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Everything posted by SpikesPuppy

  1. Most grounds here in Vic charge a flat rate per site regardless of how many people. That sucks and does make it hard for those traveling!!!!! But I guess at least you are able to camp on ground- it would be alot more expensive if you had to book a caravan park. Having said that tho most shows I have seen here charge $10 to $20 per night so the cost to me is reasonable.
  2. I strongly suspect you shant get an answer to that ;) I know. But it's been bothering me since yesterday!!! Argh. *stamps foot*
  3. To clarify, my confusion IS genuine and I really do want to know what is so offensive about asking if a child has clean hands before deciding whether or not they can pat my dog.
  4. But what is rude about asking if someone has clean hands or not before allowing them to touch your dog?? Was it the question or the manner in which it was asked that was so distressing for you?
  5. What about the hygiene thing?? How do I kno that you, your child has not been patting a dog that has Kennel Cough??? Aside from that, my dog is my property an I have every right to dictate when, how and why you touch the beast. My dog is not public property????? I am normally more than happy to oblige but I have the right to refuse. Um, I think you'll find your dogs are more at risk of getting Kennel Cough from the judge's hands after he/she's gone over all the other dogs. No one is saying you have to let people pat your dogs, good grief ;) And that is why you mouth your own dog!!! By peoples attitudes here, we DO have to let every one pet our dogs otherwise we are snobs, rude, nasty, our dogs are vicious etc. If I went upto your child and ruffled their hair after I'd been doing the weeding without washing it in-between would you appreciate it? There is also the risk that if a child has been eating the dog might get overexcited and take a nibbe of their fingers, my dogs will and they are not nasty but my older bitch can grab rather than suck the finger which could frighten a child. Some parents also go off their nut if a dog licks their kid (have had it happen before), if the kid has clean hands it's less likely to be appealing to the dog!
  6. Yes you can take gazebos and yes you are allowed in the show its much closer that Kyneton. Great thank you! It will be a new adventure LOL.
  7. What about the hygiene thing?? How do I kno that you, your child has not been patting a dog that has Kennel Cough??? Aside from that, my dog is my property an I have every right to dictate when, how and why you touch the beast. My dog is not public property????? I am normally more than happy to oblige but I have the right to refuse.
  8. What about the hygiene thing?? How do I kno that you, your child has not been patting a dog that has Kennel Cough??? Aside from that, my dog is my property an I have every right to dictate when, how and why you touch the beast. My dog is not public property????? I am normally more than happy to oblige but I have the right to refuse.
  9. Well you have a veeeeeeeeery long way to travel! Must make sure we leave early. Oh, are the dog exhibitors allowed in the Ag show part or is it kinda like Kyneton where we are in a separate section? And we can bring gazebos, right???
  10. Getting to the show only to find you have left your suit jackets at home. And it being a freezing cold day but not quite cold or wet enough to justify going in the ring in a daggy polar fleece.
  11. Is it really that scary? With Nessa needing 9 points we are doing anything and everything lol. Growing very impatient!!!!! That and there are Puppy sweeps.
  12. I'm still miffed as to why it's so offensive to ask if child has clean hands before allowing it to pat the dog???????????????? Glad it worked out, Sheridan!! Always a relief too when you find out you have decent neighbors.
  13. Ahhhh. So there IS a reason we have avoided it thus far fortunately not in group 1! Will be an experience
  14. I believe there are many variables including individual puppy's needs, the variety of food being used, budget etc. With my Border Terrier puppies, I recommended people purchase a 3kg bag of Eagle Pack small breed puppy (what they were weaned onto) and once that ran out, transition to either Original or Natural. The Chicken and rice holistic is supposedly suited to all life stages for small and medium breeds so I also suggested if the preferred to purchase the largest bag first off this would be fine too. Our smooth collie was reared on Eagle Pack Power. She was transitioned to Natural at maybe 7 months because I was finding it made my male's coat greasy and it seemed a bit rich for her. If Power didn't have the negative (for these 2 dogs, my Border bitch was fine) we probably would have just kept using it as it's the most economical EP formula.
  15. Oh how cramped is cramped?? Is that the ground with the tree in the middle of one of the rings? We are entered for the first time!! No numbers here yet but early days.
  16. People like this make the rest of us look bad! I would have no hesitation in paying to repairthe stairs upon leaving the property. Or earlier if it became a safety issue.
  17. Group 2- BIG Wire Fox RUBIG Bedlington Baby Smooth Fox Minor ?? Puppy Wire Fox Junior ?? Inter Cairn Aus Bred RUBIG OPEN BIG GROUP 5 BIG Border Collie RUBIG Old English Inter Sheltie My girls got their classes and Nessa reserve bitch and beat the boy for RUBOB
  18. Tell her to train her bloody dog!! I take treats with me 99.9 percent of walks or outings, never know what behavior I might want to reinforce or reward etc. And why shouldn't I?
  19. Sheridan- next time the kids do it, remove your clothes and frolic in the garden. Or sacrifice a goat. That should stop them. I would be more concerned about them peering over the fence into my yard. Invasion of privacy much?????? With regard to the lady at the dog show who asked if the kid had clean hands..... What's wrong with that????? Kennel Cough has been going around lately and can easily be passed on from patting one dog then another, do we now not have the right to protect our dogs from disease?????
