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  1. British Shorthairs. They are already breeding them for shorter faces. They are starting to look like early stage (non extreme ) Exotics
  2. Ugh, I read the article, they are talking about bambinos. They were the crosses I refered to above
  3. To be fair, most hairless cats look like they cant retract their claws but it's because you can see their claws without the hair and they look stuck out. But I am in a "nakey" cat group on Face book and the horrible munchkin crosses distress me
  4. "Our dogs LOVE very stinky dead fish to roll in" Oh god, the memories... We get dead eels wash up here and when I had my dogs, one delighted in rolling in them, the other eating them. Gag!!!!
  5. There had been crocodile sighting in the area in the days leading up and signs posted. The owner should have been more sensible about letting her dog run off leash in the water.
  6. In most cases you can move away from an animal if you are allergic. In a plane you are stuck next to one.
  7. I read it was only for selected routes and selected flights, must be small enough to fit carrier under seat, no pets on laps. That could work, if you are allergic, avoid the pet flights :D
  8. Why are they called rough coated and not long haired? just curious?
  9. I'm wary of anyone crossing anything with poodles. Poodles are not some kind of super breed that magically cancels out any other breeds health issues. People breed poodles for the "oodle" name because it's "funny" Actually I'm wary of any cross breed that uses a cute combined breed name...
  10. Don't some zoos bring up cheetah cubs with pups and they go on to do ok? But it's not all bad. Look at Kakapos? Sirocco was hand reared, totally useless for breeding as he didn't see himself as a parrot. But by becoming an ambassador for the species he has raised awareness and funds to help his species. Something a more shy and wild Kakapo would never be able to do? Who is to know one of these pups will be just as important on day?
  11. Another whippet, of a different sex can work :D If they love the breed.
  12. They had him for 8 years? Was there a history or aggression or was there a health issue they hadn't realised?
  13. I read the article. It pushed him away! No biting. Maybe it's claws needed clipping but all the talk about "It's just mauled him" just no.
  14. Not a vet, go see one.. but, how is her eye sight? One sign of my old boy's blindness was starting to freak out at noise.
  15. I'm sort of straddling this now. After nearly 20 years of having British Shorthairs (who are beautiful and perfect) , I now have a Lykoi as well. (called the werewolf cat) Since I got Landis I keep getting comments from people saying "ew!" "gross!" "what's wrong with it?" "I hope it has a nice personality" Landis is a bit different from what you expect in a cat. One characteristic of his breed is less hair around his tummy, paws, ears and "mask" (eyes and muzzle/do cat's have a muzzle?) His breed has a mutation that means he doesn't have an undercoat. So he is patchy. But he is healthy and happy and his genetic background does not result in eye or teeth problems. Landis's breeder also breeds sphynx I always thought sphynx hilarious and ugly. Since getting Landis I joined a "nakey cat" group that has hairless cats and Lykois. I've come round. They are just cats with their own thing :D The baby photo of Landis from his breeder.. and Landis today (with his big brother Linnell the Brit)
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