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Everything posted by Alyosha

  1. I'm identifying most with the champagne (although any wine will do really...) and the dog... :laugh:
  2. Gawd Pebbles, they didn't move to NSW and become my neighbours did they?? Oh wait, our neighbours' dogs live on bare foul concrete...
  3. So very sad. A timely reminder to seek medical attention for any wild animal injury - bite or scratch.
  4. Oh MonElite I'm sorry you and your girl had such a time. It's truly something that can be hard to convey to people that haven't been there and done it. I do hope you get some decent sleep over the next two weeks. My last litter was 12 too - just over 18 months ago. I'm not recovered enough to go again just yet!!! :laugh:
  5. Schipperke? Japanese Spitz? Or Tibetan Spaniel?
  6. Oh double crap! Did you try emailing the committee in case it was handed in?
  7. Crap. It's normally me leaving them lying around! I didn't see them but will ask around.
  8. Well that sucks all the fun out of it. Will go back to looking on FB for the personal input side of it.
  9. And why on earth cannot the public be told where it occurred? Why the secrecy? Bats can be affected by Lyssavirus, not just carriers. When showing symptoms they are normally on the ground as they are acutely unwell. So people can be bitten trying to pick them up. Around two months ago young fruit bats would have still been about and less than skilled at hanging onto mother or flying. So they too can be frequently grounded. And not saying where it came from? To prevent panic? People heading out to try and kill bats? And therefore potentially more cases... ABL has been detected in various species and locations across Australia. ANY bat injury needs medical treatment, no matter where it comes from. A very sad story. I would've thought that any bite or scratch from a wild animal would at least warrant a tetanus shot - even if people didn't know about ABL? If medical attention was sought the child would have been treated and alright. Very sad and preventable. I used to handle bats nearly daily as a wildlife carer (so have had rabies vaccine shots) and they are delightful creatures - large and small. Intelligent and sensitive, they remind me very much of dogs personality wise. They don't deserve to be maligned or mistreated by frightened people.
  10. I thought I'd re-start the little habit we had going on here last year - a weekly thread for people to share results (and also some brags...) from the weekend's shows. I know there are a few on today in NSW - Kangaroo Valley, Bermagui and Erskine Park this evening. Also Redcliffe I think in Qld? What's happening in Vic, WA, SA etc as well everyone?? And tomorrow there will be a few more. So share away!! :D :D
  11. I think Yahoo got smashed the other night. My yahoo club email also got hacked from a location in Turkey and a spam link was emailed out to all contacts and recent email addresses. Nice and embarrassing...
  12. :laugh: If looking sad meant that Newfies were suffering then ALL Newfie owners would be in trouble!! And Basset owners could be for it as well... I wouldn't do it with mine but plenty of people do. The dog is in the shade and has water. Plenty of dogs in backyards all over that don't get such attention, or get out and about with their owner. Yes an hour is a long time but you only have one person's word on that - how reliable is that?
  13. The vet will be able to tell if it's an injury or a deformity. Sounds like a simple break. Tail breaks do happen in utero - it's pretty crowded in there sometimes! It probably doesn't need docking unless the nerve or blood supply is affected. If it is, the end is better to come off as the dog won't feel when they injure it, or it can have poor blood supply and be prone to infection. Docking it can be a much more traumatic thing to do when they're bigger.
  14. I might be in on it - depending on how far off it is (drowning in bills right now!!). But I'd love to bring a couple of the hounds and even the human kids if possible.
  15. When I bred Dairy goats and had Arabian horses, both having appendix or partbred registries - it was a minimum of seven generations. So "every rule" of animal husbandry seems to be different there? Or has it been reduced to four? Sorry - OT! It would technically be allowed. But the dog wouldn't fit the standard so would be unlikely to be awarded. I had a damaged tail in my last Borzoi litter. They normally have a long fringed tail (similar to a goldie), and the standard describes how it should look and be carried etc. So my beautiful pup was never going to be awarded. He could have been a breeding dog yes - but is in a glorious pet home. It is heartbreaking to lose a quality animal that could otherwise do so much in the showring - but thems the breaks. No different to a dog that loses a leg. They are still a great dog - just not a great show dog.
  16. With double dewclaws, and the look of him I would think possibly a LGD x with a cattle type. And if they are big double dewclaws, yes they may look a little untidy, but they should be strong and firmly attached. Do you have any Pyreneans in the district?
  17. He does have a houndy look. Rear dew claws? Are they single or double? As a safe bet I'd say Stumpy Tail x.
  18. And if the allegations of pups being mutilated in order to get them docked are even close to being true, then those breeders have no one but themselves to blame and need to be seriously considering their actions. Rumours like this bring all dog breeders into disrepute. Ffs if your breed was formerly docked and now can't be, just bloody deal with it and don't try and find a million other sneaky ways to get them docked regardless. I had a pup born in my last litter with a broken tail - it certainly happens. But whole litters? I seriously hope these are rumours and not truth. Bad enough just being a rumour.
  19. This page explains a bit more about the use of the term lethal in dog matters: http://www.astraean.com/borderwars/2011/03/lethal-semi-dominant-merle.html
  20. Mine start on warm Divetelac with raw beef mince - milkshakes. I start with just a tiny bit of meat for flavour. Then gradually reduce the milk and increase the meat.
  21. It is odd though, if you look at Pomeranians again (being the toy German Spitz) - FCI allow particolour on equal merit to solid. US standard does as well. But the UK standard and the Australian one (which seems very similar to the UK one if not the same one) allow particolour but as less desirable than solid - so if two dogs are otherwise of equal merit, the solid should always take precedence. I've often wondered how this division has occurred. Was it a popularity thing for the UK and Australia to prefer solids? When FCI - which seems closer to country of origin for a German breed - has no preference? Which came first?
  22. Ooo! The lean to sounds great! Must go to BCF now... :D
  23. I have to beg to differ. Afghan, Azawakh, Basenji, Borzoi, Deerhound, Greyhound, Irish Wolfhound standards all state must be dark, or dark preferred. Only Ibizan, Pharaoh, Saluki, Sloughi and Whippet permit lighter eyes. :D
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