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Everything posted by Samodor

  1. EVERYONE Right, number one... when i first posted i made a brief mention that she may be better suited to a different family BECAUSE i am learning, IF YOU READ MY POST I ALSO ASK FOR HELP??? ADVICE?? KNOWLEDGE?? but the ones of you who have chosen to sit high up on your perfect soap box's have been so rude and quite frankly down right dis-respectful!!!! You have NO, and i repeat NO reason to treat me in this manner WHAT SO EVER... IF i had been here for ages and shown a habbit of homing a dog to only on-home it then fair enough but i have not and never would. For the LAST TIME - Rusky, who i still adore and love was attacking our dog... whether us or our kids were around. I had NO WAY of keeping them seperate on a permanent basis. I resourced MANY opinion's from different perspective's and in the end we decided we didnt have the facilities to try and work it out with him.... IF our kids were not here, i would not have made that decision, i would of pursued and HOPED to high heaven he would eventually accept our dog. But facts are WE HAVE 2 KIDS UNDER 4!!! I stand by my decision, and i do not feel bad.... he is still in my family, he is happier than a pig in shit.... i saw him today and he couldnt have gotten to me quiker if he tried, and i had the biggest loves with him. I believe that EVERYTHING happens for a reason, i ALWAYS rescue animals, always hve always will... be it strays i find close to roads, or just needing a guide home. I cant cound how many night's i have spent door knocking trying to find the home's of various different dogs, or let them stay with me until we found thier owner's...... this goes for all animals too.. its just who i am. So i do not feel what happened with rusky was anything more than UNFORTUNATE but WAS WHAT NEEDED TO HAPPEN.... Then yes, i made a rash decision as i fell in love, i did what i thought was enough research but as i have said obviously not enough and now looking back yes, my decision was based more on my heart than head... but ofcourse you in particular winterpaws HAVE NEVER DONE THAT HAVE YOU????? ..... it was based on the fact Miss Daisey is just such a beautiful girl..... You know what is p@ssing me off here and about the replies in this thread is, most of you (all those who were decent enough to see my post for what it was you are exempt of course), none of you have read my post properly, you have read and taken from it what you wanted. I wasnt thinking of taking her back, or re-homing her JUST becasue of that. I would never do that. NEVER!!!!! It was a case of, it was a concern, i quickly came to ask for advice, on the spot advice as to how to positivly deter her from doing it...... i made a brief mention and it was so bloody brief because i didnt even remember typing it and before i started here tonight i went to re-read. I would not of re-homed her for that...... not at all..... none of you actually bothered to find that out! My J.P isnt perfect, he is digging, he is chewing all his toys and the kids one for that matter, but we dont care.... we love him for who he is and we areabout to book a trainer to come and do some in home session's with us. So i wouldnt of done that..... not at all. My post at the start of this thread was because i needed to know how to deal with the behaviour she was displaying.... simple.... and i did not deserve what some of you have done and said. Over the past week, i have been doing (YES WHAT I SHOULD OF DONE) alot of research... ALOT.. of the reading i wish'd i had done.. AND YES, I STUFFED UP... man who would of guessed i am human!!! But fact is, i can accept this, and i and my husband decided miss daisey's is better with another family, PURELY because we are samoyed people. NOT because of what she did, not at all..... i actually put in place some of the fantastic suggestion';s and she responded great, i actually got a good head way with her on sitting as well..especially at dinner time.. BUT fact is, i loved her and wanted her to be with a family who has had lab's and wanted a lab..... and i found the PERFECT ONE.... Yes, as a few of you said, i needed a wake up call, and your right.. i did.. and i have gotten it, recieved it and taken MANY notes!! This is a lesson learnt, and a lesson learnt well.... trust me. BUT tell me, how many of you can say you have neever made a mistake or done something without thinking it through 100%??? or being your on this forum youd be like me and be an animal person, never