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Everything posted by SpikesPuppy

  1. We shall be there :D Love the 10am start but still wise to get there as early as possible to get a spot!
  2. Yeah lol they wouldnt get a Pug from me....I can and will be fussy where my puppies go, whats wrong with that....yuppies that drive fancy cars and live in Brighton....they arent about to DUMP their Pugglet. What an elitist snobbish attitude to dare judge someone by the postcode they happen to live in . My suburb is under Blacktown Council and my postcode is 2147 and I bet I provide a better home and environment for my pampered pooches and am a much more responsible owner than your yuppie snobs in Brighton :D . Blacktown is the largest growing area in Sydney and there are a lot of young families here and I think it is absolutely terrible that they would not get a look in at a pup from Breeders like yourselves that are so judgemental with elitist snobby attitudes I dont sell my puppies to families with only small children....they drop pug puppies....and I dont sell puppies to families that already have a large dog. I can list all the reasons and give examples if you like and I can also get all the figures and facts of Pugs that end up in rescue. Call me a snob, I dont sell to the masses and I dont have to.....as I have said before I dont have that many litters....let the Pug breeders that have litters on the ground all the time sell to the masses. So going by you post- if someone happens to reside in a particular postcode, they are relegated to only buying puppies from dodgy breeders??? Wow. With an attitude like yours it's no wonder Pugs are so popular in the BYB market. Yes you can sell to whoever you like but the way you are coming across sounds extremely snobby and judgmental rather than being concerned about the welfare of your puppies. Why will you not sell to someone with a larger dog? What happens if they get a larger dog later on? This forum never ceases to amaze me....I make one statement and you have all run with it like mad women and now I am a snobbest elitist ;) that is so effing funny. Now if I had said that I breed all the time and have 3 litters on the ground at all times and I sell to anyone, renters, dole bludgers, potential bybers simp;y cos they live in Melton, you name I dont discrimate....what would you have said then????? Say things as it is...dont pussy foot around. I put a great deal of time into each and every mating be blowed if I am going to sell them to just anyone. I fostered a black pug that was extremely food aggressive cos the Lab he lived with in the backyard would bully him away from his food and eat his too....owners didnt care or supervise...surrender the viscous Pug, yeah right...the poor thing was starving and they didnt care. So thats why I wont sell to someone that has a big dog....specially if there is no one home during the day. So because of one dingbat owner, you refuse to sell a puppy to someone ever again who has a larger dog?? You *do* realise that small dogs can bully eachother too... Or small dogs can terrify a larger dog??? Sorry that you had to deal with such a horrid situation but many people can and do keep multiple dogs of varying sizes together..... If they don't get along at food time, separate them. If one bullies the other during the day- don't leave them alone together. I didnt say you had to sell to anybody, but the generalizations are a bit sad. Thinking about the people who may miss out on a 'carefully bred puppy' for various, often petty, reasons. Sorry Steve, I'll be good. Just cranky. Just feel that generalizations like the above are part of the problem with regard to surrendering etc (someone who cannot buy from a 'good' breeder say because they are renting or have kids etc then go to someone less reputable and perhaps due to poor socialization in the whelping box or poor breeding ends up with behavioral problems which despite the owners best interests result in the best thing for everyone being rehome the animal. And I guess having had dogs from pet shops, shelters, breeders, homebred as well as being a renter, having been on Youth Allowance, etc I am looking at it from perhaps more angles than some or with more sympathy. I know it IS possible to be a good owner despite circumstance.
