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Everything posted by SpikesPuppy

  1. If they have cashed it you can claim a right to exhibit? Thats my theory! It's not happened yet but if my cheque was cashed nothing would stop me from exhibiting lol. Especially when it's about $40 odd! Not my cheque so don't know if it's been cashed yet. Mum isn't sure... Oh well I could do with a sleep in lol. Okay mum says its been cashed so looks like we're going!
  2. From what I can gather, they have chosen Redblaze but not yet registered it. Too bad if it's rejected! RSG- I know people who registered their prefix before even owning a registered dog! Some people like to be prepared lol. Or Maybe they want anonymity when exhibiting
  3. I have an old cc trolley and i love it. It needs some repairs (was bought 3rd or 4th hand lol), and I'm wondering whether it is worth repairing or I should just suck it up and buy a new one. They weigh a tonne but are tough as and I love the bar spacing and never have a problem with the latches catching etc. It also has large rubber wheels (wheelbarrow maybe?? Air tires anyway) and I would never own a trolley with anything else. They make life so easy. One has a busted inner tube though and I need to replace it..... The downside lol.
  4. Unfortunately people also allow their kids to damage property, friends, family members and shock horror even adults with good jobs can damage a property and not pay for repairs. As a renter with pets, and as a human being, I find it disgraceful that people would treat another person's property with such disrespect. If damage occurs- pay for the repairs. Easy peasy!! Take some friggen responsibility for your actions. On the othe hand though I dislike how pet owning renters are often overlooked purely because they have animals. I bet many of the landlords have pets of their own - do they allow their animals to run riot??! Just becaus someone is renting does not mean they are irresponsible, uncaring, etc. We recently had to find a new rental as the owner of our old place wanted to move back in. We found a house with brand new fences, mostly tiled inside, large undercover area etc so perfect for the dogs and perfect for the landlord as it seriously limits the indoor areas (we shut off the back of the house with baby gates) the dogs have free access too (the only carpeted area they have is the living room an they spend most of the time on the couch or dog bed!), and they are crated in our bedrooms at night. When we got the bond back from the previous place it came with a note that the house was in perfect condition with the yard in better condition than when we moved in!!! Any damage that may occur either from us or the animals will be repaired at our cost because it's called being a mature adult. But I'm not sure what can be done to improve the ability to find rentals for pet owners- I think that ties in with the irresponsible ownership really- reduce irresponsible pet owners- increase landlords willing to rent to people with pets!?? Perhaps some advice given out to landlords about renting to people with pets? The pros of it (homes with dogs are theoretically less likely to be broken into??). And maybe introduce a legal pet bond or work with insurance companies to introduce specific pet damage cover?? Maybe introduce a type of insurance that pet owners can take out, like public liability insurance, to cover against pet damage???
  5. Yes sorry. It does seem as though I'm picking. Intention is to just be conversive. They are ideas and don't be put off by me. Apologies, and your posts are appreciated . Sorry, I went to delete the last comment. It was uneccesarry. I'm in a snippy mood ATM. And I agree it won't suit everyone but as someone who refrains from using public leash free areas and doesnt even overly enjoy using public parks with my dogs on leash, I would love somewhere I couldgo with my dogs and know we were not going to be bothered by dogs, ignorant cyclists or pram pushers etc. We also have hares in our local park (plus they are in the process of turning it into a wetland), and I defy even the beat trained dog to recall if a hare bolts out of the grass 2 meters from it's nose! The park is not fenced at all and most of the roads surrounding are quite busy.
