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Posts posted by claireybell

  1. I'd be concerned about any fur products coming from China, I am sure they are just as cruel to a rabbit, cat or asian jackal as they are to a dog.

    Correct. I've seen numerous videos of alive animals being skun. One of the most shocking was a raccoon. And also a dog on a pile (a pile of animals all who had been skun alive) who lifted his head and was looking around. :mad

    Dear Lord that is revolting. :cry::cry:

  2. My cocker Jesie has pee'd twice in the house in the last 4 days when she has become over excited. The only other time she has ever done this is when she was a very young puppy. She is fully toilet trained. We had a problem some time ago where she would not go outside to toilet if it was raining but we have overcome this issue.

    First incident occured while playing ball inside. OH was throwing the ball for her and she was retrieving it. This had been going on for about 20 minutes when she went to retrieve the ball and very suddenly squatted and pee'd. She was given a firm NO and put outside. She knew she had done the wrong thing. The second incident ocurred when we let her and the beagle into our bedroom Saturday morning like we usually do. She was very excited to see us and squatted on the doona and pee'd. I said No and she ran outside having managed to stop her toilet mid stream and finish outside. OH and I were completely gobsmacked.

    We have an appointment with our vet on Wednesday as she needs her anal glands expressed. This is an ongoing issue that diet has not fixed. I will be speaking with him about the excitment peeing but was wondering what your opinions are?

    We have changed a few things lately and I wonder if this could be part of the cause? I am expecting our first child later this year and we have removed the dogs from their bedroom to turn it into a nursery. The dogs are still allowed into the nursery but they no longer have their own single bed in there. They do however have crates (they've had these for some time in the lounge room) and each night when going to bed we put blankets on the couch for them.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you

  3. My beagle X is a HUGE cuddler and will get on my lap with her front paws around my neck and snuggle her head into my neck while I give her heaps of little kisses.

    However my cocker will put her 2 front paws on my legs with her bottom on the couch and wait to have her chest stroked. She also likes the occassional zerbert

  4. So, we picked up our pram on Sunday and its awesome!!!!! Problem is our cocker, Jesie. She hates anything that moves around on wheels. Not sure why but its always bugged her. We put the pram together and thought we had the brakes on. Whoops the pram moved ever so slightly and she did her usual trick of going nuts. Backed away from the pram and barked incessantly. This is how she always reacts to anything that moves on wheels. She is fine as long as the object/pram is stationary though.

    Obviously I need to get her used to the pram as it will be around for a while and I'd also like to be able to walk the dogs with the pram. But first things first. How do I get her to accept the pram and not have an issue with it?

    My beagle X is fine with it and couldn't care less.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  5. Unfortunately I got both my dogs before I knew about DOL and registered breeders. I've learnt slot!

    My cocker came from a "breeder" with papers but no health testing. I paid $750 for her which I understand now is quite cheap. My beagle X cocker came from a pet shop (never again, I know better) and she cost $300.

    Obviously I adore my girls and wouldn't change them for the world but since joining DOL I have realized my mistakes and will always go through an ethical registered breeder in future.

  6. My beagle X prefers humans over all other dogs. She's not aggressive, just not interested. However, I already had my cocker when I brang the beagle home. She adores the cocker and wouldn't be without her BUT I would never have been able to do it the other way round. My beagle would not have liked to go from an only dog to two dogs. It's just the way she is.

    If something were to happen to my cocker we would never introduce an new dog into the family until the beagle passed. This is why I only have 2 dogs and not the 3 I wanted.

    Some dogs just prefer to be loners. That's my JoJo and sounds like your Fred

  7. My beagle LOVES duck poo, nom nom nom. The cocker just loves to roll in it!

    When I had cats the beagle used to raid the litter tray. My X built an outdoor area fo cats only (think a run that looked like a pergola) and this stopped the beagle eating their poop as she couldn;t get to it.

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