  3. Yeah lol they wouldnt get a Pug from me....I can and will be fussy where my puppies go, whats wrong with that....yuppies that drive fancy cars and live in Brighton....they arent about to DUMP their Pugglet. What an elitist snobbish attitude to dare judge someone by the postcode they happen to live in ;) . My suburb is under Blacktown Council and my postcode is 2147 and I bet I provide a better home and environment for my pampered pooches and am a much more responsible owner than your yuppie snobs in Brighton . Blacktown is the largest growing area in Sydney and there are a lot of young families here and I think it is absolutely terrible that they would not get a look in at a pup from Breeders like yourselves that are so judgemental with elitist snobby attitudes :D I dont sell my puppies to families with only small children....they drop pug puppies....and I dont sell puppies to families that already have a large dog. I can list all the reasons and give examples if you like and I can also get all the figures and facts of Pugs that end up in rescue. Call me a snob, I dont sell to the masses and I dont have to.....as I have said before I dont have that many litters....let the Pug breeders that have litters on the ground all the time sell to the masses. So going by you post- if someone happens to reside in a particular postcode, they are relegated to only buying puppies from dodgy breeders??? Wow. With an attitude like yours it's no wonder Pugs are so popular in the BYB market. Yes you can sell to whoever you like but the way you are coming across sounds extremely snobby and judgmental rather than being concerned about the welfare of your puppies. Why will you not sell to someone with a larger dog? What happens if they get a larger dog later on?
  4. With regard to snakes, you cannot remove the risk 100 percent, even in urban areas. We used to live within walking distance to Melbourne CBD and a dog was bitten by a snake whilst out on a walk - on lead and on the FOOTPATH.
  5. Ours thinks the cat is a great squeaky toy! She harasses her more than my terriers do. Smoothies are only medium sized. A Border Terrier may suit your daughter- they are popular as a 'kid's' show dog with families who have other large breeds. And readily available in New Zealand. Most dogs regardless of breed will give chase to a cat in an open paddock IMO. Especially when there is more than 1 dog. But that doesn't mean people don't have dogs and cats safely and happily. We have 3 Borders and 1 smooth collie. Plus an old indoor (outdoors under supervision in her own yard) kitty. The dogs will play with the cat and I've no doubt would kill her if they got excited enough (they are dogs, living in a pack) but we manage it- she has the laundry to herself (with a baby gate), but wanders the house with no issues or worry.
  6. we would support it and Im aware of many pet shops which would go with it too - we can always fix that if we decide its a good approach anyway Out of curiosity, Cosmolo, have you advertised the service anywhere?? Perhaps advertising on sites like DOL, the relevant CCs, PetLink, in the papers etc. Put up a few signs in vets, local supermarkets etc. Make it accessible to everyday Joe. I had never heard of anything like it until this person mentioned it when asking about Smooths. Why do breeders necessarily need to support it? Even helping someone to choose the right breed of dog will IMO reduce the number of dumped animals. Choosing the right breed is the first step to a happy relationship with your dog. I would support it 110% for the record.
  7. That was my point, as well & I totally understand why the OP got a bit nervous! I'm used to getting phone calls from puppy buyers for at least the 1st week after the pups go to their new homes. It's only natural that new owners might be concerned or puzzled by what is perfectly natural behavior by a puppy and need an experienced person to assure them that all's well. Nothing wrong with going on a holiday after raising a litter (I certainly felt like one after my last litter of 11 ) but surely, in these days of mobile phone roaming etc there's no real problem in remaining contactable! AND, if your selling a litter as registered, surely you would make sure that your CC membership is current? I have been a registered breeder for 17 years and have always managed to ensure that my Dogs Victoria membership is current! My membership lapsed because they forgot to send me a renewal notice!! It wasn't lost in the mail, they clean forgot! Very annoying. I knew it was due but they for some reason were unable to accept my payment. It was a frustrating experience and took several phone calls to clear up. They didn't want my money?? Lol. As for going on holidays, my breeder went away for a showing weekend but let me know and gave me contact details for other breeders she trusted in case I had an emergency. I think a little communication goes a long way
  8. Havent read anything yet but I believe something similar exists. We had someone enquire about smooth collies who had been directed to the breed by a 'pet match maker', someone who visited them at their home and discussed the various breeds etc then gave them contacts to investigate. I wonder if something like this could take off?? Someone who helps you out from choosing the breed to bringing Puppy home?!
  9. I'm more concerned that the breeder was uncontactable for 2 weeks after selling a litter of puppies- those first few days can be so scary, stressful, complicated with a brand new puppy. For eg one of my pups had a reactionto the grass in his new home- the vet wanted to run all these fancy tests!!!! I ha something similar with a pup I purchased myself, tell them to buy a tube of aloe Vera gel and voilà. No more itchy puppy!!! What if the puppy had gotten sick or just wasn't settling in?? That worries me. I also showed ppl my DOGSvic card before accepting a deposit.
