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Everything posted by SpikesPuppy

  1. We should all show our dogs in a sterile environment with no bait, squeaky toys and heaven forbid no interesting doggy scents! What about the males who cock on the table? Ewww. Although I will say I HATE people who throw bait and don't pick it up, not because of my dogs but because it's gross and indoors can be slipped on or outdoors if left can attract flies etc.
  2. It's only a wee show - 737 total I think. Don't have the break down on me, sorry but there are I think 114 in Group 1 and about 80 in group 2. Not sure if I will end up going, only have one entered.
  3. Hiya, which shows are in your part of town? I'm more than happy for you to handle or even just practice with my guys if im at a suitable show. My older kids like to have someone new to handle them lol. Eta just noticed you're out East, we don't show often that way for some reason but the offer still stands if we do!
  4. Wow - That is a lot of shows for 6 weeks. You could always move to Adelaide - only 3 shows in January in total and NONE in February. Regarding continuing to accept cheques alongside the modern payment types - the point is that there are banks out there saying that in the future there will not be any such things as cheques - they are being phased out completely as they are currently in Europe. (in all banks). I agree that it will disadvantage some groups of people. Am wondering what those people will do when there are no more cheques? (Like what did they do when there were no more passbooks?) Lol. Normally it's not so expensive but I have 4x open shows for the Pet Expo, a Ch. and Open the following weekend, a Double champ and the 5-show 'away' weekend so yeah, it's not always this much and I don't always enter the 3 either (boy is semi-retired, only comes out for special occasions or when we go away to show as he has to come anyway!!). So would usually spend about $100 a month on entries but it's still a lot of money to keep 'on hand'. I guess 'those' people will have to learn how to use the other options or maybe use money orders? Like Digital TV - if you want to watch tv in a few years, you have no choice but to upgrade. Right or wrong, it's going to happen
  5. I get so sick of people blaming others and their dogs for things. Squeaky toys, bait dropped, dogs barking etc will cope it when something doesn't go as planned. My boy hates AmStaffs, a bit of a problem since we are usually next to one!! But he is now under control and behaves perfectly in the ring no matter how close the other dog is. So some people don't show their bitch in season cos she looks bad, my bitch looks and shows brilliantly when in season... Given that it is not against the rules, why should I not show her at her peak just because it may upset a few dogs or their owners??
  6. Checked my account yesterday to see what had cone out and what hadn't. I have $322 worth of show entries yet to be cashed that is for shows in Feb and the first half of March. Which means I must keep that amount of money in my cash account and means I will not be entering anything else until they are cleared. I am sure I am not the only one in this sort of position and I only have 3 dogs! Cannot imagine entering 5 or 6 especially for something like Noorat with 5 shows (which is what I have done). OzEntries would be so much nicer As for older folk not using the Internet etc - quite a few young people avoid it too. A friend of mine is 25 and still doesn't own a computer, only had a uni email because she had to etc. I'm sure clubs could continue to accept cheques alongside the more modern payment types.
  7. You can always get a Visa or Mastercard Debit Card so you don't need the pressure of a Credit Card. You can also buy pre-paid credit cards now (although they have a set up fee of I think $9.95). So there are non CC options for Oz Entries. But it would be good to add dd and BPay as well. I hate cheques. Hate them, hate having to watch my account and waiting for them to be deposited which can sometimes take weeks to a month after the show!!! In the process of getting a 3rd bank account now (1 is credit union and everyday savings/debit/credit card plus cheque book, the 2nd is Online only and the 3rd will be hopefully my NEW everyday account but will keep the old/current one purely for dog show cheques), but its so messy. Have used OzEntries once (for 2 shows) and online entries for Royals and LOVE IT. Am much happier paying the CC fees (which aren't much more than cheque fees) and having the money gone in an instant rather than waiting for my cheque to be taken out and potentially ending up with fees for myself and the club if it's overdrawn (although my CU is good and has a 24 hour overdraw window but I don't check my account every day!), not to mention entries going missing in the post, getting damaged sitting in someone's mailbox during a rainstorm etc. I reckon cheques must be a royal pain for the show secretaries, too.