  6. Maybe others would, but I wouldn't like this. I pay rates just like many others. I also pay Council Dog Registration fees, just like many others. And I don't think "large dog owners" should be discriminated against. I think we pay enough for everything that we do without knowing that even going for a lovely walk and run with your dog is going to cost too - and to have to think to remember your card .... and to have to know to keep an eye on time limits for being allowed to run your dog. Sorry, but that's like bringing in more and more laws but in the guise of restrictions and levies. Besides which, who would police these? Not to mention the cost involved in fencing and monitoring people's cards at gates. Even if automated, that would cost a fortune and then there will be break-downs and maintenance. And who would be the responsible party for the card issue? Would the cards be "Nationally Recognised" at all parks, or would they relate to Council area. Which would mean that if you were 'out of town' you wouldn't be able to run your dog in another Council district's off-leash park. I want the freedom to enjoy what little freedoms we have left. I meant different fees for different sized runs, not different sized dogs. I don't use leash free parks (apart from KCC), and I don't like that they are a free for all. I don't even always enjoy walking my leashed dogs through leash only parks due to uncontrolled dogs (on or off leash), racing children, cyclists etc. Gee it was just an idea, a thought. Forgive me for trying.
  7. In the ACT, dogs that pass a certain level of obedience attract cheaper registration fees. Yeah we have that in some councils here, but when I looked into it, the obedience clubs with eligibility were few and far between and the kind that offered set length courses rather than VCA approved clubs etc. And as far as I could tell, there was no way an owner could have their dog assessed without attending these organizations (which IMO many were a bit dippy). Also, when the discounted fee applies to dog that are microchipped OR desexed OR over 10 years old OR registered working dogs OR owned by a registered breeding establishment OR ANKC registered it's a little bit pointless, isn't it???
  8. In the ACT, dogs that pass a certain level of obedience attract cheaper registration fees. Yeah we have that in some councils here, but when I looked into it, the obedience clubs with eligibility were few and far between and the kind that offered set length courses rather than VCA approved clubs etc. And as far as I could tell, there was no way an owner could have their dog assessed without attending these organizations (which IMO many were a bit dippy). Also, when the discounted fee applies to dog that are microchipped OR desexed OR over 10 years old OR registered working dogs OR owned by a registered breeding establishment OR ANKC registered it's a little bit pointless, isn't it???
  9. The directions above I think are going into the 2nd exit (from Melbourne). We take the first exit, heading past the Info centre and then 3 right hand turns (not sure of streets sorry). It's a pretty easy town to get around though!
  10. I agree with this. Increase offlead fines and have a 3 strikes system that incurs a much larger fine. Having extra Rangers wont help IMO, they are never available when you need one, no matter how many there are. Also, if an area attracts over a certain amount of calls over offlead dogs, then clear signage should be erected by council- ie "Offlead dogs will be fined" etc, outlining the fines. We have "no dogs offlead" at many parks, obviously this needs to be reinforced on the street. Poo pag dispensers are fabulous too. I am on the border or 2 councils- one that uses them and one that doesn't. Guess which one has more on street poo? (mind you, there are always the knobs who wont pick it up regardless... but what can you do about them aside from a good slap?) How hard is it though to take a bag with you?? I carry as many as will fit in my pockets, if I have run out I grab a few supermarket bags. The council supplied ones often get removed by bored children. IMO it is the owners responsibility to provide the bags, not the council. More bins would be good though!' carrying 3 full bags and walking 3 dogs is a difficult art to master LOL. Even when they are well behaved! Some councils claim to have fines for people found not carrying a waste recepticle whilst walking their dog and i would like to see this enforced. Yep sucks if you forget or use them all up (which is why I take about 10- Caber poops a lot on walks), but you break the rules, you wear the punishment. Just like speeding or parking fines.
  11. I would like to see paid leash free parks in all councils. Buy a card (like a credit card) and keep it topped up, it charges a fee per 10 minutes or so. One park could have several runs, perhaps different fees for different sizes. I would be more than happy to pay this and I know many others who would, too. Kind of like Kepala I guess but less extravagant and easy access. I don't like split size sections- what if you own multiple breeds or walk with friends (our group consists of Border Terriers, a smooth collie, Afghans and a Lowchen!!). When I mentioned dog training etc I meant reward those who put the effort in, be it formal classes or just good ownership, the well behaved dogs and their owners should be rewarded and encouraged.
  12. Introduce the Canine Good Citizen test and reward owners who's dogs pass with discounted or free registration? More councils need to be open to obedience clubs and groups conducting classes in their shires (Maribyrnong for eg refuses to allow any club to train on any of it's grounds). I guess these only really reward the good owners but it could be incentive for those who have a good heart but just don't *know* better. Make it more desirable to be a good owner rather than threatening people with fines etc. It's a really tricky one.....
