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Posts posted by claireybell

  1. Thanks guys!

    We're off to the vet tomorrow so that I can be shown how to express, yuk!

    Tonight she will be given her normal dinner. If she doesn't eat it all (its never a huge bowl anyway) then she will receive less tomorrow.

    I'm also off to Robbo's Pet Barn after work to buy a kilo bag of the Vet's All Natural, at only $12.50 a bag I'm willing to give it a go!

    Wish me luck!!!!!!!

  2. She doesn't really get any processed foods, I think thats why I'm so confused! She has a small amount of kibble, then its necks and minced frames. The only not so good stuff that she does get is half a shmacko strap every night after I've eaten dinner if she's been a good girl and not jumped up at the table.

    She will eat a not so meaty bone's as a treat on a sunday. Should I increase this?

  3. :rofl: Thats the problem she wont eat if she doesn't like it! She's a total princess!!!

    I tried the minced frames on her and she really liked them so I'm going back to get more of those. She's had red meat before but she just turns her nose up at it. You'd think I was trying to feed her poo!

    How did I end up with such a princess for one dog and another dog that will eat anything if I put it in her bowl? Bloody dogs.

    I have a sneaking feeling I may need to learn how to express her glands :)

  4. I've tried every veggie known to man and she wont eat any of them! She's been getting psyllium husks since the 8th August and last night we smelt that coppery smell again that she gets when she needs to be expressed!

    What am I doing wrong?

    I've realised that the last time she had stink bum was a day after she had been revolutioned. Same thisng has happened again. She was revolutioned two days a go. Do you think there is a connection?

  5. I have a cocker and a beagle. The cocker was way to distracted to do agility, too interested in the other dogs to train for toys or treats. My beagle is awesome at agility!!! She will do anything for treats or toys and she just blossomed at agility. They can be stubborn but most beagles will do anything for food and praise.

  6. I leave the house each morning at 7:30am and get home at 5:30pm. I have two dogs at home by themselves during this time. I actually got the second dog cause I thought the first dog was lonely, best thing I ever did!!!

    Before work we go for a quick 20 minute walk aroudn the block. They are allowed into my bedroom which is normally off limits while I put my face on and then I'm off. After work we walk to the park for some off leash running, usually about 45 minutes to an hour. After dinner OH spends about an hour throwing balls and stuffed duck's for the dogs. By about 9pm they are buggered and they slink off to bed.

    most weekends are spent at dog parks, obedience clubs and visiting family (dogs are included of course). I think it works well. My dogs are in a routine and they seem to knwo which day is Monday as we all get a little sad! :laugh: As long as the dogs needs are met and time is spent with them before leaving for work and upon arrival home you should be fine. Just be sure to take time off work when you first bring puppy home. I had a month with each dog when they came home.

  7. My cocker was soooo cheeky as a puppy. With the right training and persistance your cocker will get better. I must say though when I first got Jesie I was over it by about a month into it! I'd never had a puppy before and she was very tiring! However she is nearly 3 now and is just the most gorgeous dog to be around. Full of enery 24/7 and always on the go but just such a happy little thing. Those eyes are just to die for aren't they?

    Hang in there Sal, it does get better.

  8. Poor Princess Jesie-Jane wasn't much of a princess last night! Disgusting! We're doing the grovery shopping tonight and i have added the psyllium husks and a blender to the shopping list. Poor dallas (OH) will have heart failure when he finds out we need a blender for the dog! :champagne: Good thing he loves Princess Stinky Pants as much as I do!

    Thanks for all the suggestions guys! :laugh: You've been a great help. If any of you think of anythin else please let me know.

    claire & her stinky princess

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