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Everything posted by yarracully

  1. I see no real problem with it. As others have already said if its a small country show and the committee didn't enter there wouldn't be many entered at all. I also believe that the judge would not know which exhibitors are on the host club committee. As the judge probably only interacts with the show sec before the show, then maybe the show sec should not show but thats about it. We had a show in our area recently where a local won BIS (not me alas). But the comments going around about the person being on the committee etc. was ridiculous. There is no way the judge would have known that exhibitor X is on the committee. How many would know who is on the committee of any clubs unless they were pointed out first. Pick any show you like, that you are not a memeber of the host club, and see if you can identify who is on the committee. More than likely you couldn't as they don't usually wear a label saying "Committee Member". A judge is in the same position. Now when the committee take the judges out for dinner during a two day show weekend thats a different matter as then the judge might know who is or isn't on the committee for the next day.
  2. Hi Mjosa Yes it is to be frozen and stored. Its probably the same vet, but I want to make sure I have a bitch available just in case they haven't, as its a one way trip of nearly 600k's and the next two weeks is the only time I can get there until probably next year, if then, so I can't really afford to waste an opportunity. I should have added PM's welcome to my original posting on this or emails to [email protected]
  3. Just wondering if anyone in Adelaide or surrounds has a bitch due in season within the next two weeks. I am looking for a teaser to assist with collecting some semen from one of my males. However I can only get to Adelaide to do this within the next fortnight. so timing is a bit of an issue.
  4. I haven't been on the forum for a while so am now in the process of catching up. Its good to see that you are recovering well Jed. Keep your spirits up. Many of us can only imagine what you have been through and are still going through. I still intend one day to get up your way for that coffee with you. :D
  5. The only way to be sure of a rule NOT existing will be to call DogsNSW. The exact same ruling I found. AS I said it only states Bitches not dogs.
  6. Budget for it......on a pension Well yes, from puppy money and the other things that some do to earn extra on the side, like dog bathing and grooming.Yes things can be hard on limited income but it can be done. I wish it were that easy! As much as I sacrfice and try to save money for interstate jaunts, I'm still hard pressed to afford to travel to shows in Northern Tasmania!! I maintain that for the "average" exhibitor, interstate travel is difficult and getting more difficult as the airlines make it so. And not everybody is in the position of being able to add at least 2 days each side of their trip for travel by ferry either OR come to that is able to get to Devonport by road from the Southern part of the State to get on the boat in the first place with dogs. I'm not saying it CAN'T be done....as I said in my post with careful planning and budgeting, it CAN be done. But unfortunately not for many of us. I live in Tasmania by choice....I don't make a habit of complaining about living here because having lived in other States, I KNOW it is one of the best places to be...but regardless of whether you agree or not, it IS hard to get to the mainland for shows on a regular basis unless you have a money tree or a private jet. Just out of curiosity how far is it from mainland Aust to Tassie and can anyone give an approx cost of say a car and trailer on the ferry? I have never looked into going there and it is quite a travel for me to even consider, but I am asking these questions simply so I may get a bit of an idea of the potential obstacles invovled in travelling from Tasmania to the mainland or vica versa. Really just after a perspective.
  7. I'm tending to agree with Silvawillow. If its alright for the mainlanders to say to the Tassies "It is possible just figure it out", why can't the Tassies hold a national and say the same to the mainlanders. For all that are saying to the Tassies "You can find a way if you wanted too" would it be wrong for the Tassies to say it back and hold a national in Tasmania. Afterall if its OK for them to find a way to the mainland to show it should be the same for mainlanders to figure out how to get to Tasmania as well. As for the eight days mentioned thats part of the problem to be overcome in order to attend.
  8. Just went through my copy of the NSW regs and the only age mentioned is the breeding of bitches. No mention of a minimum age for males
  9. In my view it changed at about the time the do gooders started the "Can't discipline your children" routine. I can well remember before that occured that if an adult told you to jump you jumped. Now it seems if you are asked not to do something you just tell them to clear off (slightly different wording but you get the drift). Now I might be old fashioned but when I was growing up if I stepped out of line I got a belting from my father. After the first one he only had to threaten it. But you learnt to behave and respect others. To be honest now I look back and thank him for doing it.
  10. I'm not real sure that your first suggestion would work in all situations. Many of the country shows we do are located on ovals where there is no gate as such for the public to access. However I can see some merit in your alternative suggestion and reading this topic is starting me to think of doing just that as I have a few that just don't like strangers and dislike kids even more.
  11. yarracully

    Noahs Ark

    Finally proof that Souff is obviously on non prescription medication (Drugs)
  12. yarracully

    Noahs Ark

    Not if the water was up that high. Ever seen anyone freeze to death at the beach? Souff What Beach?? It was all flooded wasn't it. Mind you it makes you wonder with all that is being said about climate change and sea levels rising. Probably won't get to the same level for a while but I might get the old row boat out of the shed roof just in case. Look good me and ten dogs in a fourteen foot dinghy.
  13. To the Original Poster ask your neighbours this question. Do we put down people that are blind? No! People adapt to their disability as do dogs. If the dog is happy, not in pain and is still enjoying its owners and they are still enjoying the dog then why change it? They are the ones that are looking after the dog and its problem. It really is no one elses business. Whoever said to put the dog to sleep would be the type that would get rid of a pup simply because it wont teach itself to behave. Some people really have no idea. ETA I applaud the dogs owners for still loving the dog regardless of its slight imperfection. I condemn the idiots that suggested PTS.
  14. I don't know the original poster nor their issues but I personally would be concerned for my dog if she were transported away. May not be cruel in any way, but I would much prefer to know where my dog was at any point in time. If I were to take a dog under breeders terms such as described I would be making sure I knew where my dog was going while fulfilling the obligation. When my bitches whelp they do it here and remain here the entire time they are with the pups. I am a bit paranoid with moving my dogs before and after whelping, so No I wouldn't do it.
  15. yarracully