  10. Its called selling to the right postcodes.....if I dont like the way they sound on the phone then they dont get to come to my property to see the puppy. Yes and no- I turned 2 potential owners away not because I doubt they would make great dog owners but because they didn't interact with the dogs as I wanted them too. My dogs are mad and I love them for it and if someone is uncomfortable with a dog like Caber for example, then my particular puppies would be unsuitable. There are plenty of quieter pups available. I'm not sure what someones postcode has to do with anything though?
  11. Every one of my puppy buyers visited before they were accepted as a suitable family, some came several times- I was surprisingly comfortable with having themnover, maybe because I knew they were there for tw dogs not to inspect me?? Anyway it was rather useful to assess how they responded to my dogs (who were rung rampant at the time, with the exception of small children visitors they jumped, shed, salivated, barked- everything a Border Terrrier does! Sure fire way to see if they were really ready for one. I felt comfortable with my eventual puppy buyers which to me, removed the need for a home check. If I didn't feel comfortable, I told them to look elsewhere. Doesn't matter if you have fencing like Alcatraz, if you're not a doggy person I'm not selling you a puppy!! Agree with Souff (think it was), it is far too easy to give a dog up. An I'll betthat the majority of people who surrender a pet for whatever reason, are the type who will go get another unsuitable replacement and so the cycles keeps rotating around and around!! Forget about the people selling the dogs and think about the people BUYING THEM!!! it's not pet shops that dump animals, it's the people who buy them. Nothing new though, removing responsibility hey. It's kind of like smoking, people choose to do it but blame the tobacco company for their issues. I personally would like to see a prime time advertising campaign featuring 3 dozen dead dogs in a pile, the result of thoughtless purchase. It's not the pet shops or even the puppy farms that are the problem, it is the consumer!
  12. why not ? Personally, I don't like them. I don't like visitors but that doesn't make me less of a good dog owner, I wouldn't expect a puppy buyer of mine to subject themselves to my invasion of their privacy. If there is a specific need for a certain fencing arrangement I could understand but as a condition of sale, I'm just not comfortable with them being a requirement. Granted I'm not a rescuer so maybe I'd see things differently if I were.
  13. But animals ARE property. Like it or not, it's a fact. They are bought and sold, they are registered, they are subject to certain rules and regulations like a car. I OWN my dogs. That doesn't mean I don't see them as part of the family but I still own them. What kind of wording would Animal Liberation prefer to be used instead of 'owner'??
  14. I never got to have any input into Ruby's registered name Breeder didn't ask me and I didn't think to ask her, but I am sure had I asked she would have let me, as she had no theme she stuck to. I was just a pet buyer who didn't really have an understanding of the names until after she came home, so the breeder did it for me. I hope my next pup the breeder will let me have some input into the name, that is an enjoyable part of getting a new puppy! Especially when my dog's registered names actually get used as we compete in dog sports Sorry to the OP, I have no suggestions Certainly doesn't hurt to ask! Even if I do go with a theme next time I will offer the buyers (of the pups sold before I register them of course) the chance to pick something in that theme. However if someone had their heart set on s specific name I wouldn't have any problems with that either.
  15. My boy is Kiss Chasey (it was a kiss theme, originally he was Kiss N Tell but I didn't really like it (this was at 4 weeks before they were registered) and mum came up with the alternative. It suits him :D My foundation bitch is Magic Moments, her litter was a magic theme (dam is Twistof Magic), I'm not keen on her name even after 3 and a half years but it certainly fits given her success. I could have named her but didn't settle on a name I liked in time lol so left it upto the breeder. My first homebred puppy is Raise Thebar which can work both ways ;) if she fails at life it is a kick up my bum to breed a better puppy, if she continues her puppyhood success, then she has 'raised the bar'. Her siblings are (all pets): You Really Got Me (call name Lola after the Kinks song- she got a kink in her tail after her mum squashed it! Which disappeared after a few months lol), Looking Glass Lass (call name Alice), Callahan (call name Harry, as in Dirty Harry), Indiana Jones (call name Indi- he belongs to a young boy who was SO IMPRESSED that his 'official' name is after his hero), and Lite My Fire (call name Scout). All but the last were named by their new families, the registrations went in before Scout was sold so her owner didn't get to chose. I just liked it, and she was a fiesty little girl!!! Honestly, I couldn't be bothered with a theme and as most of the litter was sold before the regos went in, it was no trouble to ask what the families wanted the dogs registered as. Most pet owners probably don't care but it was something I enjoyed having a say in so I wanted to give my buyers the same opportunity. Having said that I may do a theme next litter. Sorry, I'm no help with naming your pup lol. But Nala is a gorgeous name ooh if it is from The Lion King, what about Hakuna Matata??
