irish wolfhound (short haired), and her mother was an irish wolfhound x staghound (wirey haired). She turned 10 weeks last Thursday and at that time she weighed in at 7.8kg and was 15" high at her shoulders. I'm hoping she will grow to a similar size of the dane or wolfhound as 3 quarters of her are large. This was the mummy and daddy's first litter together. I met the mum and she looks identical to a wolfhound beautiful scruffy black girl but I don't think she is as tall as a wolfhound. I'll upload pictures when I can. Any suggestions advise?