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Everything posted by Lizzy06

  1. Thanks poodle fan. If anyone has any good stories to share on a d og with health issues that she has help sort out or under control via nutrition please let me know.
  2. Yes. I live 3 hours away and loaded the dogs in the car and drove to see her. I think she's a great vet. She's helped quite a few DOL members dogs. Oh my gosh wow. May i ask what dramas you had etc? How and what did she do to sort out your problems? Were you having troubles getting them sorted out? I wish i came across her before i spent thouasands at my last two vets. What we do for our animals!!!!
  3. Hi All Has anyone been to Dr Barbara Fougere? I came across her on a holistic Vets NSW website and was thinking about having a phone conversation with her for a nutrition consultation for Lizzy. I cannot get her to see them as i live a couple of hours away. It will be expensive so i'm a little unsure unless i here she is good. I have spent so many $$$ and i cannot afford to waste anymore if it doesn't help. Thanks all
  4. Hi Lizzy, don't know if this helps but we recently moved interstate and I had to find a doggy chiro. After trying internet, yellow pages etc I decided to ask at my local vets. They gave me the number of a chiro, bowen therapist and accupunturist as well as a "Natural Clinic". I decided to try the bowen and have been amazed and delighted at the results. So my suggestion is ask your local vet. If you're in Perth then I can tell you there is a dedicated clinic in Midland. No unfortunately i live in Newcastle. 1.5hrs North of Sydney. Thankyou though i did ask her old vet clinic with no luck. I will check with he rnew clinic
  5. Hi i have posted this topic before and not gotten any replies. I was wondering if anyone has a naturopath for dogs or humans / dogs who have put in place a good diet for thir dogs with health problems? I don't know how to go about trying to find one. I can only see people ones in the phonebook
  6. I hope not but it sounds like Pancreatitas. She needs to go to the vets and be checked out. Hope you sort it out soon and everything is ok
  7. Iam ropeable after reading this. My Lizzy has so many health issues now after being fed Chickern Jerky treats from China. The vet was trying to get me to start her on these treats as they are low in fat and her teeth need cleaning. Thankgod i didn't as he rlittle body has had enough poison! I'm absolutely fuming at this particular moment!
  8. Took Miss Lizzy back to the vets on Friday afternoon for more blood work and to get her results from her Xrays and Ultrasounds. The vet suggests we cut her open to have a look at what is going on inside her tummy. They will take biopsies of some of her organs too. The scans came back with a few things that were abnormal on them. Her Gall Bladder looks really big, she had another section near the gall bladeder that the vet is unsure of what it is whether it's inflammation or something else. She also had a round black dot that the vet doesn't know what it is either. She said they will have a look at her pancreas as well make sure their are no abcesses and just generally check everything that is going on within that small body of hers. The scan showed and inflamed pancreas and a fair bit of solid fat that she can possibly remove. She has been great over the weekend and not unwell at all. I'm honestly starting to believe that her pancreatitas attacks have all been triggered by stress. Pretty much every time she has had an attack i can link to some kind of stress that could have possibly of triggered. Now i'm worried about putting her in for this major surgery.... I hope she is in good hands. I just have to get up the courage to book the surgery.... I'm also worried that it might trigger another attack by putting her through the stress of the operation.
  9. WOOOHOOO Congratulations to you and Chloe. That is excellent news.... i'm so happy some of us are having great outcomes!!!!!!!! Big Hugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Hi all thanks for your replies!!! I do do all those things mentioned. I do not understand why she keeps having attacks. The only food i feed her is Royal Canin Low Fat digestive tin food. She had another flare up last tuesday night! I took her to the vet yesterday and they did an ultrasound and Xrays and more blood work. The vet was going to sit down and study the scans and give me a call tomorrow with whay she thinks we do next. I have spoken to a few people in the U.S i'm told they have internists over there who put their dogs on fluids for 5 days straight to give the pancreas long enough time to recover. I have a feelng maybe she has never properly recovered but i don't know what to do as they don't do that here!
  11. Well it is becoming so expensive..... i thought that was why i had a small dog to avoid so many expenses. I have spent thousands so far. Well she took more blood and tested her electrolytes and kidneys etc again. Everything appears normal with that. Even her BUN was in the normal range!! I take her back on tomorrow arvo for an ultrasound on her pancreas and i have to take a wee sample in. I'm going to ask for her CPLI test to be done again to see if it has come down! Just hope i get her sorted and soon! thanks for asking
  12. IS it bad for a dog to have a bad heart rate? what reasons could cause it? When i took Lizzy to the vet on Saturday the vet checked her heart and she said it was only 80 beats per minute, this was when she was stressesd as well she said she would have expected it to be about 120. When she settled she chekced it again and it had dropped to 70. Just curious whether anyone knows if this is something to worry about? She does suffer from pancreatitias, not sure if there is another underlying condition. But other that than she is slim and otherwie healthy looking
  13. My girl is only a baby, i have no idea what leeps causing her flare ups! Can i ask what diet you have your dog on? and what caused it?
  14. I'm taking my Princess Lizzy to a new vet this afternoon. I have been struggling with her pancreatitas for well over a year now!!! I so hope this new vet can help us try to control and perhaps help with further testing to get her on the right track. Please keep us in your thoughts. She is still only a bubba and deserves the best chance at a good long healthy life
  15. I have everything crossed for you and i honestly hope your baby Chloe is cured!!!!! what a miracle if she is. Please let us know as soon as you know her results!!!!! Big Hugs being sent your way
  16. I live at the Terrace so it is actually a 30 minute drive for us. But if they are good and can help i do not care one but.
  17. Excellent thanks for telling me that I have asked to see Michala Keen so they said they would put a note down for us to see her. Apprantly she is good. So fingers and toes and everything else crossed. I hope this is the change we need to help my Precious Girl!!! Thanks for the good wishes too !!!! means alot!!!!!
  18. Just letting you all know that i'm taking Lizzy to a new vet today. At Lambton in Elder Street it is apparantly an all female staffed practise. I need more answers and help with my girl so i will see how they go. Willl let you guys know if they are any good
  19. Does anyone know of a good naturopath in the newcastle or surrounding areas? I'm thinking about trying naturally to help my babe out. Vet's don't seem to be helping!
  20. My girl is still suffering from these treats!!! I cannot control her pancreatitias and i'm at my whits end! I'm so upset!! My babe is not even 3 yet
  21. Hi can i have some more information about this specialist vet you are talking about? My girl suffers from pancreatitias and i think it is time she sees someone who may be more specialised!
  22. I cannot remember what they are called but i used to take my bunny rabbit to one at Hamilton. Just over the bridge, near ALDI etc? hope you know where i mean if you don't let know and i will try to find an address. They were very good!!! I take my pooch to one in Raymond Terrace now as we have since moved!
  23. I feed my girl Raw and sometimes semi cooked carrot. She LOVES it and it is the only treat she gets nowadays!
  24. Hello My little Lizzy has had numerous attacks of pancreatitas. (she will be 3 in July) I'm still trying to get her under control, so i'm not much of one for advise at the moment. Although she is on Royal Canin L/F Digestive tin food and bikkies to help control it. Honestly to start of with when it first hit her i could say yes there were foods that could have caused her attacks, but now that she is on low fat food i don't know what is causing her last attacks. (she is also on enzyplex which gets mixed up in her food) The vet said it could be stress related too. I hope it was just a once off and it doesn't happen again to your baby!
  25. That is excellent!!! Let us know what her report says? It is such a relief when they are going well
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