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Everything posted by megan_

  1. Ladder on the ground, walk through(not on!) the rungs. Can also free shape or lure having his hind legs on something (mattress is ideal as will work his core too). Make sure it isn't too high though. Pick up sticks like rename described is also good, as is walking on a low wall/plank on 2 bricks - you'd be surprised at how many dogs struggle with it!
  2. Do you know "it's yer choice" by Susan Garret?
  3. Ggod news - some local fireworks have gone off and be slept through! Poor old thing must be partly deaf too!
  4. Thanks - yes dogmad I'm sure he was terrified because he couldn't see what was happening. Didn't help that their 2 year old STD schnauzer jumped on him too. I'll visit him before his owners are home too just in case. It has been remarkable how he's managed to figure out the layout of my house and garden over 4 days. His legs give way sometimes too but HR just gets up and gets on with it. Poor thing . He is 15 years old and still has spring in his step in the morning.
  5. Thanks. The nick ( size of a pin hole or slightly bigger) has stopped bleakly. I took him for s little walk to see if his leg was injured but it appears fine. He is toddling about. I know it is going to sound bad, but I really can't afford to spend $400+ on a dog that isn't mine unless it is needed. An emergency consult here is $150 before anything is actually done to help the dog. I've had a number of emergencies|unexpected costs crop up lately. I know his owners definitely wouldnt tske him to the vet for this. I've left messages and sms'd. He had a flea allergy 6 months ago and had open sores. They only took hi To the vet after I said something.
  6. Oh, and he hates the vet. I'll take him if I need to but I domt want to traumatise him further. He hates fireworks and has to deal with those too tonight.
  7. I'm dog sitting at the moment and the almost blind mini schnauzer got stuck in my garden dividing rusty metal fence. After much screaming and help from the neighbours he got himself out. Jaw and legs were stuck. He's walking fine but has a slight nicknon the gum above the tooth. Eating fine. Owners not contactable. Only option is emergency vets. If it was my dog I'd take them just in case, but I take them for bee stings. What would you do? He is with me to tomorrow am then he is back home with neighbours walking and feeding for 4 days until owners are home. I will let the neighbours know so they check he is esting ( in case of abscess) Sorry about tipped - on iPhone and shaken all at once - will never frget those screams
  8. Tight pressure in some points actually can help relieve stress - much like s thundershirst. My girl isn't normally scared but we had a huge storm over our house a few months back. It woke me up and I found Lucy shaking under the bed. I tempted her out with num nums, she got on the bed ANC I pressed the point between her shoulders, she lay down and I put my head and hand against her firmly. She could easily have moved away (never trap the dog!) but she settled right down and slept peacefully. I'm glad that I didn't follow the age old "ignore the dog" mantra.
  9. I'm going to Linda orton hill (agility) in feb otherwise I'd be going for sure
  10. Marieevans have you read the thread at all?
  11. Is this the one that you can attach the ice onset to?
  12. Thanks. I'm "babyatiing@ a 15 year old dog that is scared of fireworks ATM so I might have to give it a miss:-(
  13. Oops only seen this now - I'm interested in all sizes of schnauzer and lakies. I might just pop down tomorrow to have a look anyway. What is the starting time please?
  14. Where can we find out details?
  15. I agree with HW - the more dog owners I meet, the more disillusioned I have become about them. My girl doesnt like in-your-face dogs and doesn't like being jumped on by off leash dogs. I have to walk her at 5.30am just so that we don't get harassed by off leash dogs in on leash areas. I'd love to yaks her to a dogs Vic club for obedience but every time we go we get harassed by out of control dogs even though she has a "please give me space" vest - and these are the owners bothering to train their dogs! I'd much rather see a responsible dog ownership campaign and a "do you really want a dog?" one too. People are living busy lives these days and I wonder how many people get s dog because it is the Aussie thing to do and then once it isn't cute it is locked in the backyard because it is a PIA.
  16. Awwww. When will she be able to walk?
  17. Mine where out and about at 8 weeks. I'm in a low risk area and didn't tske him to off less parks. A poorly socialized dog is a big risk IMO.
  18. Where can I find what breeds are entered when please?
  19. Please follow your vets advice. I have human bowel issues and sometimes I need to eat highly processed food (on advice from the doctor) because normal healthy food leaves me in agony and can cause other medical complications. I'm not a fan of PAL but it does provide adequate nutrition. If you want to add less processed food, ease consult your vet first as less processed food makes your bowel work a lot harder, which he may not need right now.
  20. I would be concerned simply because stalking behaviour can intimidate your dog - it looks exactly the same as prey drive.
  21. I'm on your side Jed, really. My comment about the "dog world" isn't about individual breeders. It is about the PB world as a whole uniting to stamp out bad practices and promote PB's. Unless this happens it will be the end of the PB world.
  22. ETA: I'm sure there are healthy, well bred bulldogs out there and ethical breeders. I don't understand why the dodgies have been able to dominate.
  23. I wasn't thinking of the British bulldog when I made that post. Telling. Why do you assume that someone that thinks a dog should be able to breath when it is 30 degrees isn't a bb supporter? Anyone who thinks that is okay isn't a supporter of dogs at all I'll get accused of breeder bashing no doubt, but I hold ethical breeders in very high regard. Those breeding exaggerated features to the dertrimant of their dogs aren't amongst those.
  24. It is a sad day when everyone who dares question whether we have done the right thing by dogs is branded an AR nut. I have no doubt that there are extremists out there, but the dog world has let this happen by burying their head in the sand and saying nothing is wrong, most dogs are okay etc. There is no doubt that some breeds are in very big trouble. Why not stand up and fix those issues rather than being in a constant state of denial. If a breed as a whole can't mate and give birth without medical intervention (a csection is major abdominal surgery) then surely we have gone too far? If a dog needs to be kept in sirconditioning lest it can't breath then there is an issue. It a significant number of dogs in a breed need eye surgery because of entropin (sp) then there is an issue. NIMBY doesn't solve these issues.
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