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Everything posted by yarracully

  1. One of the people who bought a puppy from these people...who were then told the puppy had a bad reaction to a vaccination in Sydney and died.....want to try to take the matter further....So if anyone has more information about this scam can they please PM me. The details of the website...the peoples name are below THANK YOU if you can help or at least let potential puppy buyers know of the scam... Lee Lee you forgot the web address. What is it?
  2. You have to be realistic Dobesrock. No dog can meet that list. If you're prepared to compromise on coat, I'm still breading these: Hmmmm.... very tempting, still a bit more work than I'd like. However, if we come up with a good marketing plan I think they would really take off! Now for what to call them Toodles? Shellydoodles? Giant Snapping Oodle? Wouldn't have to worry about it running away.
  3. I might be missing something here but the release I just read said five fertile females. Not 5 fertile dogs. So you can have 50 dogs but only 5 fertile females. At least thats how I read it
  4. Thanks Becks, you have just pointed out to me why I don't have a new car, or outfit and haven't been on a decent holiday for 15 years. (one that doesn't involve being up before the sun and racing like mad to get to an oval to sit around on all day) Now I have seen the light. Must now go and look up the yellow pages to find a publicity company to handle my advertising of my three males. Bye all and see you in the Bahamas: Villa 29, Rich Bugger Avenue
  5. I don't know what your history with dogs is, but Dog shows has nothing to do with breeders using particular dogs for breeding. Dog shows are only an opportunity to promote the results of breeding. A dog show does not force any one to use any particular dog in their breeding program. Does the breeder to which you refer actually show? AS to who can control them consider this, humans even reproduce defective offspring. Does the government do anything to punish humans that produce defective off spring. No its called Nature. And you won't beat nature no matter who you are or what you do.
  6. They offered to refund your money, that's what seperates the wheat from the chaff. Try gettin a BYBer to give you any guarantee of make good when it all goes to hell in a hand basket. Another registered breeder bash and whinge. Must say I was just about to reply with exactly the same as ReadySetGo. Your BYB or Pet store would simply say "tough luck its your problem". At least they offered to buy the pup back. What are you really after. A huge payout for compensation? What more could the breeder do?
  7. Personally I would question the quality of the dog if they have to go out and push it onto you. If the dog was any good you would already know about it without them shoving it down your throat. But perhaps I am looking at this from the wrong angle.
  8. Ker there are some people that you just can't get through too. Alas this dog is owned by at least one such person. For the dogs sake at least do call the council on Monday. They might be able to get through to the thickhead.
  9. There are a few pure breeds that come in differnet sizes and coats such as the Dachie. However the combination within a litter is an area of concren for me. Especially if labelling as a purebred.
  10. Recognised by whom? (or who?) Also, I don't think that is the sole or only criteria otherwise the Mini Foxy and others I mentioned in an earlier post would be recognised by now if 'recognised' means by the ANKC. The Mini Foxie is recognised.....they're now called TT's. When most of the MF clubs were wanting ANKC recognition they were told 'not under the name of MF so change it'......which is what they did. They also had to keep their own registry ...and breeders had to breed 5?7? generations true to type before they could be reciognised. They did this and now the breed is recognised. Those, clubs and fanciers who chose to stay with the name MF ........are not recognised. It such a shame the whole lot didn't come on board under the name TT.......as there are some lovely MF bloodlines that are now lost to the gene pool of TT's. As to labradoodles...they're cross breeds made purely to make money. Different standards. The ANKC standard for a Tenterfield Terrier is different to the standard put in place by the Mini Foxie club.
  11. The Tentie is recognised and is breeding true. Thank you Anne
  12. Don Burke had NOTHING to do with the Tenterfield Terrier being recognised. That was acheived through the hard work of the Tenterfield Terrier club of Australia and its dedicated members. We had to have a true record of five documented generation of true type. AS well there is also a 150 year history to the breed prior to recognition with photos and documentation Mister Burkes sole contribution was to suggest a name for the breed, that is where his contribution ended. The name was put up for voting on (along with a few others) which was then voted on by the club members.
  13. Depending on your location. We often show in Victoria and I am more than happy to let a learner handle my dogs. It helps me as I have in the past been stuck with a dog that won't work for anyone but me, which is a problem for challenge runoffs etc. So I want my dogs to be used to being handled by anyone.