  13. Then it's down to educate, educate, educate. Take out full page adverts in popular newspapers outlining the things to look for when purchasing a puppy... From any source. Stop saying puppy farms and pet stores are bad- that does not work. Especially when for every bad pet store there is an equally bad registered breeder somewhere doing the dodgy on someone. Remove the focus from pure vs mongrel and focus purely on responsible and ethical breeding, housing, rearing. And if someone can find a pet store that is ableto provide the relevant info, health papers, the more power to them.
  14. If the purebreds in pet shops came from dodgy beginnings, (including dodgy registered breeders) and most of them do - there is every possiblity that they could have health and behavioural issues, which would then be blamed on the entire breed, not the source. But of course, they do now, and the public does think that *sigh* Indeed. Maybe if pet shops weren't so dodgy? Going back to the possibility of having all pet stores and staff licensed to Sell pets (licensed restaurant, childcare centers etc), and any staff member selling a live animal must have a minimum qualification?? As I said, I don't think that banning animals in stores is the right thing to do, but I do believe it can be regulated in a way that makes it better for the animals and their future owners. Of coursethat offers no certainty but it would mean someone they would answer to if they did the wrong thing. Such a system would increase the cost of running a pet store that sold livestock, which would in turn hopefully deter people from opening a new store, or it would encourage people to open a store that only sells non live products (no live animal fees, no need for trained staff etc). Push the live animal stores out slowly, don't attack all guns blazing.
  15. Oh dear. I just had to sit through 8 weeks of reading about a Rottie litter (mum is 'pure bred' dad is a rescue who looks to me like a rottie x but she is selling them as pure), 9 pups- 1 bitch and 8 dog pups!! Sorry but what kind of people are likely to buy cheap BYB male rotties??????? Anyway she started asking me a few q's about supp feeding the bitch and so on. I hve her a few ideas, also told her to have the bitch and pups checked by the vet, and look into having the double dewclaws removed (the bitch has them almost curled back into themselves and 6 of the pups got them!!). Of course she didn't do any of that, the bitch got mastitis twice. Anyway pups have started leaving home now.... I will be deleting her once they are gone, was tryingto get her to delete me haha but didn't work I was never rude just brought up many helpful hints :D Shame that some people never listen. On the other hand I did convince someone to reconsider getting a Goldendoodle from their neighbor..... She is still researching the breeds, and prefers pure breeds buy her son is allergic to some coat types (had a Mastiff puppy or a week which she had to return due to her son's severe reaction- fortunately the pup was from a good breeder). Facebook can be a very depressing place when it comes to people and their pets
  16. It's more likely that if pet shops realise that purebreds are actually popular, they'll get that 'stock' from their puppyfarm suppliers. Maybe. But I'd rather see the pure breeds in pet stores- at the very least they will be more predictable and theoretically less people will make the wrong choice. Look, I don't like pet shops selling puppies (or kitties or goldfish or rats), but atthe same time, I am uncomfortable with bans on live animal sales etc. I really don't see why we as pure breed fanciers get to dictate where every puppy is sold or how it is bred (within reason) etc. Likewise, if someone wants a designer mongrel that is their choice and I don't believe I or anyone else has tw right to say no, that is wrong. I feelthat is elitist and wrong. Which is why I maintain that we need to promote our 'product' further and be more accessible and make the consumer decide to buy a pure breed puppy from a reputable source. And NOT ALL pet store puppies are nutbags. We have owned 2 pet store dogs, the first a SWF who was nuts, full of temperament and health problems. But I cannot state with certainty that the temperament problems were not caused by our mismanagement and mistakes in raising him. The 2nd pet store dog was my Heart boy and a more loyal, loving, easygoing animal you could not find. He was calm, cool and collected even as a puppy. This is no to advocate pet stores but merely to try and erase the misconception that all pet shop puppies are feral mongrels with poor temperaments and mental problems etc. Just thinking out loud, brainstorming ideas.