made a decison based on your heart and not your head?????? HONESTLY?? If ANY OF YOU, reply with you never have then i know 1. your lying or 2. you are just in denial and really not worth my reply. I respect you are all animal lover's, as am i, .... i am just a animal lover who didnt think so clearly, and made a decision based on my heart, NOT my head...... We will be getting a samoyed puppy.... as i do know the breed and we adore our j.p. Oh, for those who have said i am nieve for thinking all will be as easy as our J.P...... i never said he is easy.. AND, i have to disagree.... we spent alot, and i mean ALOT of time with other smaoyed's and thier owner's, from all over vic before we decided to get J.P! We researched so many different breed's but in the end decided on samoyed's and then we found our J.P, who yes was a bit older than a puppy, he was 6 months BUT.... he still came with bad habbits, such as digging and chewing on things as he was home alone all day in his previous home and recieved little training.... but, all the samoyed we spent time with had generally the same attitude to life, and although yes i realise we will have all the normal baby things to deal with when we get a samoyed pup, i am confident i do know what i am getting in the dog as a breed.... so, im sorry i do disagree. The response's that have come to me here are dissapointing, and a few night's ago i decided i wouldnt have a thing to do with this forum again... but you know what, for the handful of you who i quite frankly will be more than happy to not have anything to do with again as i wouldnt waste my time... there has been more of you that have been supportive and offered FANTASTIC advice... and for all the people who have PM'd me and emailed me thier support against the on-slaught i copped in here, THANK YOU... i do and did appreciate your word's of support and advice VERY MUCH! So, its on that note, i wont be ending my contribution..... As for an update on the pup- It is with my pleasure i can announce we found her a home that is PERFECT for her.... this family has been looking for a female lab around 6 months for awhile now and the right one just hadnt come along.... then they through a friend of our's found us and.... 'miss daisey' as we had called her .... They have had lab's and have trained them before so can start with her's straight away. I could go on forever how perfect she is for them and them for her... but i wont... it isnt important right now. FACT IS- Rusky and Miss daisey are two TOTALLY DIFFERENT situation's, BY FAR! and have worked out how they are meant too..... as everything in life does... work out how it is meant too!!!!! As for this thread, i am OVER AND OUT - A HUGE THANK YOU TO EVERYONE, WHO AS I SAID HAS BEEN SUPPORTIVE OR OFFERED FANTASTIC ADVICE!
  2. We didnt buy her from the breeder she was originally from, however, im trying to find the breeder. I know his name, as its on her vacc cards, i am trying to find him purely to try and find out her history as THAT im unsure of. I realise, and again i feel i maybe shouldnt have disclosed this. Sigh. I was merely stating so you all would understand, for all the mistake i may have made, i havent made it from vain. I am an emotional person normally, it is who i am. I obviously made the decision to buy her from my heart not my head, and am now dealing with this. But thank you all for the advice. I really dont know whatelse to say, or if i should keep coming in here to read, as i just seem to feel worse. I am trying to do what is right for her.
  3. With as much respect as i can, please can you be sure you have followed my history and what REALLY happened before judging or commenting. Yes, we rescued a samoyed 2 weeks ago. We fell in love with him, and eve J.P loved him but he was by far impressed with J.P. I spoke to different breeder's getting opinion's and so on, and being the agression from the new samoyed to our samoyed was getting worse, decided it wouldnt work with us. He has though found the perfetc home with my mother, which i believe is where he is meant to be. He could not be happier. I am going to book an appt with a dog trainer/behav'st i found through here and see how we go. thanks p.s Yep- i guess J.P obviously came to us as a very well behaved boy..... we did not and have not had any issue's with him like that.....
  4. I wont be getting another one right now anyway IF we do find her a home. IF we did, it would be a samoyed as i know the breed. But thankyou... i am considering everything i really am.
