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Everything posted by claireybell

  1. My cocker, Jesie is usually called Bongo even though her name is Jesie. She is the "happy idiot" and Bongo just seems to suit her
  2. I try to avoid all unleashed dogs. My Jesie is a very happy dog and for some reason this tends to attract the DA dog's. I would rather keep her a happy dog so I now avoid unrestrained dog's unless I know them and their humans.
  3. At home destroying their toys while I work hard so that i can buy them new ones! ;) I dont have a computer at home (i have 4 at work, thats more than enough)
  4. My Beagle sniffs my cocker spaniel's bottom as she is doing her number two's. Its so yucky! She doesn't eat it or anything though. Scent hounds LOVE anything stinky!!!!
  5. I have a Beagle and a Cocker Spaniel. There are two cats next door and just the sound of their bell jingling is enough to set my two dogs off. They go insane! When they start barking I ask them to be quiet and when they do they get a treat. They have learnt very quickly that being quite when they hear the cat means tiny bits of sausage. It took a while for the cocker to get this (she's a happy idiot) but my beagle picked it up straight away.
  6. I adore that Anbbie was woo wooing. Absolutely gorgeous expression! Dont worry about the stupid lady. You loves your dogs (both of them), that's all that matters
  7. Anyone been here with their doggies before? It looks great and we're thinking of going down just before Easter http://www.redpaws.com.au/
  8. R.I.P. Misty SB she's wagging her bum and waiting for you on the other side!
  9. My Jesie is the same. Happy ALL the time! Her tail never stops wagging and it always looks like she has a smile on her face! I adore that she's such a happy girl. We nick name her Wagga Bum cause when her tail is wagging her bottom wobbles! :D
  10. Did you also know that all dogs have to be registered by 4 months of age? My cocker was not registered until 7 months becuase I waited until I had her desexed her. If I registered her before desexing it was about $120. After desexing it was $30. I mentioned to the council that most vets will not desex until 5.5 months (unless the animal is from a shelter/pound and they already come desexed) and that their laws for registration should be changed. Frankston Council didn't care and they wanted to fine me for not registering my dog earlier. They didn't get to fine me though because I kicked up stink
  11. Thanks guys. I'll cut the kibble out and give her vegies in the morning and one neck. Then vegies and two necks for dinner. I didn't know about the brocoli and cauliflower causing suppressed thyroid function! Thanks Poodlefan, will definately be swapping over to pumpkin. Are carrots and apples alright? Both dogs LOVE bits of chopped up apple and carrot
  12. My beagle, Jodie is terrible for jumping up at the kitchen bench and trying to steal food. Its a habit we are slowly breaking but is a constant struggle. If I left a piece of bacon on the kitchen counter my cocker spaniel would even notice. My beagle however would be on the bench eating it.
  13. Good Morning, I'm after some advise regarding my Beagle, Jodie. She will be two years old at the end of April and is what the vet calls "plump". I'd call her fat. I'm not sure what I can do to change her diet to reduce her weight but still keep her full? The problem I am having is if I reduce the amount of food she receives she then starts eating my other dog's poo. I'm pretty quick to clean up after toilet in the yard but if they go when I'm at work then obviously I am not there to clean it up until alot later in the day. This is what Jodie eats each day: Breakfast - half a cup of kibble (science diet light) Dinner - cup of mashed up brocoli and cauliflower, 3 small chicken necks I used to be bad for giving her tib bits but have stopped it for the last two months and have noticed a difference (she is starting to get a waist line). I was wondering if I should maybe only give her chicken necks once a week and change them for some sort of mince? She gets regular exercise. 20 minute's on lead walk every morning and each night its about an hour of exercise. Half hour walking to the park and half hour of free roam around the park. Any advise you guys could give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanking you in advance Claire and her fat Beagle
  14. :p Kisses to you CockerLover Huckie Boy we still miss you.
  15. My sister was set upon by a German Shepherd when she was very young. Ever since she has been terrified of these dogs but not all dogs. Just the bigger variety. I have a friend who has the loveliest German Shepherd you will ever meet. Pasha is just the most gorgeous, friendly and happy dog in the world. I arranged for my sister to meet Pasha (with his owner) at a park. My sister was scared silly at first and wouldn't go near him. After about half an hour of walking around the park she pretty much got over it because she realised how lovely he was. By the end of the play date she was giving him pats and cuddles. My sister is still wary of larger breed dogs but she no longers runs from them.
  16. Breed(s): English Cocoker Spaniel Age: 2 yo Food: Dry biscuits, brocoli, cauliflower, chicken necks Cost: approx $2.25 per day Breed(s): Evil Beagle Age: 2 yo Food: Dry biscuits, brocoli, cauliflower, chicken necks Cost: approx $2.25 per day
  17. I installed a split system for my dogs which is programmed to start up at 11am. My dogs will be alot cooler than me today!
  18. R.I.P. Savannah Big hugs to you MTD and both your girls
  19. Massively HUGE hugs to you ninoid12 and Miss Molly. the waiting must be driving you nuts. Please give Miss Molly a big sloppy kiss from my two doggies and all our prayers will go to you in your time of need
  20. HI, I adore Frenchies!!! Are they any good with cats?
  21. My cocker likes to lick her chicken frame to death. She takes freaking hours!!!!! The beagle however inhails hers!!! Takes her about 2 minutes to eat a frame and 2 seconds to eat a neck
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