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Everything posted by megan_

  1. How high would a fence have to be to keep her in?
  2. sorry I meant an open box, just put on the ground for him to rip up
  3. If you're looking for cheap but fun, try giving him a cardboard box for the day (free from your local fruit and veg shop). Hours of entertainment. Treat it like it is forbidden and he'll enjoy it even more . An empty sofdrink bottle with some treats also works well, just watch him with the lid. Mine love their tugs, but they show extra gusto when it is an old sock or a pair of knickers! If you want to spend some money then the deer antlers last long and are cherished by many dogs.
  4. we need a "best buys" thread. So far my favs are: i) the weave polls (less than $50 for a dozen, bargain). Add some small cups and some PVC pipes and you have a set of jumps too. ii) the mutt mat for about $18 is a good buy too. I wanted something that I could just leve in the metal crates when I collapse them to go to training. It isn't very tick but is a good quality and is thin enough to stay in the crate when I collapse it. iii) The empty nester toys at less than $5 a pop are good value and stuffing free. I wish I'd bought the sports travel crate now that I've hurt my back - lugging around a metal crate is hard work. Even most of the soft crates are heavy. I'm waiting on my last order. I with I had bought more toys, but the dogs have a whole box full of existing stuff. I'm really hoping the shoes I bought fit nicely.
  5. I thought this was pretty stock standard and it is the reason why most clubs don't allow restricted breeds or dangerous dogs. You can pay more insurance though and then they are covered (providing that they also meet the criteria re: their restrictions: muzzles in public, no off leash on public land etc).
  6. oops...forgot to update. I took her to the vet on the 3rd Jan and she had a full look over (including her spine etc). She didn't have a temp and her lymph nodes were apparently normal. She was tired for the rest of the day (it was still hot) and then she bounced back. She is back to her usual, norty self . I'm suprised that the heat took so much out of her because she is a fit, young, healthy dog and I have air con!
  7. yip, the question sounds a lot like an ad...
  8. Where abouts are you? There are some good puppy schools run by proper trainers - not vet nurses, who are trained to be vet nurses, not trainers or behaviourists.
  9. There is one at my local park and he is fine offleash. He is trained though. Many dogs bark and carry on at him because of his size but he just ignores them. I'd imagine that you'd have to socialize them well so that they learn to cope with the fuss that surrounds them.
  10. It is industry standard - the policy is for a year but they let you pat monthly. If you make any claims you have to pay for the full year. It is part of the terms and conditions. I am sorry for your loss DD, however I understand why they do it as the policy is for a full year. They could keep better records though and deal with thins sensitively.
  11. She got up and chased some birds which is always a good sign.
  12. How do I take her temp? She is fear aggressive pers, very few people who shell let approach her in her home. She ate dinner (slowly) and has settled down. If she doesn't perk up when it cools down I'll take her to the emergency vet. I've put the water by her bed - now my back hurts like he'll! I hate seeing them sick
  13. Her coat looks in great condition. She is quiet now. No tail wagging . I can't even lift her up for a close inspection because of my back
  14. Thanks schnauzer. She did eat it after a minute or two, but she refused to go on her bed. She is due to be groomed next week, but is groomed every 6-7 weeks so she doesn't have too much coat. She is scratching a fair bit. We went to the botanical gardens this morning (early before the heat) so maybe she walked in something? I'd take her to the emergency vet just to have her checked out but the car is boiling.
  15. Smich this dog isn't doing agility and training. From the OP it sounds like the few walks it gets are the only bits of exercise this dog ever gets
  16. Holy crap pardon the typos and autocorrects
  17. I'm on the phone so I'll keep it brief. She's a young, heThly Mini schnauzer. Today is very hot but I have sir con, fans and double glazed windows. I feel the heat and I'm fine, so is fergus but Lucy won't settle at all.'she fussed then lies down fit a minute then she upmhoing somewhere else, fussing, down for a minute etc. She isn't asking to go out. Any ideas? I'll take her tongue vet tomorrow. One strange thing is she isn't lying on her favourite bed under the aircon. I even put a pigs ear there and she wouldn't lie there and eat it like she normally does (she picked it up and moved it somewhere else. The fussing has gone on for over an hour!
  18. I think the dogs spendmmkst of the day there in small pens bb? Also, there is no outside, "natural" environment
  19. It's a public holiday so it won't be there today?
  20. We went to the botanical gardens this morning. They only open at 7.30am so we couldn't ho earlier. It was a lot more crises than usual, so everyone must have had the same idea. I always take water when we're walking for more than half a hour. I worked ip a sweat but the dogs are fine.
  21. I walked them at 6am. I've hurt my back donut was only 10 mins, but they need to get out and about every day.
  22. I wouldn't try more skateboards until I had a plan on how to deal with it. More exposure isn't a cure alone. In fact, you can make the problem a lot worse and endanger the safety of the kids - after all, skateboard comes, dog lunges at kid, skatemoard goes away = dog learns that aggression makes bad things go away! What the kelpie did to the staffy was redirected aggression. It can be very dangerous, for you and both your dogs. I'd consult an expert and in the meantime I'd walk them separately and read up on "look at that".
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