  5. poodlefan, oh im sorry i didnt mean by you. I meant by the other posters earlier in this thread. I guess i am now defensive in here, as yes, i admit ive made a mistake with this breed, but im not a bad person and im not a bad person to animals. I if anything, love them too much. Hell, we never planned to have 5 cats, but over the years, here we arw ith 5 healthy, gorgeous happy cats lol. Thank you for the info, i didnt actually read that and i am now wondering why i didnt...... but i am learning and have learned alot. I have been reading ALOT now, and there is a huge differnece in the breed's... i do believe the psitz are more suited to us. I do have this gorgeous girl's happiness in my heart and i do agree, finding her a home suited to her may be best..... through many tears have i come to that conclusion. Im rambling. im sorry for being defensive in your reply, i shouldnt have..... your reply was nice and informative. thank you!
  6. poodlefan- yes your right, spitz breed to what you call a 'gun dog' is a huge difference. And i can admit bigger than i thought. I am dissapointed in myself, as although i thought i had done alot of research, OBVIOUSLY, i didnt do enough and have been in tears for the last 2 days because of it. HOWEVER, i do not believe this makes me a bad person, a bad pet owner.. or anything that i have been painted here.... all it makes me is someone who made a mistake.... turns out im human after all!!!! And for what its worth, i wouldnt expect my children to train her or deal with her behaviour. She is not allowed around them with out us. Thank you for your opinion anyhow. ETA: what we were looking for was primarily a companion for JP.
  7. Kelpiepupmum- Ooooo now see, i didnt even think of that... ofcourse! THANK YOU. ETA: TA, will go look... Cosmolo- She is good on the lead... i may actually reply to your email and possibly book a time with you (lol yes i did get it, i have just been flat chat). Thank you for replying, and i will email you
  8. Kelpiepupmum, THANKYOU... THAT IS helpful!!! My kids are 3.5yrs and 1.5yrs.... I will work on it with my 3.5 year old tomororw morning,and maybe for now keep our youngest just up from pups when pups is around. THANK YOU for this tip....
  9. Excuse me? there is not one ounce of respect in that statement at all and you need to get your fact straight!!!!! The fact i am asking for advice SHOWS i have the interest of all involved.... especially pups.... "Going through dogs at a great rate"??? may i ask what you base this on?? A rescue that DID not work out how i and my family hoped, and i did try all i could and looks like made the wrong decision by turning to DOL for help. Rusky is/was the first dog i have rescued, he had the issue's NOT me and at his age were well and truly ingrained.... as it was him who didnt want to be with our dog. I sat on the phone for 2 days solid, talking with 3 different samoyed breeder's including the president and then secretary of the samoyed club in vic, consulted 3 dog behavourist's and then as much as it broke my heart made the decison he wasnt suited to us. He is now still in my family but in a more appropriate house and it worked out BETTER than well. He lives with a small JRT and is happy as.. not one ounce of agression and that JRT is a male! THAT IS THE FIRST AND ONLY DOG I HAVE HAD TO RE-HOME AND IT BROKE MY HEART. how dare you try and paint me in a different light???? seriously!!!! I have done my homework, and in the process of doing my home work i came across this site and joined up thinking it would be great for people like us who are learning..... I was not to know she did this, and i am not saying she is a bad dog, i still adore her to bits... me saying she may be suited to a older household is me exploring ALL options in my head...thinking of all involved.... I have been reading since i first posted to see what i can read and how i can correct. Geeze, i really made a HUGE mis-judgmen thinking to post here as well to get some first hand re-life advice!!!!! You know what.... stuff this.. I posted here looking for advice... I needed to know that this is normal for a puppy and can be corrected... from experinced people not just books. And you bounce me????? I for sure DONT need this.... im looking for a positive community to be apart of! With all respect winterpaws, try getting ALL your facts straight before typing a post to someone who is a genuine dog/animal lover, who may need to learn alot about traiing dogs BUT does and did not need you to jump them.
