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Everything posted by Lizzy06

  1. I guess if you can find where to buy it from you can do it yourself. I injected my girl myself but the vet had already put it in syringes for me. Also make sure you get the real fine needles. The last ones she gave me were thicker and it hurt which made her jump around and was so hard to do it myself. Whereas she doesn't feel the finer ones. I was just told to give it to them every week for 4 weeks every year.
  2. I buy all my treats from the Australian Pet Treat Company Lots of bits and pieces there to look at. Thanks i have saved that to my favourites page. I will speak to her nutrisionist within the next couple of weeks and see what she recommends too. In the mean time i have to try my hardest to keep her away from the darn wood!!!
  3. She has eaten furniture before. Nope she actually eats it. She doesn't get anything to chew on at the moment because she suffers pancreatitas and i don't know anythign she can stomach yet. How will i know if it punctures her insides? will she become sick? Pain, any sort of difficulty swallowing and lethagy would be the things to watch out for. My friend's dog with pancreatitis handles beef tendons OK - you could ask your vet about those. Roo tendons might be good too. Thankyou for that fingers crossed it hasn't done anything to her!!! Do u know a brand or is that just what they are called? i was trying to get her her diet under control b4 i introduced a chewable treat to her. She gets sweet potato cooked in the oven nut eats that in 2 seconds
  4. She has eaten furniture before. Nope she actually eats it. She doesn't get anything to chew on at the moment because she suffers pancreatitas and i don't know anythign she can stomach yet. How will i know if it punctures her insides? will she become sick?
  5. anyone?surely my dog is not the only one to have eaten wood lol?
  6. Hello My little girl was exposed to chicken jerky treats from china for about 3-6 months last year and got very sick. They have left her with a few unknown health issues. We don't know the total extent of damge to her organs etc. But at one stage they thought she had renal failure, she suffers from pancreatitias also from having these treats. She is almost 3 and has been sick on and off since feb last year. We did the ultrasound and Xrays to try and see if we could work out what was going on with her. It didn't give us to many answers as the vet who did the ultrasound was not competent i don't think. But her Gall Bladder was enornmous and her pancreas looked inflamed etc. They wanted to cut her open and have alook at all he organs but i really don't want to put her through that. I contacted a vet in Sydney. All natural vet care, i posted a topic on this forum and had great reviews about how they had helped dogs with cancer etc. I had a phone consult with Barbara the other day and she seems certain we can help her organs via Chinese Herbs and antioxdents and probiotics and then change her diet around. I only started her on the herbs on saturday. I'm not saying this will help your girl as i'm not a vet but if surgery can be avoided i'm all for it! Keep me updated and i would seriously ask about alternative treatment if you have time on your side. Cheers Kris with Miss Lizzy
  7. Hi i was just curious whether there was away around avoiding having it removed? My little one has a few health issues, she had an ultrasound done a few weeks back and her gall bladder is very large and abnormal in appearance. I have started treating her a more natural way and the vet is confident we can avoid surgery. I don't know if this is possible in your case as it sounds very serious.
  8. A couple of times my Lizzy has eaten small pieces of firewood. I've been trying so hard not to let her near it but she is so quick if a piece falls she grabs and bolts away with it. I worry that when she has swallowed it she may get a splinter. How will i know is she does? I'm just really worried at the moment as i had a piece lodge in my finger so easy the other day and i now i'm worried Lizzy might have a splinter in her throat or somewhere. How will i know if she does. It took 24 hours before my finger started to get infected! I'm going to try so hard to stop her from getting any more in the future but i'm worried about the bits she has already eaten. She has enough sickness and this is the last thing she needs but i cannot help it i constantly worry about her So i guess what i'm asking is whether anyones elses dog has eaten or does eat wood and have they ever had any health issues develop from it? or have they been ok? Responses appreciated
  9. This is terrible!!!! and i'm ropeable about the whole situation!!! My girl first started getting sick last Febuary and this was ongoing for months and months (and still suffering). The treats caused her to develop pancreatitias to which i have so much troubles controlling! She has had so many flare ups. At one points the vet also told me she was going into renal failure and that she may only have a few months to live. Luckily she came through it. Besides being stuck with constant pancreatitias. I have spent many thousands of dollars in vet bills and will probably have many more to come. At the moment i'm going to have an interview over the phone with a nutrisionist in Sydney to try and work out a diet plan and to get her started on some Herbs. I feel so sorry for her she has now been suffering with her health issues for almost half her life. She is only young and will be 3 next month. I was the same with you i was so careful with what went into her mouth. I love my little dog so much. She is my world! I also only bought her these treats because they said 100% chicken breast. No this and no that etc. They were expensive for such a small amount in th packet so we thought they have to be good. We were sometimes feeding her over a packet a week. When she went off her food she would still eat them. But when she turned her nose up and them that was when we realised there was something seriously wrong! If only i had seen the small writing on the back of the packet saying imported from china. Even throughout her sickness i continued feeding her the treats and she kept getting worse. I wasn't made aware of it until December when i took her to the vet and there was a sign up saying to 'beware of dehydrated chicken jerky treats from china. It still didn't click until a few days later when i was doing our groceries and i thought i would look at the back of the packets. I almost died i felt sick to the stomach. 10 months after she had orginally started to get sick. There is also a man from my work who was feeding his dog the treats and it developed Liver problems.!!!! What do we do? this cannot just be brushed under the carpet. Is it worth me emailing this letter off i typed up? can they sue me or take me to court for anything? I'm so sorry to hear you also suffered from this. Thankgod your girl has recovered and i'm so sorry that you sister inlaws mums dog was not so lucky.
