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Everything posted by claireybell

  1. Hi guys, I've just found out about Rally-O and I'm really excited! Me and my dog Jesie would LOVE to give this a go! However the only place in Victoria I can find that does Rally-O is Croyden Dog Obedience Club. Does anyone know of any other clubs / places to be taught how to do Rally-O in Victoria? Or is there a thread that lists this info? Thanks in advance for any info you may be able to give me.
  2. I know Frankston Dog Club and Hastings Dog Club only train during the week during day light savings. Otherwise they're training is: Frankston - 1:30pm Saturday's Hasting - 11am Sundays You could also go to Lee Cougley on Thursday nights at 7pm? She's at KCC Park. I think its about $11 for an hour. Its a class, not one on one. What flyball team are you a part of? I live in Frankston aswell! I'm part of both the Frankston and Hastings Dogs Clubs. I'm on the committee at Frankston Dog Club
  3. Yay! Thats great about your MIL
  4. I agree with Paganman. Try a different puppy school or even a dog club once your puppy has had all its vaccinations. When I took my puppy to school there was big and little pups. The big pups were allowed to have free time togther and once they were back on lead the little pups got free time.
  5. Teebs is right, puppy will more than likely sleep while your away. I was able to be at home with mine for the first week then it was back to reality. Gone every week day from 7:30am until 5pm. They're pretty good. I leave a heap of toys for them which I rotate every few days and sometimes I throw cereal on the lawn as they spend hours searching for it. Try not to stress
  6. My beagle is doing agility but the other week when everyone was away at a trial we tried our hand at obedience. Super STAR! i was so impressed with her. She's never done any obedience before so yes I think they can do both!
  7. I have a beagle and a cocker. My cocker picks things up really quickly. Show her twice and she has it usually (except for her drop/stays). My beagle is the same. She's been a dream to train aswell. The difference between them though is my cocker many works for her squeaky toy and my beagle works for food.
  8. Here is my little girl, Jodie. 10weeks and 10 months
  9. She dropped for her dinner last night and I counted until 5 before she got it! Small steps but she did it well. Thanks again Nehkbet for all your help!
  10. Thanks heaps Nehkbet! Really appreciate your help! Her sit/stays are brilliant, doesn't move a muscle. Just these drop/stays. We're off to club on Sunday but will try and get some practice in tomorrow. Maybe i might get her to drop for her dinner?
  11. Our annual visits cost $75 each. The vet does the vaccination, checks their ears, mouth, heart and has a general feel. He also asks me if I've had any concerns, asks about their diets, feeds them liver treats as he talking to me and then we leave with a pig's ear for each of them.
  12. She's really good at her look command so will definately give what you said a go, thanks heaps!!!! Drop/Stay - I tell Jesie to drop, give her a food reward and then tell her stay in a firm voice. My release work is OK and when she has finished the exercise she gets a food reward and pats. When she breaks I walk away with her and set her up again like a new exercise. I have no idea what you mean by proofing though?
  13. Thanks for all the replies guys. Jesie walks beautifully on the lead, no pulling, a few sniffs but never pulls me or tugs on my arms. But when we do see another doggie she gets that excited that she pulls like a freight train and lunges at the dog. I usually say "Jesie wait" to no avail and then its a tug of war between me and her. She has a focus word of look where she looks straight into my eyes and she's really good with it. Should I tell her to look when we see another dog so that I have her attention? Nehkbet, whats Dog Borstal? Also your pretty clever (suck suck), I'm having issue's with Jesie's drop/stay again! Its so frustrating. She gets it right and then it all falls apart! I'm positive it's me and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. In her obedience class she should be doing a 5 minute drop/stay and some weeks she cant even manage a two second drop/stay! Grrrrr. Are you able to tell me the basics for getting a dog to do the drop/stay? I think maybe I need to go back to the beginning
  14. Thanks guys. I have a short leash so will give that a go on Sunday. If it doesn't work then I think I might invest in a halti
  15. No instructors have suggested anything? She has a flat collar and a regular leash. Someone said to use a short leash? Would that help?
  16. I have a 17 month old English Cocker Spaniel, Jesie. She is really really friendly. I'm sure she thinks all animals and people were put on this earth for her to love. I like that she's so friendly but she does have a tendency to lunge at other dogs sometimes to say hello, she's never aggressive. Here's the scenerio: We're at dog club for obedience classes, all dogs are on lead. Jesie see's one of her friends and lunges towards the dog to say hello. Now the other dog is fine about it as they know each other but my concern is that she will do this one day to a dog she doesn't really know and trouble could happen. How do I stop her from lunging?
  17. You took the words right out of my mouth! My beagle has this anal gland problem and I've been shown by my vet how to do the dirty deed of expressing them. First time I did it I thought I was going to be sick but you know, you get over it.
  18. It is probably just the photos you've shown but your pup looks like she has shrunk Very cute all the same I wish! Nah just the photo's I think
  19. So cute! Jesie at 6 weeks (breeder's photo) and at about 14 months
  20. Ahahahaha that expression is priceless! My Jesie would love to do something like this!
  21. We have two dogs. My cocker sleeps under the bed and every morning just before my alarm goes off I hear her go out to the toilet and then she gets on the bed for a cuddle. Its wonderful. My beagle however spends all night at the bottom of the bed snuggled between mine and OH's legs. I dont mind the dog's on the bed. They sleep well and dont cause any problems. However my dogs are both quite small. They aren't large dogs that take up all the bed.
  22. When I got both of my puppies they did exactly the same thing. What I did was tell them no and put them on lead which was tied to something near by (we used the pantry door handles as table is very close to pantry). Once my puppy had sat down nicely she was allowed to come off lead. As soon as she did it again she was back on lead. She learnt pretty quickly. Not sure if this is what you should do but it worked. Both ignore us when we are having dinner now.
  23. Run free little babies. Big hugs and kisses to you both.
  24. Dr Robbie is great. He is so happy all the time and makes my girls feel extra special when ever they visit. Because of him they both enjoy going to the vet. I have no drama's getting them there. My cats are still a bit stand offish with him though. But then again my girl cat is a total snob!
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