  16. Just about the only thing I buy from Pet Stock is kibble- I find their range of accessories, treats and toys to be relatively poor. I wish they had more of the latest collars in stock and their treats were cheaper and better quality. Do love their member sales though.
  17. Frankly many pounds don't screen buyers very well??? I know many people who have gotten dogs from RSPCA, Lost Dogs Home, Lort Smith etc with no questions asked!! Just the basics like do you hve a fence, any other pets etc. No home checks (not that I agree with this anyway), no relationship built and half the time breeds are just as mis-represented as pet shop dogs are!!! I've nothing against giving an unwanted dog a home BUT I think this is also an indusetry that needs a shake up. It's no good telling someone 'save a life- adopt a shelter pet!' when the support and guarantees that an ethical breeder provides are not there!!! And many good hearted but um-knowledgeable people go to their local pound and pick a cute puppy or sad looking adult with no idea or support. Thefact that my mum was able to adopt a terrified 14week old Dobermann mix for an 11 year old girl is evidence to support this view! Timothy lived a spoiled life with us and there were no major dramas but she was hard work and frankly, it was a mistake (not one I regret but still a mistake). I don't care where the dog comes from but my issue is the screening done by the sellers and follow up support provided!!! I don't care if the puppy is sold in a pet shop, shelter or private home, the support and screening must be there. If it was harder to buy a pup from ANYWHERE there would be less unwanted animals.
  18. Frankly many pounds don't screen buyers very well??? I know many people who have gotten dogs from RSPCA, Lost Dogs Home, Lort Smith etc with no questions asked!! Just the basics like do you hve a fence, any other pets etc. No home checks (not that I agree with this anyway), no relationship built and half the time breeds are just as mis-represented as pet shop dogs are!!! I've nothing against giving an unwanted dog a home BUT I think this is also an indusetry that needs a shake up. It's no good telling someone 'save a life- adopt a shelter pet!' when the support and guarantees that an ethical breeder provides are not there!!! And many good hearted but um-knowledgeable people go to their local pound and pick a cute puppy or sad looking adult with no idea or support. Thefact that my mum was able to adopt a terrified 14week old Dobermann mix for an 11 year old girl is evidence to support this view! Timothy lived a spoiled life with us and there were no major dramas but she was hard work and frankly, it was a mistake (not one I regret but still a mistake). I don't care where the dog comes from but my issue is the screening done by the sellers and follow up support provided!!! I don't care if the puppy is sold in a pet shop, shelter or private home, the support and screening must be there. If it was harder to buy a pup from ANYWHERE there would be less unwanted animals.
  19. Then where do the 250,000 destroyed/dumped puppies every year (according to the TT article) come from?? Certainly isn't registered breeders (even if 100% of puppies purchased from ANKC breeders were dumped it still doesn't make up even half of that figure!). Illjust keep on plugging the benefits of buying from a reputable & ethical breeder thank you.
  20. WHy would you own a STORE thats sells animals if you didn't care about making money? I don't own the store but it was brought as an investment for a friend from their father. she is unable to change the name of the store either she looked into it. her cages are always clean, animals rotated and removed out the back , clean water etc. she makes more money from the sales of other items and there was a few months their where her cages were empty so yeah its not always about the money, Can she not refuse to stock animals? Or perhaps she could liase with a rescue and showcase their animals.
  21. Hooray!! Although I do worry terribly for their little friend :p he won't gave much chance out there on his own. Hope they find him soon.
  22. Fancy suggesting that Pet Shops should be the only place to purchase puppies from!!!! How can he be so stupid???
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