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Everything posted by megan_

  1. Crated, but you do need to warm them up and stretch before agility (turns, bows etc)
  2. Krislin it is because dogs eat meat so the risk of things like salmonella etc are apparently increased.
  3. Clicker training is great for smart dogs - see Shirley Ching. Allso, I started a threw in training re; exercising reactive dogs . The info applies to all dogs, especially if walks are off the table (just ignore the muzzle debate). I'm on my iPhone so searching is hard, but just click on my profile, go to "fing my content" and filter by topics started by me.
  4. There are different levels of protectiveness though - something to think about. Do you have many visitors and people staying over? I would imagine the vet bills would be huge, as would the day-to-day costs. What do you want in dog #2? do you want it to do zoomies with your spaniel? How much care? How much exercise? Are you prepared to do all the things that are required to raise a giant puppy (can't go down too many steps, lots of ramps or lifting)?
  5. Where is the farm? It looks like something out of a picture book!
  6. Sadly mr.mister I've even seen rescues that advertise that the cat is indoors/outdoors. The destruction of native wildlife is what gets me the most. For those that say their cat stays in their yard: how do you know (genuine question)? Do you have netting over your yard?
  7. where does that statisctic come from gussy's mum? HAve you researched genetics in dogs? If your stat is true, we should tell people that they don't need to worry about the temp of their pups parents and breeders should be okay to breed from extremely aggressive dogs (including those that attack humans) because, hey, it isn't genetic.
  8. The dog owners should have moved off the path/shortened the leash and given the walker enough room to remain - especially since it seems like this dog has done something similar before? This is what I do with my dogs and they have never bitten anyone. I often put them in a sit and get them to focus on me - people appreciate this and often thank me.
  9. There most certainly is a genetic component. Which is why temperament in breeding dogs is so important, and why some dogs are more suited to certain jobs than others. And then sometimes things just go wrong and you end up with a dog with poor nerve, fear aggression, dog aggression, etc. But that is not what this thread is about.. I have a weak nerved mini schnauzer. She was abused but so were her litter mates. They grew up in exactly the same environement and stayed with a foster carer when rescued. Lucy was the only one to show any fear. I can't believe that anyone would say that genetics had nothing to do with it!
  10. Are you sure he is a purebred and isn't crossed with something smaller (ie he has a pedigree, not just a breeder saying he is purebred?)
  11. A few days is nothing -. They may have their hands fl with pups, kids and work. Also remember if you send an email from a gmail account etc it could lNd up in their spam folder - this happened to me.
  12. As per the title, does anyone know when training starts again? I've looked at the websites but there is nothing. Thanks, Megan
  13. I believe you do, unless you register as an associate (which any dog can do). I'd want them because: i) it proves that the dog is actually pedigree (if I paid for a pedigree, I'd want proof) ii) It documents your dog's heritage. This can be useful if any health issues pop up.
  14. I'd pick s kennel over a random house sitter - I'd be worried about someone leaving the gate open
  15. I've tought it wrong then . Oh welll, we have a few weeks before training begins, so I'll just retrain it...and we'd finally got to straight poles!
  16. so the pole must be on the dogs left (facing the poles) as opposed to entering from the left (which means the pole is on the dog's right)? Oh crap, I've taught it wrong! When we've trained entries though (3 poles) it was the opposite. They walked parallel to the first pole (ie the pole was to their right) then around the second pole, and out with the third pole on their right. This is at a dedicated agility club.
  17. I've called people when out walking (always wak with my mobile) by reading a tag from a distance? Didn't seem stupid to me - the dog was scared, it certainly didn't want me approaching it and then grabbing it by the collar.
  18. Hi All, As above, does the dog always have to enter weavers from the left, even if you're approaching them from the right?
  19. Those ones are cute too snook but I always worry that if your dog is lost someone actually needs to physically hold them by the collar and turn the tag around to actually see your contact info. Many people won't want to do this (unless they're 100% confortable with dogs) and some dogs won't like to be manhandled by a stranger when they are already lost and stressed (even the biggest sook can snap when cornered). The best tag I had was 2-sided with large white font with their name and my mobile. It could be read a few metres away easily. Unfortunately I got a new mobile number when I changed jobs and I can't remember who I got the tag from.
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