  8. Many exhibitors have also entered Ballarat which is tomorrow. Was to be be first show for th year. At least I don't feel so bad now about deciding it wasn't going to work out lol. Think that a decision should have been made earlier though to cancel- the carpark flooding is NOT a new occurrence and 36 hours of hammering rain has been predicted for AGES. plus there have been police warnings issued for the Monash and I believe Nepean HWY asking people NOT to travel unless necessary since last night. Feel for those who went all that way I checked DOL, FB and the VCA page until 1 am and there was nothing listed. Annoying. And love that suggestion, Yorkpark!!! Have it available from say 5am show day (I know it's early but many exibitors have no choice but to leave home at such an hour!), heck even a number leading to a recording that says if te show is on or not. I made the decision myself not to go because of those warnings, sometimes I think you have to make your own decisions and not wait for a committee to make them! It would have been a very hard decision for the committee to make today. Good on them for thinking of the safety of exhibitors, dogs and all involved in running a show. I agree with you and we made the decision last night not to attend but the fact that it still, essentially was going to go ahead until around 6:30 this morning when many exhibitors would already be on the road is a little frustrating. Not to mention the committee themselves who had to be there at sparrow's fart to set up. Had the decision been made earlier everyone could have enjoyed a sleep in.
  9. Many exhibitors have also entered Ballarat which is tomorrow. Was to be be first show for th year. At least I don't feel so bad now about deciding it wasn't going to work out lol. Think that a decision should have been made earlier though to cancel- the carpark flooding is NOT a new occurrence and 36 hours of hammering rain has been predicted for AGES. plus there have been police warnings issued for the Monash and I believe Nepean HWY asking people NOT to travel unless necessary since last night. Feel for those who went all that way I checked DOL, FB and the VCA page until 1 am and there was nothing listed. Annoying. And love that suggestion, Yorkpark!!! Have it available from say 5am show day (I know it's early but many exibitors have no choice but to leave home at such an hour!), heck even a number leading to a recording that says if te show is on or not.
  10. Haven't read the whole thread but my theory is you need to want to be there. You don't need to 'HTFU' to show or breed or even have a good time. All you need to do is know what you want to achieve and have the ability to stick to a plan. Some 'hard' people are hard because they are bitter assholes and I know some incredibly gentle, soft people who stick it out and don't let anything get to them because they know why they are there, what they want and don't play anyone's game.
  11. It seems I am destined never to attend this blasted show last year, had puppies. The previous year was Black Saturday, year before that I had to work. I don't think I should enter next year LOL. Not going, don't want to risk having to drive through floodwater with the trailer (vents on the doors) and being in Werribee we are pretty well flooded at home and surrounding streets are overflowing. Incredibly disappointed as I have my baby girl in the Guineas but what can you do? It's just a dog show..... Or so I keep telling myself Good luck to those lucky folk who go tomorrow
  12. Have and will show bitches in season. Frankly, my male is more difficult to handle when I have my period (he gets protective???) than if 'his' bitches or any others are in season. If the bitch was cramping or otherwise not up to it, I'd scratch but I don't see the point in scratching an otherwise happy bitch. Tell the judge and other exhibitors however, and keep the bitch locked in a PP40 and only brief toilet breaks away from others. Have shown once in full season - at our specialty and she was on fire that weekend. Even managed to win Brace class paired with my male! She is a happy in-seasoner (pity she loses her coat a few weeks before). I wouldn't however be so likely to show a fully in season bitch outdoors. Indoors you can see where any blood drops and can disinfect the area etc. I also carry a few baby wipes in my pocket whilst in the ring so I can wipe her, the floor or the table if required.
  13. It sounds like you have been sold an old style. There will be lots of this stock to clear. It is not up to the new regs. So does this mean that any PP40 without a drip tray and water container is not suitable for flying? Can you buy the drip trays and water containers separately??? I have 3 and don't really want to replace them all!!
  14. It may not have been the actual age of the dogs but rather the maturity/immaturity of the dog in question. I wish judges had to provide in writing a reason for refusing the challenge - for the benefit of the exhibitor and to avoid rumours spreading etc. It's very rude when a judge just says no without offering up a reason. And how are we supposed to learn if we are not told what's wrong? I was amused by seeing several group 5 breeds walked around and then gaited. Wouldn't mind if it were the norm to be frank.
  15. Hi Gael, thanks for the nice note with my return entry and apologies for neglecting the stamp on my return envelope!! Not sure where it got to as the first postmark says the 5th and the second the 10th so i rhink it went on a little adventure! Oh well don't have to groom OR get up at the crack of dawn. There are bright sides to missing post LOL. Good luck to all - what an amazing entry!!!
