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Everything posted by claireybell

  1. My two have breakkie together as I am sat with them having a coffee and there's no fighting. Dinner is a different story though. Jesie eats like a lady while Jodie hoover's her food. So at dinner time Jesie eats in the laundrey and Jodie eats outside with the cats. Jodie always finishes first and will scratch at the door but she's finally figured out that she cant come until Jesie has been to tell me that she finished eating.
  2. :rolleyes: Ahahahahaha Jes and Jo are little different. - Go to dog park and sus out who has what in the way of balls and play things - Discuss between each other which victim they will pounce on - Target spotted, keep watch - Target throws ball to their dog. Jes and Jo run after the other dog - Hassle poor dog by both my dogs running around it until dog gets flustered and drops ball - Jes picks up ball and brings it halfway to me - Jes drops ball and Jo picks it up and does a runner - Ball owner and myself chase my b@#tard dog around the park until she gives up and drops to the floor (she's very lazy so doesn't take long). - Hand ball back to owner, apologise and go for a walk around the block instead where there are no balls!
  3. All our love to you CL from me, Jes and Jo Lord Huchie you behave up there! Try not to sleep too much on your satin sheets.
  4. Ahahahaha There's no way my gorgeous Barkly is that naughty! You photo shopped didn't you?
  5. My cocker was a dream to train in obedience (besides the drop/stay which she now wont do?). She picked up all her commands after about 3-4 goes. When we are off lead in a park her recall is brilliant. The only time I've ever had a problem was when I was sick for a week and she didn't get walked for three days. The next time I took her out she didn't want to come back to me. She was obviously protesting because we hadn't been out in a while. I walked away from her and she ran back to me. She gets on with every person and dog she see's as her theory is that every living thing was put on this planet for her to love! She's very friendly. Occasionally she chases the cats but usually because she is shooing them off her bed. However she loves nothing more than to chase birds! I dont think she'd hurt them if she ever caught one, she'd be more interested in letting it go so that she could chase it again! I also have a beagle X cocker who has been very easy to train. She is not so out there as my cocker so she takes her time to warm to people and other dogs. She is totally food driven and I think would be happiest if I left the lid off the biscuit tub! She's also a laxy little thing. If it wasn't for my ADHD cocker she'd sleep all day!
  6. She is ADORABLE! Can I ask for more pictures please? Cant get enough of those puppy eyes!
  7. Jesie seems to understand it. I pronounce my commands very clearly so there is no confusion.
  8. My release word is OK for everything. I've done some training with her the last couple of nights and have gone back to basics. She's still popping up pretty quickly but I do feel that we made some progress tonight. She managed to stay down until the count of 4. Small miracle's
  9. My cocker is 14 months old and I think she will always be a puppy to me. Cockers never really get over that silly puppy stage which is the reason I adore them! My beagle X is definately still a puppy at 8 months old. She will always be known as the baby of the family!
  10. Stupid question but what is NRM? I found out that Jesie would have won her last trial at dog club instead of coming third if she had of got the drop stay right! So frustrating!
  11. Thanks, will give it a go. Not sure why she's all of a sudden stopped doing it though?
  12. Sure can fbaudry. I put her in the sit position, get her attention on the food reward ( like thats hard!), lift it just above her head and say 'pray'. She puts her paws gently round my hand while eating the reward. It looks totally adorable! Will try and get a pic of it for you!
  13. Hi guys, I'm looking for some help with my dogs drop/stay. She used to be really good at it but lately she just wont do it. Everytime I drop her she pops back up again within a second. The only way I can sometimes keep her down is if I crouch down with her and keep giving her food. This however doesn't always work. Any help / suggestions / advise you can give me would be greatly appreciated.
  14. When I spoke with my vet they told me that the cost of a titre test is $220 I then rang around and the average price for my area was $220-$240. Each vet told me the same thing, that all the test had to go to a lab in WA as this was the only one in Australia. Is this correct?
  15. Mine do the same aswell. Jodie also licks Jesie's ears which is really disgusting!
  16. Hey Luke at least yours needs a couch to get to the bench. My beagle can jump from the floor straight into the kitchen sink! We now have baby gates ALL over the house! I dont even have any kids!
  17. Totally agree with Nekhbet. The ranger needs to be called to this dog. the owner's may pay attention to what they're dog is actually doing then!
  18. Wow, that's dedication to hide for 3 hours LOL. Sasha just runs and runs. When I do manage to get her to stop, she will keep pushing my hands away and pull her head and shake it, generally throw a tanty. I buy the best of food, almost sends me broke... which she will turn her nose up at usually, but will happily scoff poo from any other animal, or any scraps/rubbish etc that we come across on our walks - if I'm not fast enough to spot and avoid (SOMETIMES if she knows she's in trouble she will drop it). Totally embarassing people must think I don't feed her and she's a garbage dog!!! Yeah she's a bugger! She's also really stuboorn! Just like her mummy!!!!!
  19. Jesie's ears have been really good lately and I'm pretty sure its due to the fact Jodie likes to lick Jesie's ears clean! It's really disgusting! ;)
  20. Yeah mine can smell it. Once I've got the bottle out it takes roughly 3 hours for Jesie to come out from under the bed! Duck or Cat poo! Mmmmmm yum! I must admit Jesie doesn't mind a bit of duck poo to roll around in or eat.
  21. I clean my cockers ears every week and the little madam HATES it!!!! Runs under the bed as soon as I get the bottle out. No matter what I do she still hates her ears cleaned but I have found that if I put her on a table and place a bit of peanut butter on the table to keep her occupied then she is a little happier. Unfortunatey for her she will have to endure this for the rest of her life as she is a cocker with long ears. Poor baby
  22. Yay He's home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give him BIG cuddles
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