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Everything posted by megan_

  1. If you don't go to the shelter now and buy all the dogs you are responsible for killing them (and nit their owners for dumping them)...
  2. If you don't go to the shelter now and buy all the dogs you are responsible for killing them (and nit their owners for dumping them)...
  3. Is she a kid who wants to play a bit of agility with her pet, or a dedicated dog sports person? Just about any sound dog can do agility, she wouldn't need one who could do well (lots of drive etc) unless she is a true enthusiast of the sport. A dog with a high drive and work ethic is a lot of work....personally I'd recommend a far more "forgiving" dog for a learner. If it wasnt for the doves I'd suggest a cav,
  4. I'd like it if you could engrave info on one side (eg dog's name, desexed, mobile #) and then have this on the other side. That way, if the number isn't correct due to a move etc, they could then look up additional details.
  5. I love STD schnauzers but they are not a dog if pick fir a child to train. I'd imagine you would want something birddable. They aren't just big mini schnauzers.
  6. There are old style GSD's that aren't working line. I don't like the roach back either but a working line requires another whole level of commitment!
  7. For those that font worm - what about hyatids?
  8. A large breed pup will need to be separated from the robes too otherwise they could get hurt
  9. Mine get raw but I don't make patties - they get meat on the bone and work their teeth to eat it. They occasionally get youghart and omega oils too. A little bit of veg occasionally. I don't like patties unless the dog can't chew for some reason.
  10. Whatever you get, make sure the buckle ect is really strong. I had a big name plastic buckle snap on me. You won't find good quality leather in blue - it doesn't exist. I'd go for the k9pro pro ones - good quality for a reasonable price.
  11. Is the sting out? I have ling haired dogs and I've had to go to the emergency vets twice to get stings removed. They have these huge magnifying goggles which make it east.
  12. I haz acrush on Michael Ellis :/. He has a heeling DVD too wobbly.
  13. The only reason I worm is because of hyatids - they can be deadly to humans and you won't always see signs of them in your dog.
  14. Once the dog reacts they have breached the threshold and the exercise has gone too far. All you are doing is validating that reacting = scarey things go away = good (note to dog: React more! It gets results). You need more than a calm dog too. My boy is very calm with great manners, but it submissive and sensitive - not a good candidate to be put in the position of stooge dog.
  15. I am so sorry for your loss. You did the best thing any one could in such an awful situation. RIP Stevie.
  16. Erny's calendula tea solution. I wouldn't put more chemicals on it..
  17. what about leaving the dog tied up outside a rescue with a sign around it's neck saying "cat killer" dumped- surrendered or both? They had no clue where the dog came from. that dog was clearly dumped
  18. hmmmmm..... I'm not going to put titles as goals as I don't really trial. I have no plans to trial Lucy but we're still training in agility and some OB. Biggest goal is for them to continue to love training and get super excited when I say it is time to work. Lucy * Learn weaves, which is a very big goal for her! * Give her more opportunities to self-settle and see what her new threshold is. * Teach her to run to her crate when the gate bell rings. Buy bell. * More work on "there are people in my house and I'll try not to have a go at them". On leash, of course. * More tracking training. She loves it and won our little club comp. * Start a bit of heel work just for fun. Fergus * Weave entries from all angles * Start to trial him. He's been ready for a long time, I haven't. * Work on having the reward far away from us. * Prefect 2o2o, with me in any position and running. We're nearly there but he needs to drive to the end of the contact more. * Maybe start some proper OB training, including heel work. * Continue to develop core strength with the peanut and disk training at least a few days per week. Would lurve a puppy to train but it just isn't on the cards for the next few years unless I win lotto and don't need to work fulltime. I think I need a family member to get one like RS did! Me * Build up fitness so I can run the course with the dogs without doing a jabba-the-hut impersonation. * Practice handling skills.
  19. I always just ring an emergency vet and ask them.
  20. My understanding is that they're very toxic to dogs and humans
  21. Agree Cosmolo - Fergus is a relaxed happy boy who responds very well to other dogs and reads their signals well. However, he is a sensitive, submissive dog so I wouldn't ever use him for this type of exercise.
  22. Love the one with Mick on the floor - gold.
  23. It also depends on what people think socialization means. People tend to interpret in the human sense " go out and make lots of friends, play endlessly" when, in dog terms it should mean "be comfortable around other dogs. Be around them without the need to play or react".
  24. There is a thread with a fair bit of useful advice (I think it was started by TheCheekyMonster?) Have you tried "Look at That" (LAT)?
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