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Everything posted by megan_

  1. Most shampoos for itchy skin are in fact very harsh. I would minimise washing. Have you tried something like MooGoo (which is for humans but is very gentle)?
  2. Actually in Vic unless the contract says no pets it is against the law for a landlord to forbid pets.
  3. RIP Tippy. That snuggle behind the knees is one of the best things
  4. They are entirely different things and I don't see the need to compare. I'm single but I hope the love that I have for my dogs is a different type of love I'd have for a partner, which would be a different type of love I'd have for my kids. I love my dogs and will always do what I can to ensure they have happy, fulfilled lives. However, if I had to chose between saving a random child that I didn't even know (or one I didn't like) and my dogs, I would always put the humans first. I don't believe that someone's worth is dictated by how much I personally love them. Fergus would understand, no doubt. Lucy, not so much :) . When someone puts their animal's needs so much higher than their own needs then I don't think they're doing themselves or their animals any favours. ETA: I see my dogs as part of the family too, just not human members
  5. Are you doing the veges thing too? Do they get bones at all? I was thinking of maybe doing raw meaty bones one meal with this mix the next, as I'm not comfortable with them never getting bones.
  6. There is a demo DVD of all the Control Unleashed exercises. It is a bit exe though and you can find lots of examples on You Tube. We got a bit of a fright on yesterday morning's walk. It was still very dark out and we walked past a huge wall with an open gate. As we walked past the gate Lucy went very tense and growled. I *thought* I saw a huuuuge cat just by the open gate so we did an emergency u-turn, walked a few meters at a quick pace and crossed the road. Turns out the huge cat was a huge kelpie. Very lucky that he just ignored Lucy's initial growl and didn't follow us. She was great though - as soon as we u-turned she forgot about the dog and walked nicely. My initial train of thought was "what if he had retaliated to her growling? What if he had followed us?". Had to interrupt this train of thought because it never leads to a good outcome. He didn't retaliate and he didn't follow us. Norty dog provided us with a good opportunity to practice the emergency u-turn in the "wild".
  7. A vet saying dogs were okay means nothing - one of the most notorious breeders in Vic was a vet. Yes - they should go to the RSPCA and the council. However, we all know that often that means nothing is done until AR goes to the media. I feel sorry for poor little Oscar. These days he is carted around to festivals to drum up publicity, subjected to huge crowds etc. Not many dogs could cope with that life - never mind one who was never socialised properly.
  8. He has consulted a canine nutritionist and has some certification of his food. The food seems to have helped many dogs. I wouldn't deny my dog something that helped them just because I didn't like the "ethics" behind the maker ("ethics" in inverted commas because I believe most people are referring to his views on breeders, rather than the ethics behind the actual food)
  9. I swear one day Lucy is going to hand me adoption papers so that she can live with Tamara, Stuart and their pack. Gilbert is her BFF. She went from growling at every dog she met to absolutely loving the Underdog pack. They really helped her rehab. Every time she has a holiday at their house she comes back more relaxed and confident.
  10. Call an emergency vet - I've always rang out of hours to check on something and they've always told me if I need to go in or not. I can't imagine that Roundup is harmless. Please seek help ASAP as if it is an issue then every delay = dog absorbs more.
  11. HW when you say roadwork do you mean on an actual paved surface?
  12. A sighthound can be trained to come when called - it just takes work
  13. I'd see a professional. Resource girding isn't something to be trifled with. Where are you based?
  14. It is normal to kill toys. Many a toy has been disembowled at my house and neither of my dogs try to do this to humans or other dogs. The humping is another matter - nip that in the bud quickly
  15. I can't find the email with the link to the actual recallers dashboard site. I'm sure I can get the password reset once I get there. Can someone please post the link? Thanks, Megan
  16. Below is my understanding... - Do all greyhounds, except those that have gone through GAP, have to wear muzzles when out and about? Sort of. They need to go through the GAP assessment and pass. Non-GAP greyhounds can also do this assessment. The owner needs to apply and pay a fee to get the assessment done. - Are greyhounds allowed off lead? Not on public land. - I know there are restrictions on the greyhounds, why aren't there the same restrictions on other sighthounds? Don't know. I think it all comes down to history.
  17. How do you know they are identical rather than just twins?
  18. I have heard of dogs dying when their tongues get caught in them (if the top hole is blocked it creates a suction effect). Make sure you get them the right size as apparently this reduces the risk - better to be too big than too small. Mine only get them when I'm home. Their favourite is plain yoghourt with a bit of banana and coconut oil, frozen. Great for the hot weather.
  19. They can easily climb fences and walls though. Might sound stupid but is it possible to make a section away from the house attractive to snakes? They are going to be there anyway... That way you can keep away from that spot. The snake catcher said that snakes are territorial and it is better to have a resident big one who keeps others away. They'll also learn your movements and steer clear
  20. Not too late at all. Lucy is 6 or 7 and is still a newb. Both my current two are my "learning" dogs.
  21. My allergies are much worse in the humidity. If there is any secondary infection it would thrive in these conditions. Poor bundy.
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