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Everything posted by megan_

  1. Not all people like all breeds, there is nothing wrong with that. Breeds are different. There are some breeds that I don't like based on their breed standard - not on a few individuals. Of course, I won't mention them here because people take it waaay to personally. I have terriorists and not every one likes them. That is fine with me. In fact, I see it as a good thing as there are far to many terrier owners who can't handle them and seem to have bought them on looks alone. I'm not a fan of breeds that have been bred for dog aggression in the past. I have small dogs that wouldn't stand a chance against them so I avoid them. This doesn't make me ignorant or a BSL supporter. It is just common sense.
  2. There are Triennial Vaccines available that are registered as such. But this is a TRIPLE dose. No way in hell I'd let my dogs have that! FWIW, this isn't what the AVA is recommending, they are saying a single dose every three years.
  3. While the AVA recommends every 3 years, the manufacturer doesn't. That means that vets who only do it every three years are prescribing off label I believe. If a dog gets pave on year 2, the vet is exposed. I think the AVA has put vets in an awkward position - they should have lined things up properly.
  4. Sorry but that is how I interpreted issy's quote. I am against over vaccinating but I see the anit vaccs sentiment as dangerous too. There are people on this forum who don't vaccinate at alll and rely on dilute water to protect their dogs from parovirus. I think most of us on here do walk our dogs daily and take them to parks, the beach and generally take them out and about. I haven't seen anyone say they keep their dogs 'safe' in their house only. sorry but that is how I interpreted issy's quote
  5. Id rather vaccinate my dog (they get done every 3years only) and take them out and about to training, agility, the beach etc than keep them "safe" in my house only.
  6. No one is suggesting never to vaccinate! Also, people are talking more parvovirus than heartworm.
  7. Why do People feel the need to denigrate other dogs to promote purebreds? Why are people suggesting a breed based on looks alone?
  8. Standard poodles are a lot of dog and require a lot of grooming. I wouldn't suggest it as a labra*** replacement. Most Lagotto's I've met have been fearful/fear aggressive. Tehy are also very hard to come by. Personally, I'd ask them to put aside the shedding requirement for a minute or two and discuss what they want in a dog. * how devoted to their owner? * how smart (remembering that, unless you want to have a sports dog, smart can be a PIA) * how much exercise? * how friendly to strangers? Most people say non-shedding is a requirement, but they just don't want a dog that sheds like a pug.
  9. yes and dogs behave differently if their owner isn't there. Dogs have good days and bad days. My boy is very social (passed the delta therapy dog test) but I don't expect him to put up with being poked and prodded by hundreds of strangers. The day that dogs have to become "robot dogs" is the day I stop having dogs.
  10. Don't assume it is fear aggression (as per your comment on the other thread). It could be a a number of things, including resource guarding. I hate to be blunt, but it is hard decision time. Wither you: i) Return the rescue dog. A lot of people don't want to do this but it will save you a lot of money and stress. ii) Engage a behaviourist and be prepared to spend money, time and deal with a fair whack of stress. Bear in mind that even if you do everything that they say 100% no one can guarantee that things will improve. Ever. This may mena when they come inside they are constantly separated (because if the BC gets sick of getting snarled at and retaliates - which is very normal and understandable - you might land up with a dead chi. Thsi means crating, rotating etc and spending enough time with each of them alone. FWIW, I have a rescue with issues (fear aggression). I love her dearly and do my best by her but to be brutally honest if I knew then what I know now I wouldn't have got her. I feel horrible to write it but it is the truth. Don't feel guilty about returning the rescue dog, as HW says, your current dog is your priority (even if they're the one with the issues). If you're in SA Mark Singer is often recommended on this forum as a behaviourist.
  11. Does anyone have the link to bec's business FB page? I have been wanting to hire her for a shoot for ages ETA: Doh! Thanks huga
  12. You are correct, they are NOT a recognized breed. Have seen some pretty impressive looking 'papers' though. Very sad that 'breeders' are advising they have papers... They might not be recognised by the ANKC, but that doesn't mean they're not recognised. Are Murray River Curly Coated Retrievers not a breed too?
  13. hankdog- Steve is the best person to answer, but does he have a clear "mark and release" word? For my dogs, it is "yes". If I say yes, they know: i) they've done the right thing and ii) they are released to get the reward for doing the right thing I also have a "marker only" word (you've done the right thing, but you have to keep on doing it until I release you" which is "good".
  14. Have you tried it at home? I proofed mine there and then slowly built it up.
  15. Sorry you had to go through that hankdog. They can be little sh!ts some days, can' they? Remember when they're having a bad day/have had a bad experience and you know they are going to be little sh!ts, then you can give yourself a break and not take them on a walk. Remember to look after yourself and if Hank doesn't get his two walks a day he'll live. In the blog that Leema posted there is a post titled "Treat Yo Self" - it is well worth a read. For what it's worth, when they throw a tanty (and I'm lucky, I can't remember the last time they did this when out and about) I personally would have just stand there, look away and not say a thing. Sometimes negative attention is still attention and they like it. Also, I don't ask mine to do something when I'm pretty sure they won't - it just gives them an opportunity to give you the finger. Two can play his game - it reminds me of - I've just forgotten her name, is is Karen Proyor or someone else? - the "don't wanna, don't hafta" game. You don't want to go on a nice walk, Hank? You don't have to...but guess what your only choices are going on a nice walk or getting time out. If you chose not to go on a nice walk then you're choosing time out.
  16. I'll just add, set aside 1/2 an hour to have a look at the other blog posts in the link that Leema posted. It is PURE GOLD. You must read it! Even simple suggestions like teaching your dog an emergency U-Turn command and practicing your "Voice of God" to ward off stray dogs all make life that little bit easier. I play a body blocking "game" with Lucy at home so that, in an emergency, if I have to shove my body against her up against a fence/wall, she knows what I'm doing and stays calm.
  17. Great resource Leema. Snook - they have a review of the TACT DVD that I linked to earlier. It was written by the authors of Click to Calm. Next pay I'm going to get it. They also have a link to TACT Caregiver's Fatigue, but it really applies to all of us dealing with aggressive/reactive dogs: http://www.tactdogs.com/caregivers-fatigue Lucy is an odd bod because in controlled situations she is perfect. She does agility off lead near other dogs & people and is fine. She trained with 2 labs she had never met at a new location on the weekend and did beautifully. But if a stranger tries to come into her house - even if they aren't a stranger and she has known them for years - she will try to take them out. Literally. My sister is here at the moment and I have to keep the bitches physically separated. It is so stressful and tiring for all of us.
  18. Agree Stacey - and some dogs give very quick warnings and then react. Others give great signals and only bite as a very last resort.
  19. Who is to say they weren't supervised? Attacked happen in micro seconds. Personally I think the supervision message has lulled people into a false sense of security
  20. Do you have any details about it or where it can be bought from? Oops cleanrun.com - go to the stores free shipping section
  21. There is a new DVD with free shipping re: reactive dogs. It takes a program approach and looks pretty good
  22. So colour is a greater fault than HD? I'd love to know which breeds can't avoid getting HD
  23. 1 month you say? Waaaaay too many preservatives for me. Also, non-human grade meat doesn't get inspected to the same standard as human meat. That said, if you buy the off-cut mince from a buthcer, it has been inspected.
  24. Those prices look great SK - with flat shipping of 15 euros that alone is cheaper than most local places
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