  17. Nope. Always put in return envelopes- we have a whole lot of 'show sets' containing stamped envelopes, blank cheque and entry forms lol. Will check tomorrow if the cheque has been cashed!! Otherwise it may just be a slow postie.
  18. I like it I feel it has brought me closer to some people, especially other dog people from DOL and other avenues. I have made contacts which may be useful in the future for breeding or importing as well as discussing health issues. I recently added a judge who had awarded my dog RUIG because someone told me they had a picture of her in their album. I was very flattered actually lol. Yeah some people post crap or stretch the truth but guess what? The delete button is there and it is very easy to use As others have said, it certainly shows someones true colors to the world!! I try to keep my kennel page straightforward and post any results as they are (ie: Ziva CC, BOB. Casey RCC/RUBOB) even if mine were the only ones there because that is the official result. However on my personal page I usually add a 'we were the only ones there' or similar.
  19. Jack shit to put it simply. We get very little from out Canine Councils. Every year I pay my renewal (over $100), I sigh and wonder why I'm doing it. The canine councils should get together with the pet stores and have a stand with their breed brochures on it. The pet shops could still get their money from mongrels but those seeking a pure bred could find one too. You have to remember too that many people still do not use the Internet. I remember the classifieds being full of puppies for sale, many 'pure bred with papers' etc but these days, there's one or 2 puppy ads and that's it.
  20. How about, not banning puppies in pet shops (although that would be the ideal) but require them to work under a license and have a liason puppy sales expert on staff for all puppy sales. Someone to discuss the breeds available and assess their suitability etc. Or at the very least, as in child care centers now, all staff must have minimum qualifications to process a puppy sale. I would also like to see stricter rules brought in regarding how breeds are labelled, especially when it comes to the Husky/Malamute pups for example(someone buys a 'Husky' puppy that turns out to be a Malamute) and the Maremma pups sold as Golden Retrievers etc. Also mis-labeling of dogs as pure bred when they are not (saw Pure bred Poodles last week, then under that label in tiny typeset 'Toy x Mini'). I know there are channels available now but this kind of thing needs to stop getting through in the first place. I mean, it would be illegal for me to sell 500g jars of peanut butter which were in reality only 300g. Why not the same when it comes to live animals??
  21. Sorry but that is rubbish. I have three dogs who all get to eat by themselves. I have had Dobes and a Jack Russell and the JR annoyed the complete crap out of my Dobe who, god bless her, didn't eat it. That generalisation is rubbish. I am actually quite amazed that someone who is supposed to know quite a bit about dogs can come out with something quite like that. Not all people with large dogs are idiots, not all people with young kids are idiots and not all people who live in a particular suburb or postcode are idiots. No wonder people think we are snobs. Here here! We used to have a 2kg rescue, with a handful of teeth who would boss my 70kg Newfy around. GoD help him if he went near her while she was eating!!!
  22. Thanks, Steve! If I get some free time lol (at the moment all I can manage is browsing with my phone) will definitely look into it more, now that I know there is stuff to find (last time I really looked into it was about 2 or 3 years ago and couldn't find a whole lot). Having had a dog who ended up with a golf-ball sized lump on his shoulder due to the microchip, I have personal reasons for looking into it. Now I'm wishing I had taken a more proactive approach when he was alive and actually had it removed etc but really wasn't in a position to do so. Then when he died I should have had it removed but the whole event was too traumatic really to think about that at the time. I do often wonder microchips are a necessary evil etc. But that is off topic sorry. On topic, was thinking in the shower and remembered reading an article recently about the council seeking volunteers to walk and groom dogs for the elderly etc and I got to thinking if things like this were more widespread, it could help reduce the number of dogs dumped- I know it's not entirely uncommon for an older person to have their dog surrendered either by choice or family influence, because they can no longer walk them etc. It wouldn't make a huge difference in the grand scheme but it would matter to those few dogs and owners. But I really feel that it's about the education for most folk and about them making the right decision from day dot.
  23. Much evidence? Heaps Do you havea link, Steve?? I am very interested in any 'new' evidence regarding cancer and microchips- something that I've been concerned about for a while now but no-ones listened to me!!
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