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Everything posted by widget

  1. One of the things I did with my puppy was to attach a lead so that he was able to be with me and part of the group but couldn't go to far.
  2. I found the easiest place to find Ester-C is the health food shop.
  3. My almost 8 month old Shepherd gets a bone in the morning and dry food at night. He just stopped eating breakfast so I went with what he is comfortable with. The bone makes me feel better because he at least gets something in the morning.
  4. widget

    Scared Puppy

    Sorry this is a double post I have answered all of this in the first post. He is not being told off as such a small correction for nipping or barging and the weeing starts. I have now starting bringing him in on the lead and the peeing has stopped. So it is something in the house that is scaring him and not me. Check out the other thread. Thanks for the advice though. I have organised for a trainer to come to my house in 10 days for a consult so hopefully that will make a difference and we can figure out what is wrong and scary indoors for him. He was fully toilet trained before we had to move out of our house and into my parents for 7 weeks where he wasn't allowed inside much only to go to his crate.
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    Scared Puppy

    I got him as an 8 week old puppy and he was between a kennel and indoors. Mum and pups of which there were 10 slept in a outdoor kennel type thing and they were brought inside during the day for play and indoor socilisation. He did urinate inside a little before we went to my mum and dads but it was more potty training accidents which I just ignored and took him outside to finish. Since we got home on Sunday he has been like this so I really don't know what to do. The lead seems to give him more confidence and he would happily trot around the house following me or my daughter. He has a lot of changes though in the couple of weeks. My husband went away for work, we moved back home and I have been sick with influenza so he hasn't been getting as much attention as I would like. I know I am not the perfect owner but I truly love my boy and I am trying to make it as pleasant as possible for the whole family to have him indoors. When I get frustrated I don't yell or scream or hit or anything I just growl and put him outside so I can clean the mess up and not get to the point of wanting to yell.
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    Scared Puppy

    Sorry Settrlvr I do find it confusing. If he nips I growl no at him and turn and ignore him. When I do this outside he comes and sits in front of me and if I do it inside he pees and cowers. I am certainly not being excessive with my disapprovement and I am being consistent between outside and inside. He is still crated of a night so he hasn't lost that. I just tried a little experiment and let him in without the lead and sure enough he peed twice and I wasn't even near him or talking at the time I was on the computer typing and when I got up there was urine up the hallway and at the back door even though it was open and he could go outside at will. I think I will just keep him on the lead and build up to letting him off. I just wanted to add I don't actually yell I just use the growly voice and say no or leave it
  7. How old are the puppies when the picture was taken. I have my almost 7 month old shepherd on Royal Canin gsd puppy and we are just about to change him to the adult version. I wonder why they would suggest a completely different brand rather than just changing to the adult version.
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    Scared Puppy

    I already use the clicker that is what I have been doing to reward good behaviour even if he is just . I think the neutral thing is going to be the way to go as he just seems to be nervous inside. The bit I find confusing is that he is so confident outside and when in new situations except when inside. We were playing with an agility tunnel at dog training and he was happy and confident to go straight through with just a little encouragement from me but wouldn't do it when the instructors was using him as a demonstration dog. I will make sure I have treats in my pockets whenever he is inside and spend time helping him improve his confidence and I will work on trying to not inadvertently scare him more. Thanks again for all of the great advice. I will let you know how he is going in a few weeks.
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    Scared Puppy

    No my parents had very little to do with him as I was living there while our house was being renovated. They played with him outside and that and he did come in the house to go into his crate but he wasn't allowed in to play. I just wanted to add that I brought my puppy inside on the lead and it was almost like a different dog. No nervousiness at all, he was happy to come and lay down and have a wander around while I was doing a few little chores. I only brought him in for 5 minutes and then let him back outside with a nice meaty bone. Hopefully the short positive experiences will help him overcome whatever has scared him. I really appreciate the comments.
  10. widget

    Scared Puppy

    Thanks for all the great advice. I will implement it all straight away. It horrifies me that my dog is scared when I don't hit or raise my voice and he is generally not weak nerved, he is normally so inquisitive. He certainly looks to the alpha for guidance so maybe I am not showing the level of leadership he needs in the house because I am expecting him to get upset and have an accident. Maybe it is a self-fulfilling situation. I expect him to be scared so I am creating the issue. Thanks again for the advice. Please don't think badly of me. I think the move back into our own house from my parents where he wasn't allowed inside has contributed but for what reason I do not know. Thanks again. Shelley
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    Scared Puppy

    I am in a bit of a bind. I have a almost 7 months old GSD puppy who seems to be terrified of being told off when inside. If I even slightly raise my voice around him when he is inside he cowers and pees himself constantly till he can escape outside. Even if I just say no in a growly voice. This doesn't happen when we are outside and he seems a lot more confident outside. I really need some advice as it is making it unpleasant for both of us when he is inside as he is scared and I am frustrated as it means I am constantly mopping the floor. If anyone has any advice I would really appreciate it. What can I do to help him not be afraid of being inside. At the moment I am trying to leave the external door open so that he has an escape route and trying to keep it really calm inside. I do admit that I slide and do raise my voice if he is doing something naughty. Thanks in advance. Shelley
  12. widget

    Scared Puppy

    I am in a bit of a bind. I have a almost 7 months old GSD puppy who seems to be terrified of being told off when inside. If I even slightly raise my voice around him when he is inside he cowers and pees himself constantly till he can escape outside. Even if I just say no in a growly voice. This doesn't happen when we are outside and he seems a lot more confident outside. I really need some advice as it is making it unpleasant for both of us when he is inside as he is scared and I am frustrated as it means I am constantly mopping the floor. If anyone has any advice I would really appreciate it. What can I do to help him not be afraid of being inside. At the moment I am trying to leave the external door open so that he has an escape route and trying to keep it really calm inside. I do admit that I slide and do raise my voice if he is doing something naughty. Thanks in advance. Shelley
  13. I think you brought the wrong type of dog if you want one that doesn't cry, I am being sarcastic by the way. GSD are a little bit notorious for being sooky and crying even as an adult
  14. Thanks for all of your replies. I have been socialising my boy with my sisters dog who is fully vaccinated and he has been on lots of car rides and comes to my parents house and he is currently going to puppy preschool
  15. As the topic suggests I am after a bit of guideance as to when it is safe to allow puppies to be around other dogs. My vet has suggested 10 days after the 16 week vac but I thought that was quite late. Can anyone give me some help. Thanks in advance.
  16. The breeder I got my 10 week old GSD (8 weeks when i picked him up) from suggested natural yogurt, (premium food and some added meat with a little rice )all soaked together overnight so that it is moist and then mix the yogurt through as you are about to feed your puppy. This seemed to work for my boy and he is thriving. The breeder also suggest sardines in oil once per week.
  17. I think the only time shavings would be harmful (unless there is an allergy) would be if it was treated wood.
  18. Hi all, Can somebody please explain to me what BARF is and how to find out more about it.
  19. Thanks everyone. I don't like to go to pet stores as I don't like the fact that they sell puppies and I don't want to give them my hard earned dollars. I will look into the others though.
  20. Hi my name is Shelley. I am new to this forum. I am getting my new GSD puppy in about 8 weeks. Actually he is due to be born today. I have recently moved to Brisbane and I am looking for a dog supply store. Please PM me or post here if you have any suggestions or places to avoid. Thanks in advance.
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