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Everything posted by sparkycat

  1. I have bed destroyers too -so its old blankets from the op shop and I just chuck them out when they get too grotty. The last couple were huge pure wool and fantastic quality both for $2.00
  2. I too would love to have one someday. We had a deerhound who was like a giant hairy greyhound - he was a lovely calm quiet sweet natured boy who was friendly with everyone including our cats. Very sadly we lost him to bone cancer just before his 5th birthday.
  3. Are they the silicone collars ???? I looked at some in a shop that felt like silicone - I thought they might be ok for my Lappie who has a huge neck ruff but I was concerned that the silicone would rub/cut her fur off. Would be interested if anyone has tried them.
  4. Watch KelpieHoundMum because my Lappie got the bloodhound drool But Earl is beautiful ( straight after his face has been cleaned)
  5. Absolutely And tell Justice we shall make sure he gets extra cuddles at the next meet he is at to make up for missing out today I shall be sure to! Photos are nearly ready for posting so shall have them up shortly. Great photos !
  6. yes it was great - Keely thought bloodhound slobber on Jaana was VERY interesting :rolleyes: looking forward to seeing the photos HINT HINT
  7. Just thought I would add my bit -I own Jaana who is Ashokas litter sister. Jaana is a "talker" and will talk about everything and to everyone. She will yell hello to passerbys. She is very friendly and I love the fact that I can take her anywhere and she will instantly make friends with other dogs and people. Here she is giving a random SWF kisses on the RSPCA Million Paws walk Jaana is a very big female with a huge coat. I found her coat a bit overwhelming when she was losing her puppy fluff and ended up brushing her everyday just to try and keep it under control. Now she has her adult coat I only give her a light brush once a week -if I remember. She can be cuddly and she loves a back rub but often there are more interesting things to see and do. She has been easy to train although I am a hopeless dog trainer (too much of a cat person) - she does pick up routines very quickly and often accurately anticipates our next more. I have met quite a few Sammies and they have all been really lovely and very friendly however I"m not sure I could deal with all that fur.And I don't remember meeting any Keesies Good luck with your choice.
  8. I don't think tomorrow sounds to bad -if it is really cold I will rent out Lappie cuddles And don't forget next weekend is a long weekend so some DOLers maybe away.
  9. This is Keely looking guilty after destroying yet another toy
  10. Jaana and I will be there :p Ack! I don't do RSPCA stuff (and I have a family crap thing on), but I so want to meet your lappie!!! Hopefully I will get to the next DOL meet and you can meet her ;)
  11. Not from us either. And another reason why people turn to petshops. If we want to stop PF and petshops there needs to be some understanding that not everyone is educated on how to approach a breeder. Everything you purchase has a price and it just comes naturally to ask how much. Doesn't mean they are not worthy on that question alone. I agree -I can guarantee that the general public have no idea about the cost of some pups. It would be like test driving cars only to find "the one" and then discover it is way out of your price range.
  12. Poor Jed - my thoughts are with you - I have always enjoyed your posts. What a terrible thing to happen.
  13. We have 2 dogs and 1 DSH (Fugly) 1 burmese x ragdoll (Charlie) and 1 very full on Siamese (Floud) and they all get on really well. I love living with dogs and cats because they are so different but at the same time they compliment each other. this is Jaana and Charlie playing and Jaana "talking" to Charlie and Floud
  14. He is beautiful -definitely want a Borzoi !
  15. We took old Fugly cat to the emergency vet on Anzac Highway and the vet we saw was really nice -cleaned him up well, gave us lots of instructions and Fugly got a big cuddle ! so we were happy.
  16. This has been very interesting I thought BC s only came in black /white or tri colour. I will have the "white" one
  17. I have been reading this thread in amazement but thank goodness it has worked out OK - hopefully a new home will come along soon.
  18. What a wonderful OH you have and Don't worry we have all been there -even my baby 8 week old Burmese almost reduced me to tears with his suckling on my arm all night.
  19. I bought one of those rubber brooms yesterday and it works really well but it is hard going -I'm stuffed and I've only done one room
  20. My MIL has a pacemaker and the dogs just cuddle her as normal. Maybe he should get it checked out although his doctor should do that regularly anyway.
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