  10. I was wondering whether anyone elses dog was affected by the above? I have typed up a letter and was going to send it to the company to let them know what happened with my pooch and so they know i'm not happy etc about the $$$ it has cost me and her health. I don't know where i stand though. I don't want it to turn around on me and for them to sue me or take me to court for writing a letter to them. I was wondering what other people might have done? Lizzy's vet gave her results to Sydney university and they were apparantly looking into it. I asked her vet the other day and he said the case etc seems to have just died! It is not good enough as far as i can see and i want answers or compensation.
  11. Are you serious? That is so kind. I will try a couple of things and see how i go first, but if it doesn't work i may take you up on that offer. Thankyou very much
  12. Wow thankyou i will be sure to have a look at this closer in my lunch break..... very muchly appreciated! We have about 4 large ares of gardens and soil areas so i have to do something. I let her out again last night watching her and she again mentioned still to pick some up and eat it. I won't be letting her out anymore until i fix the problem!!!
  13. Just wondering how Chloe has been going? no more accidents??
  14. I'm leaning towards this idea. I feel bad but i do have to think of my own here. My luck though they will go and buy more cats!!! I don't exactly have $50 at the moment to buy a trap though. I have sepnt me thousands of $$$ with the vets over the last 1.5 years. I will have to though. Unless i buy her a muzzle to wear outside but that will probably stress her out. Someone told me to fill water bottles and put them around. I don't know how that can work
  15. Yeah i just rang the council and they told me that the cats are aloud to run free and they don't have to be kept in their yard....... This could potentially kill me dog! I don't want to harm anyones animals but they are harming my precious girl!!! It is just one thing after another at the moment
  16. Yes it is in our backyard constantly. Two neighbour have cats so i presume it is theirs doing it. They bury it and our backyard must be covered in it as she is always sniffing and digging it up! I don't know how to say anything to the neighbours as i have already asked them not to let their kids feed my dog or to throw food in the yard as it could kill her. But now it is the cat issue!!!! I might ring the council but i cannot see them doing much about it!
  17. How do you stop dogs from eating cat poo? or how do you stop cats from pooing in your yard? Lizzy suffers from pancreatitias and i caught her this morning eating cat poo. I have caught her doing this b4 as well.
  18. Well i'm glad to here that the Dr knows that raw diets do not suit every dog. I'm sure she will take that into careful consideration when working out a plan for my sensitive belly girl then!
  19. Yes i have an open mind, am open to anything that may beneifit her. I have got the ball rolling now and asked her vets to fax her results down to them. Fingers crossed they come up with an excellent diet plan for her
  20. Why are you 'not fussed' about feeding your dog their natural diet? I can understand that raw meat can be gross but if your dog benefits more from it than form the cooked equivalent, isn't it worth it? especially if your dog has already some dietary problems.. :p Yes if i knew she was going to benefit from it i would definately feed it to her. But the vets have told me not to feed her raw as this makes more work for her Pancreas which is already struggling! They think it would be a big mistake as she has already had a few attacks.
  21. Thanks everyone for your replies. With the diets they forumulate they are not raw are they? not to fussed on feeding Lizzy raw. Do they make up a couple of ideas and not just the one boring diet for life? she is only 3 and i want to know of a few things i can feed her and not just one meat for the rest ofher life.
  22. Wow this is just great news. I have already spent thousands and thousands so whats an extra few hundreds i guess! Do they stay on the herbs for ever or just a short period of time? I have the biggest smile on my face. Can someone please post the link to their website for me?
  23. Yes. Thanks PF - wonderful crew up there... Can't praise them enough for what they have done for us over the years And all via telephone conversations etc? i feel so good right now. This is very promising for me and my little one Did it work out very expensive?
  24. I'm not sure what clinic she is from. But i came across her on a holistic vet register. Perhaps poodlefan can advise us? That is excellent to here Ollie has has gone so well!!! sounds promosing. She is overseas at the moment but she said she will talk to me when she gets home and if need be she will discuss things with Lizzys current vets etc. Apparantly there a 4 vets at the clinic.
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