  14. Poodlefan I think you have misread the quote. The dogs owner is not the person that committed the massacre. It was the neighbour and an accomplice who is alleged to have previously killed the other dogs and are facing charges. I recall this matter and its media coverage well.
  15. Not too sure about the dosage mark. We have a Tenterfield Terrier (would be about the same size as your fox terrier) that has recently been put on Vetmedin at nearly 9 years of age and the dosage we have been told to give is a quarter of a tablet twice a day one hour before food. No change in appetite at all but is making a difference to the dog generally. I did see somewhere on the net when Vetmedin was first prescribed that loss of appetite may( Must stress MAY) result from over dose. Best of luck with your dog.
  16. I would like to know how they plan on doing next day delivery. That would be good.
  17. From my understanding of this, the autopsy could not find a cause of death and the fact the owner won't give permission for the OP to discuss the findings with the vet I would not be giving anything back. If the Autopsy could provide a cause of death and it can be shown as a pre-existing condition I would consider a refund, but I would still want to talk to the vet about it first. But with this situation no cause of death= no refund, and no permission to discuss with the vet= no refund. Its entirely likely that the dog died as a result of their own actions and why should you be responsible for that. It seems to me they are more concerned with getting the money. A form of extortion in my opinion.
  18. Our dogs have a large yard with several small sheds to sleep in. When a bitch is in a temporary fence about five feet high is put up to create a smaller yard within and one shed for bitch. The concrete has holes in it for the fence to stand up in so we can take it out and all that is left are a few one inch square holes in the concrete. As we have a few bitches we usually put another one in for company. However we have one male that has had a habit of getting in sometimes. Like to know how as he is only about 11 inches tall at the shoulder. Although we have one in now for about the last week and he hasn't gotten in so whatever I did differently must have worked.
  19. I prefer to use the martingale on some of mine but I do have a few that simply must have check chains or else they try and assert themselves. Never heard of check chains being banned. Prong collars I had heard but not check chains.
  20. Didn't see the show myself. Don't go in for lifestyle or reality TV personally. But if as you say it was said ( and I have no reason to doubt you) then I too would be annoyed. Its statements like these from Dr H and Mr D Burke that do a lot of damage which is never corrected. I did see on Bondi Vet last night (the only time I have watched the show but it was raining here) the Pug owner who let his dog mate and have a litter of pups only to admit it was not a wise thing to do. Pity they all didn't think ahead first rather than create more problems. From your summary of the segment its not hard to see why there are so many dogs being dumped if they are being treated as an accessory. A situation that in a few years will get worse for these breeds when the fashion moves to something else, as fashions always do. No I don't think you are crazy and I also don't think you are alone in finding it irritating and in bad taste.
  21. Would agree with Highway one. We stay there quite often. Although make sure if you are taking a trailer to let them know as some of their cabins have carports that only fit a car, and others such as their A Frame ones there is plenty of room for car and trailer to park without unhooking. I try to get the A Frame ones when we go there. They are a bit further from the front gate but a lot easier to park a large trailer and car at.
  22. We have often entered in NSW, SA and Vic as number pending. The only condition ever mentioned was that number had to be provided to show secretary before the pup could enter the ring. At one stage we even rang up and had the number quoted to us as the papers didn't return prior to the show. Number was accepted on the day of the show and no issue was made. Sometimes it depends on the show secretary and what sort of mood they are in at the time.
  23. Missed it. Any details what was on or if it was worth watching even?
  24. No way!! down in the shed, pumping them out, pumping them out. Nothing wrong with a bit of patella luxation, and most of the suckers puppy buyers wont know the pups have their back legs on back to front Chi x JRT, chi x poos - chipoos!! Very popular. Can't keep a good puppy farmer down, Mother Moocher, you should know that, and I now have official confirmation from the RSPCA that I am a good ethical breeder, with beautifully kept and well socialised dogs so I can trade on that!! Prices going up. I'll give you this much Jed. You and Poodlefan never miss a marketing opportunity.
  25. All an E collar is is like a big sheet of clear plastic that they feed a collar through and put around the dogs neck. It is to stop the dog from bumping into the operation site and from scratching it. The dogs seem to adjust to it quite well but the first time they go to eat out of a bowl can be a bit funny to watch as the e collar stops them from getting their head in at first. Don't worry about it it is only to protect the injury from the dog and other objects. In years past we used to cut the bottom out of a plastic bucket and put that over the dogs head so they couldn't annoy the injury. However plastic buckets don't look as nice as the e collar.
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