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Everything posted by claireybell

  1. Dogon, your Rodney looks just like my Jesie Jane when she was a baby! Oooohhhhhh I want another puppy!!!!
  2. Hi there! I have an english cocker aswell. I find that walking her in the morning before work (about 20 mins) and leaving her with plenty of toys is fine for her while we're at work. After work we do fun things like go to the beach, go to an oval that is fully inclosed for of leash running, go to Nannies (my mum) to play with the other doggies. She was always fine. We still do all these things but now she has a play mate aswell. We have a beagle X cocker puppy and the two of them play non stop all the time! Some nights, not very often though I'll come home from work and both are too tired after a full day of playing to be bothered with a big walk. On these rare occasions I just walk them round the block. My cocker and other cockers I've owned/met seem to be very social dogs. They like nothing more than to be with their family so plenty of time spent with them and they will be pretty happy. P.S. my puppies have two cats to chase around the house aswell when I'm at work and cant tell them off!
  3. I had both of my girls done at 5.5 months. I was definately more stressed about the hwole thing thwn what they were! Each of them came home groggy and tired but the next day you wouldn't even know that anything had happened! My vet told me its better to get it done earlier as they bounce back alittle bit easier when they are younger? Not sure how true this is but it worked with my two girls
  4. My two are getting a full Christmas dinner, toys, collars, leads, beds, and a bath!!
  5. Thank god you got your baby back!!!!!! I also live in Frankston, I know they cant do it with my dogs (cocker and beagle) but it's scary to think this can happen just because someone 'thinks' that a dog looks like a banned breed. Home for Christmas though!!!!!!
  6. I've just spoken to my vet, firstly because I had no idea what parvo was. Now I do and luckily my dogs are fully vaccinated. She did say that there has been one case reported at Karingal Vets which is located in Frankston, South East suburbs of Melbourne. Question though, even though my dogs are vaccinated are still able to pick this nasty disease up?
  7. Hi Anthony, I know you have cockers so am wondering which you chose for yours? I'm looking at something different for my two and am really not sure what to use? Its all so confusing!
  8. Thanks guys. Its nice to know that someone else thinks your baby id smart. I've always known my two were brilliant! yeah right. Nah it was a great day. We all came home buggered and OH went and got chinese for tea to celebrate.
  9. Thanks cockerlover. We've also found out last night that Jesie has won the award for most improved dog!!! Each year they pick one dog that has come along leaps and bounds and they receive the award. When Jesie started in Feb EVERYONE at club thought she had ADHD (i still do sometimes) and that she'd never be trained properly. Haha we proved them all wrong. Once she started concentrating it was all systems GO! Do you think the club president though may have been biased as before we joined he was the only one at the club with cockers? Hehehe
  10. Thanks Luke. They had a ball today and really really enjoyed their shanks. Greedy girls
  11. Ok So I wanted to shout from the roof tops that my two puppies are BRILLIANT!!!!!!! We had what's called a fun day at our dog club today. We go into our classes and are judged on how well the dog and the handler are doing. The judges then make a decision as to whether the dogs go up a class. Not sure if its the same in each club but it starts with Puppies, Beginners One, Beginners Two, Pink and then Yellow. Well my baby Jodie who will be 7 months old on Monday and competed for the first time today got THIRD PLACE! I am soooooo happy with her. Especially as I never train her myself. My mother inlaw does all Jodie's training. Yay for Jodie my wonder dog. She will now skip B1 and go straight to B2 as of next Saturday. My one year old Jesie started at the club in February of this year in puppies. She came equal 3rd at her first funday and was moved to B2. She then came 2nd in B2 and moved to Pink. Well today she came 3rd in Pink and we are now in Yellow!!!!! Yay for Jesie the Super Dog. I am soooo very proud of my two girls and thought I would share with you all. They both had a great big lamb shank as congratulations. My two champions
  12. TigaJess She's beautiful. My Jesie went through the biting/mouthing phase and I thought i would go mental. Sometimes i used to pretend to cry when she was biting and mouthing too much and it worked a treat. She thought she'd hurt me so she stopped and gave me kisses. I then told her how good she was. We kept up with the correcting and now she will mouth once when she is really really excited and then she licks my hand. Unfortunately though our other puppy is now going through the biting stage and again I think I'm going mental with it. The pretend cry doesn't work with her so I have to correct her. Patience and persistance. I think sometimes it takes a saint to deal with a teething puppy! At least your not as stupid as me and got a 10 week old beagle when your cocker was only 8 months old! Yes I am totally bonkers! Good luck with her and I'd love to see HEAPS more pictures
  13. Thanks guys. They get a mixture of science diet and super coat biscuits. Every Sunday they each get a nice big bone and are both put into the yard so that i can clean the house without being pestered, maybe I should give a couple more bones during the week? Thanks for the info about the brocoli, i didn't realise it was so bad for them! Someone (can remember who) told me that brocoli was fine. Will stop giving them that though. I also heard that lamb is not good for them because it's too fatty. Is this right?