  10. Picked up a 5.5 month old lab today... (mind you i was told she was 16 weeks but her d.o.b was on her vacc card) I was told she was great with kids, and so on... BUT... she isnt THAT great, and i just need to know if the behaviour she is displaying is easily altered, OR if she may be better suited to an older family. She is nipping/biting.. she follows the kids biting/nipping at the backs of thier arms, and when my son was sitting on the ground she bit/napped his head.. I dont know if i should call them a bite or a nip.... it isnt done in a malicous way.... but it hurts the kids as it makes them cry and they are startiing to be scared of her, and they have never shown fear of an animal in thier lives!!!! I am concerned, and need some advice, as i may still be able to take her back to where i got her. (as bad as it sounds, my kids come first) Advice? We havent had one ounce of trouble like this with out boy so..... im just a little perplexed as to what to do. I have sternly said no, and so on but she really just looks at me. What i need to know is what does this behaviour mean from a 5.5 month old and is it hard to correct? tnx
  11. Just want to thank everyone for all your help through this!!! GREAT NEWS!!!! I didnt realise but my mum has been recently considering getting herself a companion. She came over yesterday to mind the kids and well, guess what? she fell head over heels in love with Rusky and vise versa!!! lol so, he went home to his new, FOREVER home last night!! Pleased to report he took over her bed and will not leave her side... he is one happy boy who is by her side as she does all daily doing's so he is ONE VERY HAPPY DOG!!! I have always believed EVERYTHING HAPPENS AS IT IS MEANT TO HAPPEN... i should of known just because it turned out he was not meant for us, didnt mean i did the wrong thing by adopting him. He is now where, he is meant to be. I truly feel it. And we have found the puppy who is right for our home... she isnt samoyed, and is 16 weeks but her and J.P just adore eachother, so..... after all my stressing last week.... things have AS THEY ALWAYS DO, worked out!!!!! Again, thank you to EVERYONE who posted thier advice/thoughts/experience.... it was so appreciated!
  12. Our boy (8mth old) for 3 months and the rescue (6 year old) since friday. I understand that it has not been long, however, from all the people i have spoken too, 2 of them who have been involved with samoyed for over 30 years, the situation will not improve, at most the 6 year old , rus, will tolerate but barely but being the attack and hostility he has displayed and continues to display, they have advised it wont get better. And seeing the risk's involved, and taking the advice we have been given, we have decided it is best for Rus to find a home more suited (without a large male dog). The samoyed club of Vic are helping us with this which is just fantastic
  13. just been on the phone to the president of the samoyed club here in vic. He is making some phone calls for me. Im just crossing my finger something comes from it. The people we got him from are now saying they cant take him back. so, it is up to me... I will find whatr is best for Rus... i know i will
  14. Percy, your ppost has so many valid points, AND if rus was just snarling and slightly snapping id be happy to work on it but the attacking behaviour i just cant risk it. AND if J.P wasnt here, i know rus would of been perfect and if the kids werntm here, but jp and rus were id be happy to work on BUT facts are, kids are here, jp is here and my main goal for getting a 2nd dog was for a companion for JP. 2 nights ago while we were on our walk we came across a guy doing his mowing, he had a 18 month old lab out with him (his girl) and with his permission, her and jp played like there was just no tomorrow and THAT is what i am looking for for him. Someone that wants to be with him. Percy- lousy doesnt cover it.... i feel just down right horrible.... to of given the rus the hope of a final forever home and it not work.... i could cry. My heart is in the right place.. but i also have to do whats right for everyone, dog and human involved. I have been on the phone all morning to samoyed rescues and the breeder who i thoroughly respect and her advice is fantastic. Judi- to is your advice, invaluable. And as said above if things were slightly different, i would of go on and tried as i do believe he is an awesome doggy.... i just feel horrible
  15. Judi- Id had hope that by the new daylight Rus would of gotten over his issues with JP, but sadly its not the case. Within a second of being out he was making it clear i was his and JP could not have a bar of it. When i tried to disciplne him, he growld at me and at JP... SO i got on the phone to a samoyed breeder who i have been talking to re; rusky and his rescue. In a nutshell she said for whatever has happend to him in his past, he can not be with another samoyed or dog bigger than a JRT. OR a puppy. So adult dog only. He has obviously had a bad experience with a puppy.... Her biggest concern was my two kids and JP. She said if by chance the kids got between or near rus when he was doing what he is doin to JP, you cant say what could happen, not that she thinks he would want to hurt the kids but in the midst of it last night he got my hand. He was very sorry icould see, but stil. ALSO as my concern has been, JP is so young still and will copy whatever he see's. We have not yet had any issues with him and id like it to stay that way. So, i will get onto the phone to the samoyed rescue. I am not just going to move him on, or put him in a pound. NO WAY. he is a great dog who on his own or with just smaller dogs would be perfect. Sadly this just isnt right.... but i will find him the place thats right...
