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Everything posted by megan_

  1. To be honest I find this shocking. You would really save your dogs over the life of a child? I love my dogs, they mean everything to me, but I couldn’t place their lives as more important than that of a child. I have people over to my house that aren’t into dogs like I am, obviously coming to my house they know I will have dogs there but I also expect my dogs to behave around people and I would think nothing of putting them away if I had a guest that was uncomfortable with them or if I had kids there that weren’t used to dogs or weren’t capable of behaving appropriately around them. My dogs don’t care if someone doesn’t like them or isn’t comfortable around them. I had a friend stay with a puppy just last week, my big dog isn’t reliable with puppies so I put him away while puppy was there. My dogs are a huge part of my life, but they don’t rule my life. I agree. I feel sorry for people who seem to hate their fellow humans so much (not saying that OG does, but every time this topic comes up the sheer vitriol astounds me). One of my dogs is fear aggressive, I certainly don't let her attack guests just because they are coming to her home. She gets put away in her crate, which she loves, and they can relax and be safe. I always ask guests if they are comfortable with my boy, and he'd go outside or in his crate if they weren't. It is my house and the guests are there to visit me. That said, Fergus has great manners and no one has ever asked for him to be put away.
  2. Oh no! Lucy (and Fergs) send their love and kisses. I don't know about the epipen - maybe ask the vet? It sounds like a good idea, you just might have to adjust the dose. Also ask about cortisone, and whether you'd be able to get injections for that (because the tablets take too long to be effective in an emergency)
  3. Well of course they produced the ad to sell their product? That isnt a conspiracy, that's businesS
  4. Hydatid tapeworms can kill dogs AND humans - it may take a few years, but it can and does happen. For this reason alone I will always worm my dogs. It is also the reason why I'll never feed by dogs pet-grade raw meat or offal. I don't believe they'll always be picked up in stool samples?
  5. Excellent point, Snook. Or if this had been an irresponsible owner letting their dog run around loose in a carpark and jump all over a frightened kid, people would be screaming for blood (as they should). No one is saying that the parent was in the right and children should be allowed to pat all dogs. What some people pointed out is that these things happen and it is in your dogs best interest to prepare them for this.
  6. You test your dogs limits. You teach it games like "look at that" so that it has a coping mechanism for these situations (most people think that these things are only for reactive dogs, they're not). You "teach" your dog a body block at home. You talk in a stern voice "get your chiild/dog away from me now" at home when practicing this so your dog is used to the situation. You then reward them for remaining calm. I agree with Agility Dogs. I wish every parent would control their child 100% and I wish every dog owner would control their dog too, but it isn't going to happen in my lifetime so I'll do my best to give my dogs the skills to cope with life. One does a lot better than the other, so my girl has a muzzle, and when it isn't on she is walked when there is no one around. Don't wait for a "real life" test for how your dog will cope, give them the skills today :).
  7. Yip - bad things happen to good parents too. Maybe this mother was too blase, but I have a second cousin with autism who has a very good mother but sometimes things go wrong anyway. As dog owners we need to have an action plan for when things go wrong, because this story is very similar to the ones we can all tell. We need to be on the lookout for who is approaching from where and take action accordingly. I would have walked off quickly when I saw the child focusing on my dog (if I was with my girl). IF they snuck up on me I would body block them from my dog (and practice body blocking at home so the dog thinks it is a game and doesn't panic). I would have called to the mother (again, practiced at home, even though there is no mother there!): "please stop your child now. This dog has been abused by children and doesn't like them" or something similar - something, anything to get her to take action.
  8. Can you righa second vet for an opinion too? I'm no vet but I'm a bit suprised that they want her to bring up something that could get stuck in her windpipe on the way up.
  9. I've always had the crystals on hand, but I assume the vets have given you the right stuff. They have always kept my dogs there though and waited for them to vomit stuff up. When they've swallowed certain things (eg bones that can get caught) they suggest no vomitting at all.
