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Everything posted by sparkycat

  1. I order all mine from mysilver wombat - they are great quality and the delivery is fast. I usually order 10 at a time because my hounds have lots and lots of collars http://www.mysilverwombat.net/
  2. This was on our local Facebook page today anyone in mylor missing a sheep and dog there having a great walk together couldnt catch but on Bradbury rd headed into town
  3. Last night I wormed my 3 dogs with Drontal -( I usually use Milbemax) one Borzoi and my Lappie showed no effects but my big male Borzoi - Bosco got very hypo- he paced and sang for hours. At first I thought he was just very hungry so I gave him some bones. I was seriously thinking of taking him to the emergency vet at midnight but he finally calmed down. He was up again at 5.30am and really hungry. After a big breakfast he went back to sleep. I googled and apparently a side effect of Drontal can be hyperactivity ! I only got it because it treats hydatids and they have caught a couple of rabbits recently (something I don't encourage but it happens ) Anyone else had reactions ?
  4. I am interested to know how they are going to implement it. When Mitcham council brought in cat rego I registered ours but never met anyone else that did. I would bring the topic up while walking around the neighbourhood and not one person said they had or would ever register their cats. We also had neighbours with up to 4 unregistered dogs. Our cats had a large run so couldn't roam. I think Mitcham Council would be better spending the money on education re desexing and containment.
  5. My Bosco a large borzoi would just tip the whole thing over and get into the rubbish - the cat would probably help
  6. Definitely 2 meals a day here - there would be mass mutiny if I tried to change it
  7. I would recommend Oakwood Kennels in Mylor 83885382 - it is only a small kennel with lots of personalised attention. One of mine is a nervous hound but she is always happy to stay there and my other 2 love it as well.
  8. Facebook cat groups ? I am in the Siamese and Oriental cat chat AUSTRALIA one but I bet there are thousands
  9. What about a Poodle - Toy or Miniature - I have met some great little Poodles - lovely personalities and intelligent little dogs. A couple are owned by older people who go to off lead parks and sit while the Poodle just happily plays nearby.
  10. I had a slightly scary incident when I was out with a friend - we had 4 borzois between us and a man walked straight up and said "how much are they worth" - my friend replied that they were all mongrel litter mates so he walked away.
  11. One of my cats is a very messy drinker so I have a bowl sitting in another slightly larger bowl - it catches the spills.
  12. They look great - easier than a bag and nice colours
  13. That was my thought too - I guess the bag would help keep a car clean - free of sand or dirt.
  14. The fabric is the same as the quick dry towels - microfibre so it would be easy to wash and dry. The fabric was absorbent and did get the sand off - our dogs had just come off the beach and were very wet and sanding. Our dogs were really placid and didn't care what we did but I can imagine some dogs may not like the idea of being zipped into a bag. I do think they would work well for smaller dogs but there is no way I could get a Borzoi into a car if it was in a bag and it would be equally difficult to get the bag around a huge dog once it was in the car. We were lent one to try so I am not involved with the sale of them.
  15. Yes I have tried the largest size with my Borzois. The idea is good and I think they would be good for small dogs - just zip them in and put them in the car. I also tried it with my Lappie and struggled slightly with the zip and her huge coat - the zip started at the back so had to get a friend to flatten her coat as I zipped. I have photos somewhere I will try and load them.
  16. I have a wonderful vet who will actually say "it's time" and I have also given mentally distressed animals their wings as well as physically injured. I don't want to turn this into an RSPCA bashing but I do get annoyed when they spend $$$$$ on treating one badly injured animal while at the same time PTS many healthy ones.
  17. Someone was saying recently that they carry a can of Lynx deodorant for charging dogs. Anyone who has lived with teenage boys will know how powerful Lynx is - I think it would stop an elephant - I know it used to clear our house :laugh:
  18. A friend and I took our hounds to the beach - 3 Borzois, 1 Finnish Lapphund and a Belgian Shepherd :)
  19. Great video - I love watching dogs run. Everytime I take my 3 out the Lappie lines the 2 Borzois up for a race and gets totally left behind - she looks like a caterpillar compared to the Borzois :laugh:
  20. Haha love it - and how could anyone think Borzois are ugly teenagers :laugh:
  21. I always let tradies know before they come that I have very large dogs and I always let the dogs say hello. I then lock the dogs away because they can be overly friendly :laugh:
  22. They're pretty addictive, them leggy, long-nosed hounds! They sure are :D thank you to grizabella for this pic of my Bosco and Nicky
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