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Everything posted by sparkycat

  1. *Your Name/ State - Sparkycat-SA *Dogs Name/Age/Breed - Nicky, Borzoi age 3 years *Your adoption story Nicky lived with her 2 litter sisters with a single man who adored his girls. Very sadly he died alone and was not found for some days. The 3 Borzois were put in a boarding kennel for a couple of weeks before a friend of mine was contacted about them. My friend got the 3 of them from the boarding kennel and took them back to his place - he already had 2 Borzois. The relatives of the owner couldn't take them and were happy for them to be rehomed. The breeder was interstate and was also happy for them to be rehomed. As soon as I saw the photos on Facebook and heard the background story I offered to take one. Nicky was rather scared, nervous and upset when I collected her. She has been with me now for almost 3 months and she has fitted in perfectly with my Borzoi, Lappie and 2 cats. She is the sweetest most affectionate best behaved delightful dog I have ever had ! Nicky's 2 sisters were also rehomed in SA.
  2. It is very frustrating that there are so many registries - I have 5 animals registered with 4 different registries. The NSW Companion Animals Register website reads as though every animal on it will stay in NSW. It refers queries to your local NSW council - not very helpful for us non NSW pet owners. I try to get the microchips checked every vet visit.
  3. Licks noway and my Borzoi's give me beautiful gentle nose kisses
  4. I got Nicky's from http://www.dizzydogcollars.com/ Bosco got a super one from https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/dogsartcollars?ref=l2-shopheader-name and another couple from https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/Pugs2Persians?ref=l2-shopheader-name
  5. One got himself home this morning and the other was found in a disused water tank luckily uninjured.
  6. My friends 2 Borzoi's have been lost in the Adelaide foothills since yesterday morning. She doesn't know how they got out but is frantic to find them. They were lost from Montacute Both are males wearing collars and are microchipped. "Jojo & Zepp"
  7. Was it? Yes !!!! I thought I might have given a hint by using "hound" instead of "dog" She is beautiful and looks so happy and confident
  8. Mmmmm photo of a very unusual hound just came through my FB page - hope it is the mystery one :)
  9. Only once last year when Bosco- Borzoi was about 12 months old. Lucky my lovely neighbour witnessed him sail over the front fence to investigate a cat fight. Jaana my Lappie started screaming so I went out to investigate - I think he scared himself because he was very very happy to see me ! So we built a higher fence !
  10. I have been looking for one too - it needs to stop very long nose Borzoi kisses :)
  11. It's currently on special at Petstock https://www.petstock.com.au/search?per_page=24&product_page=1&search[category_url]=%2FACANI%2FCANIFOOD%2F_pronto_brand%2FEARTHBORN edited because I messed it up :laugh: and I can't fix it
  12. I get mine from http://www.mysilverwombat.net/ fast service with tough steel tags at a great price !
  13. Mine get fed twice a day - 2 that are giant sighthounds so prone to bloat and the other a Lappie who carries on like a starved unloved homeless hound if she doesn't get fed !!!!! And as for the cats -try not feeding a Siamese for a earful of abuse :laugh:
  14. Poor Bosco was not allowed to lie in the muddy puddle or eat horse poo today And then tonight he was only allowed to sit on my lap for 10 minutes ( he is a 44kg Borzoi with heaps of boney bits ) Poor Jaana was not allowed to eat cat poo and has to stay inside tonight because of the storm.
  15. Wow he's huge and gorgeous ! Boomba is very pretty too - a real cat-dog :laugh:
  16. I bought 4 more name tags because each dog has at least 3 collars !
  17. I do pet training in obedience and agility with my Lappie and my Borzoi. I really enjoy it because it is not competitive just lots of good fun with friendly people. My Borzoi doesn't fit through the tunnel so he just goes around it :) and my Lappie tells me off if I stuff up my hand signals :laugh: but they both have a great time and get excited when we go.
  18. I have been feeling rather smug because my 18 month old Borzoi has never got up on any tables or benches. I have a new arrival - a 3 year old girl Borzoi. This afternoon I put her in the house by herself for 10 minutes and in the time she got up on the kitchen bench and knocked over 1 kg of honey and broke some canisters !!!!! I'm still trying to un-sticky the kitchen !
  19. I don't know if its stubbornness or a matter of "what's in it for me". Both of mine -a Lappie and a Borzoi are supposed to be stubborn but I have found that I just need to figure out from their prospective what they think they will get out of my request ! I do fun non-competitive agility with both of them and it is fun working out what they like and don't like.
  20. I didn't realise that Borzois could be such adorable clowns :)
  21. My Borzoi- Bosco is the smartest, fastest, sneakiest thief I have ever known :D
  22. That is beautiful HazyWal ! I wonder if there is a similar group in SA that I could sneak my Borzoi into :) And I will have to stop reading Stan's antics outloud - Bosco my Borzoi just stole my apple as I was watching the video :laugh:
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