  10. Are you using the crystals? You should just stick a whole crystal down the back of the throat - no chewing etc. There are two types of lectic soda - only the crystals should be used I believe. ETA: you can also just ring an emergency vets, I find they're really good at giving you info. I know you're in a different state but if you ring SARC they are really good: (03) 9532 5261
  11. Yep CDs, I am doing nightly stretches and he is getting another check up in a week. All sessions are very short - a few minutes tops - with minimal jumping.
  12. Thanks guys - both my dogs are loving their evening training at the moment. I'm using it TP feed them their meals - raw! This is something Mia skosgar does - no treats. Here are some pics of our session this evening (I got home early): Did someone say "it's time to work?": Really? Look ma, I can tug: Lucy is enjoying it too, when it is her turn she does a dance of joy. In this pic she is trying to contain her excitement so she sits - but you can see the blur of the tail: In a way, the injury has been for the better. A good reminder for me that we do agility for fun.
  13. The clear ones come from clearing I think. I find the stuff comes out too quickly with them. The best treat balls ive found are bustercubes. The ruddy toy range is also pretty good. Pets1.com.au have a lot of good stuff and they have a discount for DOLERs too
  14. LizT there are plenty of places to take dogs offleash in suburbia - the problem is the lazy sods who don't want to make the effort to get there
  15. Would like to know what donski thinks reactive dogs should do? Never ever go on a walk??
  16. Yip - plenty of legal places to take your dog offleash - no need to be lazy and walk them off leash in pm leash places. Spare a thought for those of us with dogs who have hard lives and HATE being approached by off leash dogs. It is my right to walk down my own street without worrying about off leash dogs. They cause me so much stress. My poor girl faced 3 years in a cage, she should be able to relax on a walk. If your dog walks right next to you anyway then there should be no problem putting on a leash. The law applies to everyone, no exemptions for good dogs, border collies, friendly dogs etc. Ps I know how to read dogs. Doesnt do merchant hood when they charge you as you're walking down the street. If your off leash dog approaches me in an on leash area, it will be dealt with very swiftly. I will do what I need to to protect my girl. PPS MY
  17. I agree. With respect to multiple listings, what is wrong with that? You don't know whether the breeder will have a puppy that meets your requirements (I'm not interested in just getting any puppy of breed X, I have very specific requirements). As such, surely listing with a few breeders is a good idea? I won't deal with breeders who have a list of approved buyers and then if they have, say 5, puppies, assign the pups to the first 5 people on the list. Rather, I'm interested in breeders who assign the right pups to the right people, even if that means someone who would be a great owner who has been on the list for a while misses out, simply because there isn't a pup that meets their requirements.
  18. She looks great. Waht river is that?
  19. Sorry, no real advice to offer, other than I guess I've never equated training and trialling as always going hand-in-hand. I train my girl in agility and we do about 5 mins a day. She loves it but she'll never compete (she is very fearful, a puppy farm rescue and I don't think she'd cope with a strange judge in the ring, she'd be fine with crowds etc). It has never occurred to me not to train her though, as she loves it and it helps us bond. If you don't trial him (which I'd imagine means lots of training, more strain on his body) is there any chance of him getting a few runs a week in the backyard, just for the sheer joy of it? As Vickie pointed out, titles don't mean much to them.
  20. I'd take her to a vet that knows about these things - most don't. Ray Ferguson at Monash is very good and owns racing greyhounds, so he understand canine physiology.
  21. Thanks Kabul - I have the tug one too. I really like his stuff.
  22. This. A dog that copes well on it's own is going to be independent, so it will be harder to train. Personally, I'd ask her why she wants it to be an outside dog. Given what she's said above, maybe she is concerned about the dog hurting the baby? Dogs that are truly part of the family are much less likely to hurt a child. It is allot of work balancing the two but if that is too much them they're better off not getting one.
  23. Ot, but secretkei, do you know which dvd's cover the sit from stand etc?
  24. Has anyone put their concerns in writing formally, ccing the council? Not mentioning DOL of course, because they have no obligation to post thigns on DOL, just the monopoloy and people getting $ for dogs they don't have.
  25. I think Steve is travelling at the moment? Have you tried emailing them or PM'ing them here? I'm sure your gradma will need a cover for your friend when she finally gets one.
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