  20. Hope much bigger than a Standard Poodle do you want? Nicole- is this your beautiful white girl I met a few years ago? I think she was just a pup then. I hope you can get something sorted out, Nekhbet is a great start Good luk with it all n
  21. How about a show with NO FOOD VENDORS!! I guarantee when that happens, you will appreciate your crappy food vendors lol. People who wear slappy or clunky shoes for an indoor show. Untrained children.
  22. Unfortunately with a trailer and 5 dogs, 3 people it's not so easy. I think I need to downsize lol. 2 dogs and 1 adult and 1 child here, after a few years showing dogs and knowing what certain venues are going to be like, i try to keep it as simple as possible! I was doing 4 dogs per show a little while ago, dog trailer and all, im over that now LOL. I know its hard when you have large dogs and you do need a trailer or large van, but i refuse to get up at 4am to get to a show at 6 or 7am when the show starts at 10am. I want to enjoy my day not sit there grumpy and tired. I love my gazebo, but i forgot how a couple of umbrellas can be quite sufficient on a nice day :-) The secretary's caravan could of been brought forward and then alot of people could of put their gazeebos etc behind it. Awful lot of space to have cleared when people are so crowded. This was our 5th Kyneton Ag Show and it's jut disappointing that the space keeps shrinking every year. We knew we had to get there early (I even posted about it lmao) but left later than planned. And I agree with you, I won't get up at a ridiculous hour just to get a good spot at a show etc but it was more the unfairness of today's setup. Dunno who's fault it is, but immguessing the Ag society makes the rules. Could probably take less stuff lmao but I like my doggies to be comfortable (the 3 Borders in the trolley gets a bit much in warmer weather so bring the c-crate for them) and as we go with LotG, we need both our trolleys so we can groom at the same time, then the 3 chairs, the jumbo soft crate (collies like to stretch and again, warmer weather so nor fair to cramp her up) table for our lunch- it all adds up lol. And I don't know if an umbrella and crates, chairs etc actually take up leas apace than a small gazebo really- but you do have the advantage of being able to set up in a funny shape I'm just not sure why people needed to have their cars right at the ring? It meant people couldn't set up behind them really or thy ended up being blocke in..... Not very smart IMO. Otherwise it was a great day I do love Kyneton Ag. It's a special show
  23. Here you go, SP. Victorian Law Reform Commission has a form that individuals or groups can fill in, re their concerns with a particular law. https://submit.justice.vic.gov.au/CA2569180...uggest?OpenForm Ah yes I did know about this- my brain is on holidays at the moment lol. Thanks for the link ! It's worth a shot.....
  24. No it won't render your vote invalid but it won't be noticed or passed on. The ballot counters see so many notes, abuses, threats, insane rantings, even messages of support on the back of the papers that they don't pay any attention to them. Good idea but dunno if it's worth wasting your time? Maybe better off standing outside your local voting centre wearing a sandwich board to alert people to the cause lol. Mita- yup. I don't think it's actualy a legal legislation personally. How does one put in a formal challenge to a law?!
  25. I will have to pop over from ring one and say hello....what will you be wearing? Not sure ATM lol. But my polar fleece has my prefix on it We have Border Terriers and a sable and white collie smooth and will be with a black & white Lowchen so not hard to miss easier for you to spot us than trying to workout who is who in the pugs Can't even tell you which ring we will be at yet. LOL too hot for a polar fleece, but I saw you in the gazebo near my car....I was going to say hello after Pugs but by that time I was hot and shitty cos it was hot and I am all sunburnt. And to think in the winter Qld was looking good...no way!. Lol next time! How did you go? I was so cranky this morning when we rocked up at 8 and there was really nowhere for the gazebo- honestly as much as I love this show I don't know if I'll be back next year, it was ridiculous how crowded it was, there used to be gazebo space between the rings???!!! And to have cars etc parked behind 1 row of gazebos was crappy. Dangerous, unfair and annoying for those who got there early and wanted to leave early! Definitely agree they are giving us less and less space..... Obs I didn't watch Group 5 specials but the blue Sheltie with the large black patch (sorry crappy description lol) got I think Aus bred in group, maybe RUIG? I was a LOSER which prolly added to the shittyness....but i havent shown for ages cos the last time I went down the park I bought home Kennel Cough which went through everyone. I tried to look for Lilli, but I dont think she was there....but I did see an adult Pyreneese and a baby in a Van with a blonde lady and thought Ooooh is that a DOLer lol. We were set up behind a DOLer..... Bullyfan I think? Kinda funny lol but worked out well with sharing gazebo walls! Yeah we were losers too- I refer to it as giving the club a donation lol. Well, Nessa the collie got challenge and rubob so not total losers but my terriers were 2nd out of 2 (personal achievement though and and was lurvely on the table yay gotta love the 'teenage' years ;) ) and the other was the only one in her class so automatically 1st. Oh well. Always another show!
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