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Karelea Aussies

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Everything posted by Karelea Aussies

  1. Dont forget to check the teeth. Between fortnightly checks my girl had managed to chip the inside of her canine and ended up losing that and 3 pre molars to infection. She was very sooky, very whingy and clingy and just generally off, but eating normally. We did urine and bloods but it turned out to be the teeth. Talk almost 3 weeks of vet visits and tests to find out what was wrong...so check the teeth :D
  2. Aw this is a great thread. Love all the naught puppy pics. This is one of my fosters who we found out was responsible for the massive hole that kept being dug in front of the house. And the worst descruction was done by my old GSD x girl. We kept finding bits of rubber strips in the yard. Took us a while to figure out they were the rubber weather strips you find along the bottom of your aluminium windows, between the window and the bricks. She had been (somehow) grabbing the ends and ripping them out of all the downstairs windows. The only way to fix it was to take all the windows out..........um no thanks
  3. I am trying to get in contact with the ebay store Puppy Power, and althought hey have a number listed on The Pet Directory, it is wrong. Does anyone have the current number? Thanks All sorted.
  4. Another here that uses the old style round plastic bins. They fit a 20 kg bag of food and the lids clips on so the dogs can't get into it.
  5. I can see that Tilly has a problem that is progressing. She was attacked by a Staffy that came out of nowhere at the age of 10 weeks, attacked by another Staffy at training when the stupid owner bought her dog up behind us to say hello when she knew her dog was NOT friendly, again by a dog of the same stupid family and even my terrier had a go at her a few days ago. She is everyones friend until a dog has a go at her. A GSD had a go at a mock trial and for the rest of the night she told off any dog that came near her and spent the recall watching a dog behind her cause it was obviously scary. I have seen her become defensive if a dog barks at her...even in play, barking seems to make her really uneasy. I guess I have failed to keep her safe and will need to be extra vigilant in the future to make sure it doesnt happen any more and hope to dog that it has not become a permanent problem. This makes me wonder if it has something to do with the fact that Aussies make eye contact..... Not sure what the circumstances are for you del29 and hope you can get it sorted.
  6. Another that obviously doesn't know the breed. Different yes due to his working lines, but no mistaking that he is an Aussie and a male at that. :D
  7. . Hi Aussie Oscar Just because you cant see fleas doesnt mean they are not there. If you are sure there are no fleas then maybe a trip to the vet would be the best option to get an expert opinion. All breeds can develop itchiness but there could be any number of reasons why. It could be flea allergy, food related or something environmental. Good luck and i hope you find an exlplanation. :D Come and join us in the Aussie thread and tell us all about Oscar. Pics are a must http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...amp;start=24450
  8. oh crap just realised it's me you are trying to kill
  9. ;) I have spent nights trying to figure out how we can fit it in your car. I never thought of that either. :p I almost bought a ground mat last weekend, but thought NOPE, we cant even fit us and the gazbo in yet.
  10. Awesome news...Good luck and we will have everything crossed for you
  11. My rescue girl in my sig did this, and what I took as DA was nothing more than tantrum throwing (at me) because she could not get her own way, and get to the other dog immediately. I am not trained in animal behaviour so I think most would have thought the same thing had they seen it. Scary yes, but all talk and noise. Once I had some guidence on how to handle the tantrums, things became much more civilised. She will still whine if she sees another dog but compared to how she was, I can live with that for now. I am not saying this is necessarily what is going on with the neighbours dog, but just another perspective.
  12. Naawwww . It will be interesting to see what the pups are once they get a bit older. If they are anything like mum they will be super cute.
  13. My hubby's friend bought a Schipperke from a pet shop in Nowra NSW. He was told the pup came from the only Schipperke breeder in VIC . I wonder if its from the same 'Breeder' as the pup in the pet shop and if so, I wonder how far around Aus these pups are travelling .
  14. I'm 4 months post ACL reconstruction in my knee so I haven't jogged in a long time. The physio has only just given me jogging exercises, but they are strictly confined to flat grassed areas. The first time I tried to do my 10 x 20m jogs I nearly died of exhaustion I'm now nearly up to 10 x 100m, and Ava is good motivation to do my exercises! MThat sounds like a great way to build up gradually. I might give that a try myself. Either that or get myself a bike lol
  15. I try to get on the end of the row and just go for it and if anyone gets in my way, watch out. Our instructors are always trying to up the pace anyway. Tilly would looove jogging, but I am not fit enough for that yet.
  16. Are you up when you train? If I am a bit tired and slow in my pace, Tilly could care less and gets easily distracted and bored. If I pick myself up in voice AND body and get really animated, the change is instant and she really switches on. I had thought that she was not enjoying it until one of the trainers told me to get moving, and the difference was amazing . I think her lack of animation was coming from my lack of animation. I am only a very novice trainer and its just a thought .
  17. You walk like a "gallion in full sale" and I need to stop talking to my dog lol.... I will be there stewarding to cheer you on :rolleyes:
  18. So sorry for your loss Lyndsay . RIP Snickers.
  19. What a wonderful person you are. 'My Lady' sure looks good for her age and what a gorgeous girl she is. Have you thought about looking on ebay or in the local paper? There are so many prams there and you might be able to pick one up really cheaply. There are loads of the 3 wheel jogger prams which might be better for rough terrain. Good luck on the hunt for a new carriage for 'My Lady' .
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