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Everything posted by sparkycat

  1. Yes I brought the clam shell last time and it was great and didn't cause any problems - I can bring it again
  2. I have always really enjoyed the Adelaide DOL meets but to be honest I am a little hesitant after some of the posts made after the last meet. We had a lot of dogs in a small space but I really didn't think there were any big problems that needed the sort of comments made 3 days after the meet. Having said that I would prefer the fenced area in Parkside rather than the beach - Jaana has a lot to talk about at the beach as for food, balls, onlead ,offlead whatever surely as long as everyone supervises their own dog/s and uses common sense all will be ok.
  3. Looks good - but what about Adelaide ???
  4. Wonderful update -armahani - they are all beautiful- and it still amazes me the way Lappie colours change and develop.
  5. My SD made a beautiful book for my MIL's 90th using Shutterfly
  6. Yes I might start saying that, Nekhbet. Good idea. ;) At least you do get rid of the real idiots. And I know we have to trust some people, Wuffles, but some people just ooze authenticity and enthusiasm and you know in your heart they are the right home for a pup. ;) It's just the frustration that gets to me. I know we shouldn't run other people down to make ourselves look good (one of my husband's favourite sayings) but it is just heartbreaking that there are so many uneducated people out there and they are allowed/enabled to buy puppies from any dodgy old breeder/pet shop. I do try to keep emotion out of my "education" talks....... I try to talk up the positives of buying a pup from a reputable breeder, but for yobbos like this there just isn't any justification for the ridiculous prices we apparently charge. :rolleyes: While I understand your concern I don't think that comments like these help improve the reputation of breeders - in fact it sounds like you are just confirming the "all reputable breeders are elitist, money-hungry snobs". Surely polite positive education is the answer rather than insults - after all this is a public forum.
  7. Oberon is looking beautiful - he has inspired me to learn more about the breed - and I recently had the pleasure of meeting the magnificent Randell who was being shown/handled by DOLer Robbi.
  8. It is always a good idea to google any company you intend purchasing from - I do "company name" problems / scams / non delivery - it is amasing the info that sometimes comes up.
  9. Our deerhound Mungo was my favourite dog ever - he was huge, gentle and basically just "deerhounded" around doing his own thing plus he looked incredible when he ran full speed. He was a real thinker and invented his own games. By contrast OH's favourite was a GSD X who was always alert and busy being a watch dog and looking after her family-us. I love our Lappie because she is smart, confident and independent and beautiful looking. I guess I like big, hairy , smart , independent dogs that are self reliant and can cope with crap training from me. I like my animals to express their own personalities without too much control from me. I guess my choice of dogs reflects my love of cats - I really am a cat person so dogs that are more cat like appeal to me.
  10. What about a Finnish Lapphund - they are known to love children and generally get along well with most other dogs. And they look like a border collie but with more coat - Come into the Spitz thread for more info.
  11. You could try spraying your fence with citronella as cats don't don't like the smell of it.
  12. I have used Anusol or Retinol with great success - it is thick, stays on, keeps the flies away and contains both antiseptic and anaesthic and dogs don't like the taste so they don't lick it off. I also use it on minor wounds - on the dogs that is. Also when my vet stopped laughing he confirmed that it was a good idea.
  13. A beautiful siamese a great photos
  14. It was a great day and special thanks to Miss Squish who just happened to have a fence in her vehicle to save the day Rosie did really well and perfected to neglected dog look. :p Jaana and Pele need to join Food Anonymous. Snik had "girl" problems. And best of all Yogi was back to his humping old self. Looking forward to the next meet and hopefully Halo cuddles.
  15. Hi does anyone have a recommendation for the best video camera to buy - must have excellent marco settings - budget to $550.
  16. Corvus - I always enjoy the way you look at dog behaviour and it is a pleasant change from the norm. I think some dogs are just born to be peace makers and maybe some breeds are more attuned to this than others. Lappies seem to be one of the peace making breeds. Then first time my stepD brought her SWF around Keely decided straight away that she would kill it on the other hand Jaana decided that it would be more fun if they could all play together. Under my very close supervision I watched as Jaana got the best toys and gave them to Keely while all the time blocking the SWF from Keely. After 10 minutes or so the 3 of them were all happily playing together and everytime they get together now they are all best friends. This is a huge step for Keely as she does not normally feel safe with other dogs.
  17. I was at a dog park and got knocked to the ground by a young bouncy male golden retreiver - my Finnish Lapphund told him off so forcefully that he tried to hide under a park bench. I had to pull her away and put her on the lead and even then she kept telling him that she was not impressed with his behaviour.
  18. Do we want to do a "clam shell" again - they all enjoyed it last time - I shoulsd be able to bring Jaanas one and a bucket to fill it
  19. I'll be there with Jaana and maybe Keely depends on her "mood" lovemymutts - Looking forward to big scruffy leans - I remember when you brought them last year -beautiful dogs
  20. What a beautiful girl Alasse - what breed is she ? My Lappie does the same -loves being in the rain.
  21. This is what we buy -a tin of 4 from Big W costs about $12 and they are the only balls that Keely doesn't destroy.
  22. Great photo ! Love the smug Siamese look - I think your furkids are a little spoilt
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