  14. Hi there, I have two questions regarding both the amount of food I should/am feeding my two dogs and also about their toilet. I have a one year old English Cocker Spaniel named Jesie (10kg) and a 7 month old Beagle X English Cocker Spaniel named Jodie (11kg). They both get a cup of biscuits for breakfast in the morning which Jesie doesn't usually eat all of so Jodie finish's off the last little bit. At dinner time they get a quarter cup of biscuits, half cup of vegies (mashed brocoli, carrot and pumpkin) and a half cup of boiled chicken thigh or beef. My Jodie is always hungry and after she finishes a meal she brings her bowl to me because she wants more! Should have named her Oliver I think. My Jesie seems a little on the thin side, not scrawny by any means but I can feel her ribs just a little to easy I think. I dont want to over feed them as Jesie has a tendency to put weight on easily. Am I feeding them enough? Also Jodie's number two toilet always seems a little bit sloppy. Not runny though and never firm. Is it to do with what she is being fed? I haven't changed anything in either of their diets. Any help would be greatly appreciated as it's all a BIG learning experience for me and the OH Thanks in advance guys
  15. They are lovely looking dogs! I have a one year old cocker and a 7 month old beagle X cocker. Both are female and we've only had one problem to date. They were both given a treat and when the baby finished her's she decided she wanted the cocker's. Well she got told by my cocker and it was the first time ever that I had heard my cocker growl. They soon got over it though. Most people say its a recipe for disaster but so far so good.
  16. I had no idea when we got our first puppy but by the time we had our second I had a clue. When she looked like she needed to toilet I called her name and said 'Shall we go out?' We then walked outside and I waited for her to toilet. When she was in the process I said she was a good girl and once complete she was rewarded with a small treat. It pretty much did the trick. We had occasional accidents of course but in all a success! We used schmacko's as treats, just cut them up into small pieces and keep them close to the toilet area or take them with you.
  17. Itend to use a mixture of sausages (OH seems to steal them though) cut into small pieces, cheese in small pieces or boiled chicken again in small pieces. Easier to swallow while training without much chewing. I've also used the bacon bits you can get from the deli in the supermarket
  18. I totally agree with Luke about the Bouncy Bone. IT'S BRILLIANT! I would be lost without mine. I have a teething beagle and she never lets her's go. The little bugger even brings it to bed and rests her head on while she sleeps. I got mine from a pet supply store for $17.95 and it was the best money I have ever spent. Another idea which has also worked with my puppy and which was suggested on the forum is an empty coke bottle (or any soft drink bottle) with bits of carrot in it. Jodie tears her's apart and loves it. Not as much as the bouncy bone but its still chewable
  19. Thanks HEAPS Erny. I really appreciate your advise and will put your suggestions into practice.
  20. Thanks Monah, I've actually called a few places today to make enquiries but thought I would get some advise to make sure I wasn't over reacting. My other puppy is soooo out there! We actually thought she might have ADHD to begin with But this poor baby is very much a mummy's girl and isn't very happy unless I'm around or she's destroying my furniture! Cocklover she is desexed. She was done at 5.5 months.
  21. Hi, I have a 6.5 month old beagle X cocker spaniel, Jodie who I just adore but am starting to have a couple of problems with her. I also have a one year old cocker spaniel named Jesie. So Jesie and Jodie get on brilliantly, play together all the time, sleep together the whole lot. But on Saturday we had a couple of mates come round, the girls barked when my friends got to the door and then Jesie jumped all over them to say hello. Jodie however kept barking and started growling but was doing this from behind my legs. I told her to stop and we all sat down but the whole time my friends were there she would not come out from behind my legs and every time my mate put her hand down for Jodie to sniff she started barking. Then on Sunday we went to the park and ran into a lady and her dog that we see all the time. I had let me two off lead and she let her's off and they were all running round. Then Jodie had a bit of a freak out when the dog came over to sniff her bottom. She ran behind my legs and had her hackles up. She did this the entire time we were there and in the end we picked Jodie up as we started to worry that she might turn on this other dog and bare her teeth or worse. Late Sunday afternoon another friend came over and Jodie put on the same performance for this friend that she had for the other two on Saturday. My friend stayed 3 hours and by the time she left she was able to give Jodie a pat on the back without Jodie freaking out. We already know that she is hand shy and has seperation issue's with me. So when she is in my arms as this is what she feels is her safe place I get my friends to pat her very gently. But this fear of everyone and every dog is really getting out of control. I really advise here guys. My other dog is completely fearless and figures that everyone and everything loves her so this is all new to me! Would I be best to seek out a professional to help with this?
  22. With the bigger dogs at club (collies and stuff) they also teach the owner to sort of squat and put one leg in front of themselves. The treat is on the opposite side of the leg so that the dog has to come under the leg to get the treat which naturally pushes them into the drop position. They use this method on dogs that just wont drop. I've not had to do it myself but just tried it out on the puppy and she got the hint pretty quickly. Maybe once they've mastered it this way and know what the word means you can then do the fold back?
  23. Hey thanks guys. She's really good at obedience. We started at out club in Feb of this year in puppies and have moved up three classes already! We'll be moving to yellow class in about 2 weeks time. So she's really good at her obedience but she seems to get bored with it. After about half an hour of class she looks at me as if to say 'um I know what I'm doing and am bored now, can we go?' So thought I'd give agility a go as she really good a picking things up. Thanks again for the info, will start calling around and reading up!!
  24. Hi guys, I have a one year old cocker spaniel named Jesie and I'd love to start doing agility with her. Problem is I have no idea how to even begin! I belong to the Frankston Dog Obedience School who teach it but am not a fan of the instructer as her dog rushed at mine a while ago and I am still waiting for an apology. Does anyone know where else I could go for this?
  25. My beagle chews and destroys EVERYTHING! I've bought her and my other puppy a bouncy bone which keeps them occupied for hours. They also both have treat balls and every rope toy in the world. Our house and garden is pretty much baby proof now (after much destruction). Baby gates on the rooms they are not allowed in and nothing left haning about. I once left my bra on the bathroom sink and the little devil balanced herself on the bath to get up onto the bathroom bench and get my bra! Needless to say is was in pieces when she had finished with it. Learning the hard way sucks! Lots and lots of toys though. Also just before you leave for work throw some breakky cereal on the grass, they spend ages search it all out.
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