  16. Erny- read your reply after i PMd you. Thanks... you have calmed me down... i think your right. Ok, JP is outside, and Rus is in the garage. Rus is fretting i can tell, but i spose you would be being in a new place.... and from what i can tell this is an all too normal scene for little rus, and proberly not from his own doing.... i just wish i knew his history. If only he could talk!!!!!!!!! Ok, im going to try and get some rest. If you can let me know about the training thank you. YOU HAVE BEEN INVALUABLE tonight!!!!!!!!!! and to everyone else, you have all helped too... THANK YOU SO MUCH... I truly truly truly do hope we can be his last stop, and forever home.... i really do!!!!!!
  17. Like a tonne of bricks it has hit us/me...we have bitten off far more than we can chew ... for the want of another term!!! Neither are inside dogs, to sleep anyhow. Both can come in for a awhile, but sleep outside. So the only option of seperation i have is one in garage and one to roam the garden. Now jp has had free roam of the garden, so should rus be put in the garage? 2. we have 2 kids, 5 cats..... i just didnt think rus would be like this, but now thinking why wouldnt he. the poor boy. I must come across like a complete idiot but please understand i think my love for animals has for once done me an injustice *sighs* we are still in the midst of training JP. he came to us with little training..... so to add this kind of extensive behaviour issues that rus must have (and it seems only toward JP) im worried we cant do it. I know i may be just a bit frazzled... i just want what is best for both of them... i honestly thought we were going to be... thanks you Erny... your advice is appreciated
  18. i could have one inside. my issue there is though.. J.P being a energetic puppy just bounce's and never stops.... yet Rus is fantastic, he just sits with you and lazes around.. BUT if i have rus inside will it be bad for JP??????
  19. no we dont own a crate. Honestly im not even sure i know what one is? except possibly a bigger version of what we use to transport our cats?? I dont have one of those kiddy fence's..... never needed one with the kids. And its breaking my heart but i am considering taking him back to the family we got hime from This is just horrible... :D
  20. thanks Huski- i see she has replied to me... i wonder if she does where i am... erny- i may need your help. BUT, right now, i dont know what to do with them, as in... right now i have JP in the garage, and rus is roaming the backyard. The bakcyard has no section that i could seperate them, so am i better to leave jp in the garage (i feel horrible i have to add he has done nothing wrong but be a puppy maybe) OR should i bring one inside, leave one out???? I guess if i can create a solution for right now, and then get help to address long term. Im actually wondering if we are the family to help him??? I want too, but i also have 2 little toddlers who i am now conerned that, if he can do this to JP, and slightly snap my hand, what will he do to them???? although, so far he has not shown one single agressive motion to them... BUT at the same time i dont want the poor guy going from home to home like it looks like he has.... your advice right now is so greatly appreciated.....