    Noahs Ark

    As well as building approval all the wood would have to come from sustainable sources. Can't just go and chop down a forest even though it was going to be flooded anyway. Not too mention that every animal must have its own individual food bowl. Could you imagine all the noise on that boat??
  16. One that comes to mind is "Friend to Boo Boo" after all Yogi and Boo Boo were best friends if my memory serves me right (which it often doesn't lately)
  17. yarracully

    Noahs Ark

    Sorry to burst your bubble here Souff but the RSPCA would have been waiting to charge Noah for Cruelty. All those animals confined on a boat without being able to go out and exercise. Very very cruel, even though they were being saved. It is better to let them drown than to save them you know. As for the new ark perhaps thats what the new shipyard in Adelaide is for. Its not for building new destroyers after all.
  18. Jed thank you for your history of your breed but I have a question for you from your history lesson. Where can I get my hands on a lithuanian goat. At only thirty centimetres tall and produce ten litres of milk each day yet live on barren ground I could do with a couple of thousand head. Obviously more money in these than in running bloody sheep. Not too worried about their swimming abilities- we don't have any water so they should fit in here quite easliy
  19. WIth regard to the mother leaving the pups I wouldn't worry too much about that. We have a couple of bitches that won't leave the pups at all, and then we have one who on her last litter last year would come in and feed then go straight back out with the other dogs. She seemed to hardly spend any time with pups, Yet they all gained weight and hardly ever murmured so they must have been getting fed enough. Let your dog be your judge. She will let you know when she needs to feed the pups and when not. I never cease to be amazed at how well bitches take to mothering even on their first litter. They just know right away what to do and when to do it. Unlike some people.
  20. SSM did your vet advise you that Alizin does not work on all bitches but does on a majority. According to my vet its about 99% effective. We have one bitch here that alizin won't work on yet it does work on her litter sister and her mother. Mind you the one it doesn't work on has given my very good pups on quite a few occassions. Just thought I would ask if you were told of this.
  21. Yes shellbyville I agree with everything except I have seen instances where a dog has toileted no more than four feet from a bin with a pooper scooper next to it and the person just walked away as if it didn't happen. And it was quite a size dog so you couldn't miss the mess it made. But you are right there are those that simply won't pick up no matter what the conditions and that is what started me thinking along the lines I have.
  22. Both the dogs roaming and cleaning up issues are against the rules in many states, however it seems there are a minority (must emphasis that -only a minority) that dont obey and really the Canine councils don't seem bothered (or able) to do anything to much. My thoughts (and the reason for this topic) is that if a more immediate penalty were to be threatened it may have a better impact. Also although we may see many instances where this is occuring many still keep doing it. Whereas if you were at a show ground and did it would you be aware of the club committee members who could be keeping an eye out for such matters. After all if the exhibitor has spent money travelling to the show and then is at risk of expulsion on the spot it may make them more inclined to do the right thing after all how many of us can afford to spend money travelling to a show and accommodation and then not actually show. I suppose its along the way of my fathers old saying "if you want to teach them a lesson they won't forget hit them where it hurts-in the wallet" I should point out that I will admit that its really only a small amount of people causing this problem but it is a problem that could affect many of us if its not dealt with. Also as has already been mentioned if you do the right thing then you have nothing to be concerned about. My concerns are really that we are at risk of losing grounds to hold shows on and I don't feel that its should be up to host club members to clean up after other peoples dogs after the show has finished and everyone else has gone home. Yes I do agree with you Kelza- we should clean up after our dogs. In fact I would go one step further and say that we as responsible owners/breeders etc should be setting an example for members of the public to follow and as such we should be more on top of these issues than we are
  23. I've been doing a bit of thinking recently over certain matters that seem to affect all shows, or so it seems. One issue is the matter of people not cleaning up after their dogs. I don't think I can recall a show where the PA hasn't nearly melted from the continuous announcements asking people to clean up after their dogs. The matter was raised again the other day so it occured to me that perhaps clubs could put in a set of subrules to the effect that anyone not cleaning up after their dog could have their dog withdrawn from the show. The reason for this is many shows held in country regions are on sporting grounds which are used for other purposes. Yet there is a minority that seem to think they do not need to pick up after their dog. End result is that either the club committee has to spend a considerable amount of time cleaning up after someone elses dogs or the grounds are not available for future use. Obviously any club ruling would have to allow for a warning to be issued first but thereafter the person (if they continued) would then be excused from the show. The other is allowing dogs to roam around unrestrained. At a recent show several dogs were seen to be roaming around among the exhibitors camps. I think its quite obvious the problems this could create. I was thinking again a ruling similar to the one above could also be applied. What are other peoples thoughts on this?
  24. Other thing is the exhibitors that travel for the shows if it were the day before at 10am we are usually a long way down the road by then so by going two days before does provide a bit of breathing space. I suppose either one has its bad points though.
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