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Everything posted by megan_

  1. PETA are hardly rescue though, why lump rescue with them. Their kill rates in their US shelters are over apparently over 90%.
  2. You're making an assumtion that the vet didn't get the owner to consent to this
  3. As amypie mentioned earlier, yours probably came through because the dogs didn't pick the smell up through the hard plastic casing, not because they are "allowed". There isn't enough staff to open every package so they have to rely on the dogs for a lot of it! Gussysmum's stuff will likely be picked up by the dogs and the staff may ditch the treat balls while they are in there, too yip - mine got confiscated. They even said I couldn't pay for radiation and there was no way to get it (even though it is highly processed and sold in Australia). The reason that food is not allowed is to stop novel diseases and pests spreading to our shores.
  4. I was just goint o say that Trisven - breeders shouldn't lump all rescues together either. My next dog will be a pedigree. I don't care what keyboard warriors think.
  5. Why on earth did they wait until Christmas to do this? The timing often makes it a death sentence as the pound is overwhelmed and strays need to be kept for a certain number of days in case owners claim them. Surrendered dogs don't have that "luxury". If thye had kept him just a bit longer his prospects would be much better. I wouldn't be suprised if they were going away and didn't want to board a dog they didn't want anyway...
  6. If you are being threatened with legal action the very first thing any lawyer will tell you is to keep your mouth shut, regardless of evidence.
  7. Apparently some dogs - especially if stimulated (eg sees another dog that they want to get to) will just work through the pain and break the barrier. Have you tried looking in Gayle's "Living with an Escape Artist" thread? Lots of ideas there. Do you know how she's getting out (climbing, jumping, digging)?
  8. The person didn't say they'd crate the dog for 7 hours? They said the crate door would be open and the pup would have the laundry and outside area. Agility Dogs - if someone is crating during the day, they're often crating at night too = dog spends most of it's life in the crate (if someone works 8 hours a day and travels to/from work, their estimate is often 8 hours but the dog spends 10 hours there). Also, you do waaaaaaay more with your dogs than a "normal" person, so they are getting far more physical and mental exercise than most dogs.
  9. I think CR's service is second to none - I've certainly never experienced similar service in Australia - so if they take a week to ship my very well priced goods I don't mind . Extra staff = extra cost = higher prices. That said, a note on the website about delays woulnd't go astray. As an example of their service, a year ago I ordered a Control Unleashed DVD. After a few weeks it didn't arrive so they sent me another one free of charge. A week later it arrived and a few days after that the original package arrived (battered!). I wrote to them, expecting them to ask me to send it back. Instead they asked that I donate it to a shelter. They hadn't made the mistake yet took responsibility. That's pretty rare these days IMO.
  10. I wouldn't want a fearful dog combined with a powerful, protective breed (well, I wouldn't want a fearful dog full stop). As others have said, plenty of great GSD options, I'd go for one of those. Read T's thread in the breeders section re: PTS pups about a litter of puppies who displayed similar behaviour (I'm not saying these should be PTS, I'd just steer clear)...
  11. The dog needs to be able to fully stand up and turn around in it. My crates are huuuuuge and I have mini schnauzers!
  12. The allegation is that the dog died from capsicum spray. This is used every day and is safe in most instances? K&P - it is pretty standard to refuse to release anything when you're being threatened with legal action.
  13. You'd be suprised. Someone I know has a 30cm gap under their fence and their "escape artist" JRT can walk right under it. Gates with dogs behind then should always be locked so that trouble-makers can't just let them out. If you have tradies coming either have someone there or put your dogs in care. If your dog is a climber put in a solution or leave them in a run/indoors. It is a hassle and costly but to me that is all part of owning a dog. Sometimes dogs to escape (happened to me as per my other post) but a fair whack of time people just don't care that much about their dog...
  14. When you report a dog as missing they don't get onto the Bat phone and let every ranger in all surrounding councils know about this missing dog. I think it is unreasonable to expect a ranger, when faced witha dangerous scenario, to ring council HQ and check if anyone has reported a missing dog and then contact that person to come and collect it. What if the dog had then bitten the owner? Could she sue the council then? My dog escaped from the yard 2 weeks ago. There was a gap behind a tree and I only found it once she was home safe. I had to go into my neighbours yard and go through bushes to even find it. She is fearful and I expected that, if out and alone, she would shut down. Nope - she chased a man, barking wildly. Fortunately she is little and cute and nothing came of it. As soon as I realised she was gone I ran outside and called her name and she came running home. I was lucky. If something had happened as a result of that incident (eg menacing dog fine, her being hit by a car, the man hurting her to defend herself) I would be devastated but it would be my responsibility - not the person who landed up hurting her. Responsible dog ownership isn't just about always trying to do the right thing, it is about accepting responsibility for an animal's life and the community that can be impacted by that animal. A few posters are assuming that the rangers misread body language - maybe they didn't?
  15. That should be fine as the pup will be able to come and go from the crate at their chosing. Crates are great but should never be used for long periods of confinement for a normal, healthy dog.
  16. Poor dog. However, owners often think their dog is "gentle" but they don't take into account that in stressful situations even the most laid-back dog can be aggressive.
  17. According to the Australian the charges have been dismissed.
  18. I was going to ask that too JulesP. My two (boy and girl) have had one tiff and no more. However, it was all noise, no one was hurt and all it took from me to separate them was an "OI!!!" and a stamp of the foot (had to limp for a week though). I haven't had any problems since but I never had to pull one of the other. How is your boy with dogs in general? Sometimes fights are a one-off and sometimes some dogs just don't like living with other dogs.
  19. Hang on: if you live on less than 499sm, you can't have a dog? Have I read that right? I live on less than that and have 2 dogs. The trick is I don't just leave them locked in the yard all day (even if I had 1000sm, they'd hate that). They go for 2 walks a day, agility up to 3 times a week, obedience, lots of outings etc. I'm not a perfect owner, but they are happy an d live a better life than the majority of suburban dogs.. Apparently I shouldn't own dogs One of the benefits of having a small yard is that you HAVE to get your dogs out and about. Some people with big yards seem to use it as an excuse not to exercise their dog and this policy seems to be reflecting that.
  20. If some of your items aren't in stock they'll let you know. I know one DOLER said they were told their order is too big but some of the stuff they ordered was listed as excluded from free shipping? I ordered over $650 worth of stuff, including beds, weavers etc and was okay. I'm sure they had many last week orders and it must be a bit crazy there.
  21. From a puppy buyer's perspective, I would never board my dog with someone else until 16 weeks - that is the critical socialisation period.
  22. Ignore the crazy. Reward (in a calm manner given that you're trying to keep them calm) when they calm down (ie give them treats, "good calm", more treats "good calm"). ETA: I don't do this. I love the fact that they are excited when I get home. They don't make a lot of noise though. twodoggies - saying "no" isn't ignoring :-)
  23. Must resist urge to make last minute "emergency" order.
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