  16. If a health condition is not identifiable with tests or even dignified with a medically recognised term or name then there is no point in making generalisations about the Breed. If you do then SP you have to accept your breeding stock is in theory as affected as the exhibitor next to you. I just love how these topics travel from the original post, and yes, I agree showing a Desexed Bitch is wrong because there is absolutely no chance of breeding from her and getting a pup out of her. If exhibitors enter their neuter bitches they should be fined. Where did I make generalizations about the breed? I believe we have a problem with our dogs but many bury their heads in the sand and deny it. There is costly research being carried out to find a genetic marker for the disorder. Canine Epileptiod Cramping Syndrome is the name or Spike's Disease. But unfortunately many vets (out of curiosity i have questioned 4 GP vets and only one had heard of it and this was one who jad done a lot of work in the UK and knew the breed) especially in Australia don't know of it or put the cramping down to epilepsy or generic fitting conditions. I have never claimed my lines to be free from it - all I can and do say is my dogs have never shown any symptoms which is the truth. There are some CAE affected dogs in the show ring and I often wonder if they have a place out there but I always come back to the same answer - yep they do. To me, my definition, is a dog show is a beauty contest judged day to day against the breed standards and the inner health of the animal has nothing to do with this. I believe the breeding stock argument is long gone. Especially with the number of 'exhibitor only' people who enjoy toddling along for the day out. I see it as an activity, not a marketplace as it once was.
  17. If this is true then why are dogs who are infertile or barren allowed to be shown? Why are dogs found to have an unacceptable for breeding hip or elbow score or those found to be a carrier or affected by a disease still allowed in the ring? Why is health testing not part of the rules when or comes to titling an animal? I presume it's because there are many diseases and not all of them are obvious. PLN in wheatens is late onset so a dog could have it and not show symptoms until it's well past showing and breeding stage. Testing only shows results on the day not an indication as to whether a dog will get it. How do you indicate that a wheaten is free of PLN as part of a show title? You can't. I WAS BEING A SMARTARSE. Devil's Advocate of a kind. I know this. We have CECS in our breed - a disease thats very existence is debated or denied, there is no testing and the symptoms can be varied and many. My point was- if conformation shows are only about exhibiting eligible breeding stock, then our shows would be a lot smaller.
  18. :rofl: Try a couple of wolfhounds my luvvie only downside is warm...yes....cramped and squished YES !!! :D fifi I like SOME room to stretch lmao. Wolfie breath would heat the tent up though Last week I let Casey out of her crate at night (Ziva always sleeps on the bed, spoiled princess ;)) and she snuggled down on my feet. Ziva kept my shoulder warm
  19. No heater for me - 2 terriers work very well
  20. Wholeheartedly agree!! Someone broke a toilet seat at Lancefield. Small thing but it left me fuming!! We are so do lucky to be able to camp on ground but if idiots keep making their own rules and disrespecting the property we will not be welcome back! If you are not prepared to abide by the rules- don't enter. If you can't be bothered carrying your stuff to the car- don't enter!!! Most grounds are also used by other sporting groups and dozens of cars will do nothing but churn up the turf.
  21. We often have regular classes with only one or two entries at our specialty neuter sweep often garners three or more entries so I imagine we would have a reasonable turnout if it were offered. Although there is still the issue of the dogs needing to be on main register as a neuter- how many breeders offer this to their pup buyers???
  22. If this is true then why are dogs who are infertile or barren allowed to be shown? Why are dogs found to have an unacceptable for breeding hip or elbow score or those found to be a carrier or affected by a disease still allowed in the ring? Why is health testing not part of the rules when or comes to titling an animal? Conformation shows are not all about judging breeding stock. Many many entire dogs and bitches that are shown and titled may not be bred from at all, for various reasons. Just because they are not bred from does not mean that they can not compete in shows. That is seriously ridiculous. Compulsory health testing is not the be end and all of the show ring either. If a dog is showing a serious lameness or affected by a disease then the owner of the dog should make the decision. I know of breeds with which their hip scores are truly not good but yet they have been bred from, with very careful planning. And some of these dogs are huge winners in the show ring. You wont be able to tell if a dog or bitch is barren/infertile unless you use them for breeding. Why should they be barred from the show ring? It is a show ring, and a judge is assessing the best of the breeds in CONFORMATION on the day. NOT their breeding worth. Breeding worth means alot of different things to different people. eta showing a desexed dog or bitch is an entirely different subject, and I have different views on this. Uhhh yes I know this. My post was a response to Angelsun's comment that if it were not suitable for breeding then it had no Place in the show ring. I was being a smartarse.
  23. Aww bugger!! It's the first time in 4 years I've missed it!!
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