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Posts posted by claireybell

  1. I have an English Cocker Spaniel. Everyone tells me how stupid cockers are, completely thick headed is another comment! It drives me up the bloody wall.

    When we were attending our obedience club she sailed through the classes. Within 12 months she'd gone from Beginner 1 to White (classes are: B1, B2, Pink, Yellow, White, UD). I can show her a trick or command once and she gets it. Not stupid at all. Just cause she never stops wagging her tail and is pretty much constantly happy this does not mean she is thick!

  2. Jesie my cocker is the whinger, she NEVER shuts up. Always with the wagging tail and whinging.

    JoJo my beagle X is the growler. She growls at everything you just described plus she growls when Jesie burps! :laugh:

  3. Growing up we only ever had one dog at a time. When I got my first dog I felt sorry for her because I work full time and she is such a people/dog kind of puppy. Very active and just loves everyone. So I got her a puppy! Best thing I ever did. They adore each other but still adore me also. The three of us do everything together

  4. I was actually the snob on Sunday. We met a lovely man at the creek with his puppy. I asked what she was as she was obviously a cross poodle and something. He proceeds to tell me that she is.......

    A third generation pedigree Labrodoodle


    I smirked and said "Yeah my beagle X cocker is a mongrel aswell" He was most upset with me.


  5. Both my girls now the routine and they live by it. My cocker is terrible with change. When we moved house last year she vomitted three days after moving in. We ended up at the vet.

    We're moving again later this year but this time i have more time to get her used to the new house. We've planned a few sleep overs and day trips.

  6. My cocker is always under my feet. She tends to follow me everywhere and as a result I am forever falling over her.

    Last time I fell over after the dog chased the cat up the hall way with my knickers in her mouth. I went sideways (naked) and ended up on crutches for 6 weeks!

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