  21. Diva- no not an organisation. We answered an add. Erny- 1.the people we got him from took him in when a person they knew through work decided to move to melbourne and didnt want to take him with them, and said if these people didnt take him they would PHTS. so the people took him. They have had him 6 months but just cant take care of him,so decided to find him a home. and this brings him to us. 2. I have no idea. BUt, from what i have pieced together- he at some stage (possibly where the owner prior to the people we got him off got him) was a resident at the Lort Smith, as in his little bag of things was a choker chain with a lort smith tag. I got onto the phone to them today and they no longer have any records of him so, the road to finding ruskys history went cold there. Took him to the vet tonight for a check over and start vaccinations as i didnt know if he had any, and upon scanning for a microchip we found one. The vet are going to look into it tomorrow, but i will also call central records on monday, as it may give me more insight, but could very well not. Look, he is very well socalised, EXCEPT for J.P!!! it is so strange. At the vet he did not raise one eyelid to any other dog, (mind you all we saw there were smaller than him), he was so so so so good for the vet, he is so well behaved.... and i just spoke to the family who we got him off and they said they have never seen this behaviour from him, even with thier friends lab who came and played once with them... so im just confused. Is it possible for some reason he (rusky) has just decided he doesnt like JP and wants us for himself. ????? i need to work out what to do cause the way it is right now isnt fair on JP P.S i should of added the reasons the people/family we got him off, couldnt keep him was they just didnt have the time to walk him, or groom him.. which to be honest he didnt care you could tell BUT he is 20kgs fatter than he should be which is not good for him...... so thats why...
  22. Hey sparky, just to clarify, J.P is our dog who is being an angel as always... its rusky who is the new dog and his behaviour im concerned about. I can understand jelousy and even deal with jelousy but this agression is my biggest concern.... the attack outside from Rusky onto JP, i dont know if im being to sensitive, being i know they are dogs but still.... it loked and sounded horrible.... Behaviourist????? i can see how good they would be, but, would be quite expensive am i right???? thank you for replying too
  23. For anyone who hasnt seen my recent posts on the samoyed we have rescued. quick history - we have a 8 month old samoyed male, and wanted to get a friend for him. We came across a add for a 6 year old samoyed who needed a home. Rusky is the rescue dog, J.P is our dog. Rusky is atm 20kgs heavier than he should be, so doesnt move as well as he could. Brought him home today. Things have been just OK, and tonight as we spent time with the boys... well, problems are arising and im REALLY REALLY concerned. 1. Rusky will not let J.P go near any of us, especially me, without snarling, and really raising the top lip and growling at J.P. and if J.P doesnt heed his warning, he snaps in his direction. In the kitchen before he was doing this to J.P as they both wanted my attention, i had one hand on either of them trying to show them i can love them both, rusky was snarling, j.p was i guess not listening, rusky snapped at j.p and i in a stern voice said no rusky with my finger pointing (i think) but i know by this stage i had one hand on j.p one hand trying to discpline rusky, and he snaped my hand and then snapped at jp. SO i dont know if he meant to snap my hand or if he thought my hand was jp. EITHER way this has really worried me. THEN, i was trying to put them both outside, j.p was already out, we were guiding rusky as he idint want to go outside, and rusky ran out the door and looked like to me was attacked jp, and this wasnt a little snap. was hard to see how far the attack went, no blood was drawn (i dont think havent had a chance to see jp), but it was agressive enough (well, to me agressive) enough to scare the shit out of me and i am now REALLY conerned. I know Rusky gets along fine with dogs smaller than him, as he just left a house with a JRTx who he adored. PLEASE, what do i do? Automatically i wanted to take Rus to where we got him from.. more than anything because i dont want our baby J.P to be damaged in anyway as he is the most gentle little guy, hasnt hurt a fly..... where as rusky is showing quite a few signs that im not sure we are equipped to deal with????? i know we dont understand.... can anyone offer any help? advice?? please feel free to ask any questions you may need to ask to get better undrstanding if you need it. im still a bit rattled from what just happened so i may not be making sense. much appreciated rebecca ETA: currently i have them seperated.. but it couldnt be a permanent situation. JP is in the garage and rus is outside.... this isnt an option long term.
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