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Everything posted by sparkycat

  1. Cute photos -Our old deerhound did the same with the apricot and olive tree - made the huge deerhound poos even worse than usual
  2. Definitely a sidelines boy. He certainly gets excited and silly, but for the most part he is very laid back and can often be found awaiting me in my study after he has his breakfast. While Erik is still hooning around the place licking bowls and trying to help me load the dishwasher, Kivi has taken up the coveted spot behind my desk chair (where he is right now) and is just quietly waiting for the day's work as companion dog to begin. Kivi is, I think, a particularly laid back Lapphund. He is not phased by much at all and just likes to be nearby. He has a pretty soft temperament and can be easily upset (he literally cried when one of my mum's cats hissed at him - she didn't even take a swipe!), but he is very resilient and like Ahsoka, recovers quickly. He is so sweet, I kid you not, OH at one point expressed concern that Kivi was mentally retarded because he was about a year old and we had still never seen him growl, or lift his lip, or even give a hard stare. OH thinks the aggressive part of his brain is short circuited. He's just sunny, cotton candy Kivi. He is very touchy feely, but not quite velcro. When I spoon with him he moans happily, which is just too much happy juice for one girl to handle! Kivi has been pretty easy to train, but he's lazy and often when I ask for something like a down he's like "Really? But the ground is SO far away. How about I sit instead?" He wants things to be easy. When I train him I have to be careful to keep it very easy and lots of rewards or he'll lie on the ground and whine at me. I think that this is what happens when you have a very sweet and gentle dog. The boys seem to me to be more laid back and kind of less active, but they seem less sooky than Kivi. He's a mama's boy. I have a female "Jaana" and she is very much like Kivi except maybe abit more active. She always has to bring a toy inside and takes it upstairs to my youngest son. She loves carrying toys around and frequently gets socks, clothes and the cat toys. She learns very quickly and at the age of 16 months we have pretty good recall.
  3. My vet said just to buy the human Glucosamine as it is the same as Sachas Blend but heaps cheaper.
  4. I like Victoria Stillwell because she doesn't hold back on telling the owners off and I love some of her looks to the camera. Dr Harry is too simplistic Barbara Woodhouse is scary and reminds me of my Scottish aunts and boarding school. and I haven't seen the rest
  5. Just an update - Keely didn't like the underwater treadmill much so the vet gave us exercises and massage info. Today she started walking on all 4 legs again
  6. My vet explained that the large nerve that services the ears passes very close to the back teeth so as the teeth come through the ears go up and down. Aren't deerhound pups beautiful and fugly at the same time.
  7. Deerhounds are my favourite Our deerhound did "figure of 8" zoomies around the garden with our shephard X and they managed to push the side fence over. Photos pleeeese -or have you posted some in another thread ?
  8. Well Keely had the stitches removed on Tuesday and the incision has healed well. But she is still not using her leg. We took her to a Physio Vet this morning and she had a go on the underwater treadmill -which she wasn't sure about. The vet has give us some exercises to do with her and has suggested two sessions a week on the treadmill - he did say it could take sometime before she uses her leg again.
  9. Thanks Charles for your replies. I must admit that I didn't take in all the information my vet told me as I was feeling really guilty. Keely has always had a few odd little habits and when she started being "touchy and protective" of her back legs I assumed it was just her. It was only in the last couple of weeks when she sometimes limped after running that I thought something was wrong. I was reduced to tears when I saw her x-rays as I felt that I should have picked it up sooner however my vet said she still had really good muscle tone in her legs which indicated that the degeneration of the joint had only recently reached a serious state. Today is the 9th day after surgery and the incision looks really clean and healthy. She is still not putting her foot down but she is walking and running around well. The stitches are due to come out on Tuesday so hopefully then we will be able to start some work on her leg soon after that.
  10. I spoke to the vet yesterday and she said that Keely not putting weight on it yet is ok . Once the stitches are out and the incision is healed there is a heated hydro dog pool we can take her to that will help. Keely is walking around on three legs and appears to be happy. She is a small wolfhound X only 34kgs.
  11. Hi our wolfhound x Keely had a Femoral Head Ostectomy last Thursday (removal of head of the femur) She is recovering well however she will not put her foot on the ground -has anyone had any experience with this ?
  12. I wouldn't worry about the snails - my young Burmese has been bringing them in too. I would be a bit careful using too much surface spray with a pup around. If you see a trail of ants and squash some of them every couple of inches it sometimes deters the rest coming that same way. Your vet should be able to help with dog/cat safe insect repellants.
  13. Hi our pup is now 8 months old and is outside most of the time. She comes in with our other dog for play, cuddles, treats and waiting for meals. She still has the occassional accident on the floor but in the last 2 days she has peed twice on our beds. Unfortunately we didn't notice for a while so could not correct her at the time. I have washed all the bedding in Biozet so there should not be any smell left. Any ideas or help please ....
  14. Heres mine ( the bucket is because shes just been desexed) name -Jaana breed -Finnish Lapphund date of birth -17 July 2008 litter sister of Ashoka loves -talking, soft toys, swimming, all other dogs and people and more talking hates - not keen on the big mean nasty car
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