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Posts posted by claireybell

  1. Do you have a teacup english cocker? My mum wants a dog and she'd like a cocker spaniel but says they are little big for her. She'd prefer gold please

    Gold - check

    Smaller than "English" cocker - check


    Hmmm very nice but maybe too much fur? She doesn't like grooming dogs. I'd really like a bloodhound but in a smaller version with less drool. Got anything like that?

  2. When I'm at an off leash park and another dog cones in my dogs are put back on lead. I have no idea if the new dog is friendly and vice versa. I then approach the new dogs handler with my digs on lead and ask if we are allowed to say hello and socialize our dogs together.

    My happy go lucky cocker is an easy target for unfriendly dogs, they seem to be able to pick up her happy vibe and think they can then dominate her. I won't stand for it so I make sure my dogs only ever meet other dogs on lead first and with the owners consent

  3. BabyDragon see Jan (male vet) at Beach Street Vet Clinic. My cocker has just been in for her vaccination and we did the 3 yearly one.

    Their phone number is 9781 4499, just make a booking with Jan for a vaccination and when you actually see him tell him you want the 3 yearly. he's the best vet ever!!!!

    Edited to add that when I spoke with Jan I mentioned that the receptionist said all vacc's are yearly and he said its so that owners bring their animals in for a yearly check up. thats why they say the vacc needs to be done yearly

  4. So, my cocker spaniel Jesie has anal gland issues. Still! We've changed her diet, added vets all natural and nothing is helping. Every 6 weeks she getting them expressed. My vet asked tonight if we were happy to keep coming in and having the glands expressed or if we wanted to explore the surgery option. He's not pushing us but has suggested that surgery would definately be a good option.

    We're unsure, what to do. On one hand it must be really uncomfortable for Jesie to have her glands squeezed every six weeks but on the other hand there's a chance (very slight) that she could become incontinent.

    Help!! What would you do?

  5. OH and I live on OUR house so OUR rules. Not his and not mine.

    This means we've compromised. He doesn't like dogs sleeping on the bed, no problems they have been kicked off. I dont like people farting in the bed, no problems he now goes to the bathroom when he needs to fart.

    our dogs are allowed in the house when ever they like whic is 99% of the time. They take all the couch, hog the blanky and heaven forbid if i want a cuddle from OH cause the cocker starts barking at us!!!

  6. That Bullmastiffs are NOT about to rip you apart. They are not boxers or classed as a dangerous dog and they are wonderful with kids.

    Dogue de Bordeaux:

    Same with our Dogue de Bordeaux! They have got to be one of the most gentle dogs I have ever known. I have had babies climb all over our girl and she doesn't mind a bit. Yet people are terrified of her.

    I have had people scream when she walks past, though they don't mind a bit when the neighbours Golden Retreiver runs at them full pelt. This always intrigues me, because if you want a dog to freak out and attack, wouldn't moving quickly and screaming do just that lol

    They do drool though...people are spot on there.

    Cocker Spaniels:

    Are NOT dumb dogs. Many people warned us against getting our cocker, but she is the smartest little thing I know. She sings on demand, plays dead, rolls over, bows weaves through your legs and knows words such as bunny and pussy cat, mouse, bird - and she didn't even need any formal training to learn all that, she just picked it up...sometimes only a few tries and she will have picked up a new trick. Not dumb at all.

    Thank you!!!! EVERYONE tells me that cockers are stupid. I had one lady tell me that my cocker was actually a spoodle cause her ears were curly. Um no! She had just been bathed and we were walking so that she could dry off in the sun and then I would brush her!

  7. SUCCESS!!!!!!!! She has eaten breakfast and dinner for two days straight!!!! :laugh: I noticed yesterday that she had a slight ear infection (yeast) so have been giving her drops for her ears and she is eating so well. She even went back to her bowl this morning and licked it after she'd emptied it which is something she never does.

  8. Growing up we had English Cockers, Shelties, Labs and Maltese. I currently have an English Cocker and a Beagle X.

    I want to own a pure Beagle and will always have a beagle in my life. I will probly never own another cocker only because they would never compare in anyway shape or form to my current cocker. She is my heart dog

  9. We have a dog door and the girls come and go as they please.

    They get a 20 minute walk in the mornings on leash and then a 40-60 minute walk of a night time off leash.

    We dont walk in high winds as my cocker gets dust in her eyes and we end up at the vets. No issues walking in the rain though. For them anyway! :shrug:

  10. Some success! I've bought the BARF patties. Madam Fussy pants has eaten half a patty last night and another this morning. She should be eating 2 patties a day but I'm happy as long as she eats anything at this stage.

    I think you may be surprisd. It doesn't tkae much Barf to put weight on some dogs. If you can move her onto the Lamb, that will fill her out.

    I'd love to try the lamb but whenever either of my dogs have anything lamb they do the most horrible stinky farts! :shrug:

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