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Everything posted by megan_

  1. Jess seems to have found that website recently and now it is the bible. Let's hope some poor unsuspecting soul doesn't ow her advice..
  2. An investigation is taking place. Imagine if the council didn't investigate? Just because someone was sacked doesn't mean the complaints aren't right either. The complaints must have been very serious for a suspension to take place bs a notice to improve?
  3. Michael Ellis (for his training and other virtues), Susan Garrett, Lynda Orton-Hill and the person who does Happy Hurdles.
  4. Genetics play a big part in how a dog behaves too. That, and past history. I'm not comfortable with the assertion that if a dog is reactive their owner has failed to socialise them properly. The leading trainers world wide suggest that you need to have a planned, safe approach to exposing dogs to novel things. Some dogs in my neighborhood would kill my dogs if given the chance. I'm not going to let them send those signals to my dogs. I would rather teach my dogs that I will remove them from harms way and they don't need to fight back.
  5. Policing existing laws would be a good start hankdog. I have never seen a ranger at any at the on leash parks I walk at. Never seen one on the street. That, and nice BIG fines. If people know they will get caught and the fine will hurt them then it will be easier just to put their dog on a leash.
  6. The issue with the vaccs is that the manufacturer will only "guarantee" it for a year. Any vet giving the annual dose every three years is giving it off label - which exposes them to lawsuits if a dog does contract parvo between 1 and 3 years. I understand why some are hesitant as they are between a rock and a hard place.
  7. Australian vets have already moved away from yearly vaccinations. The AVA. Now recommends them every 3 years
  8. Diva I have often said I want to buy Lucy a rottie suit. Unfortunately my 8.5kg girl is going to come off second best with most dogs. If I say she doesn't like other dogs people don't care because they know their heffalump can take her one.
  9. I think trainers really should pick another word and drop "socialisation" - too many people think it is the free-for-all meet and greet. Any good trainer will tell you this isn't what you want to do with a dog.
  10. Health guarantees can mean that the breeder will take back the dog and refund the purchase price if they develop an issue that is hereditary.
  11. My DA dog is perfectly under control. I still cross the road because other dogs aren't, but it isn't always possible due to cars. I think you're assuming that DA dogs are lunging, snarly etc and that isn't the case. Mine walk next to me and look to me when they need direction.
  12. Who are you responding to? On it's own that post doesnt make sense. I think the OP? The other dog lunged at the OP's dog so I think the other dog had an issue!
  13. You are lucky you have such a dog. I have one friendly but very respectful dog - so easy to walk. I also have one that HATES having dogs in her face. Unfortunately, it is my experience that most owners don't have any control over their dogs (and the dogs in this thread were out of control - if your dog doesn't ignore a dog and walk on when you say so then it isn't well controlled). I avoid walking within "striking" distance of strange dogs because I've had the "don't worry he's friendly" thing happen to me SOOOO many times as their dog tries to jump on my dog's head. Most owners don't seem to be particularly skilled at reading body language and think their dog is just sniffing the ground when it is avoiding confrontation etc. Not all dogs like to have lots of "friends" and the word socialisation is often misused when it comes to dogs. It doesn't mean meeting and greeting every dog they see, it means learning to be comfortable and relaxed around other dogs. Lucy has a few well behaved, well trained friends who she sees on a weekly basis. She lives with a dog that is respectful of her space. These dogs weren't really strangers to her as she was introduced to them very slowly in a very controlled manner, with a trainer present. She is a happy little camper living like this. Her idea of hell would be a dog park. Until you have owned a reactive dog you just don't realise how bloody hard other dog owners make it. I used to think most dog owners were fine, but not any more. Lucy could live a much more rich, fulfilled life if dog owners would just obey the law and, out of common courtesy, give her a little space if I ask for it. Apparently that is too much to ask for.
  14. I think you have done everything you could, but just because something hasn't shown up for many generations doesn't mean the issue isn't genetic. If something is reccesive it can be hidden for generations. I say this because things can get ugly when the breeder assumes the owner has been irresponsible with the dog. Sometimes no one is to blame - genetics can be a bitch.
  15. Pouches, not policies! They're about $19
  16. Cleanrun has some rapid reward policies with free shipping..,,
  17. Waldo schmoldo. My girl is as others have described - bonded with me, works very well and is VERY focused when training (using motivational techniques, wouldn't work out of "respect" or other such nonsense) but she is happy to play in the garden for a few hours and is comfortable being by herself. Fergus likes to watch me go to the loo.... Seriously though, he is much more of a snuggle bunny, but is also works very well and is very focused when training. Lucy is slower to learn but Fergs can get a bit over excited and silly at times. Together, they make a great pair.
  18. Pme Im on the iPhone and it isnt picking up your email address so I'm posting here - I'm in bentleigh east but I'm willing to travel
  19. I don't agree with temp tests being an excuse to kill dogs, but how do you test whether a dog is HA or extremely DA? For me, these would be valid reasons not to rehome a dog.
  20. How long is he crying for? If it isn't for too long I wouldn't try to do anything more and just give him time to get used to being left alone and settling.
  21. He does have a very "I'm a good boy" look about him Snook. C&S - I think S&T is onto something that 10 dogs all at once may have been overwhelming - even for dogs without issues. Lucy is such a silly sausage. She can be scared of simple things (eg the shade thing that I put on the car window to keep her cool. She didn't want to get in the car when I stuck it up and was scared for a few weeks even after I took it down). Last night we did a little training session. They work on the peanut, wobble board and balance discs but I wanted to do something different. I have a balance ball for me - the ones that you sit on - and a few days ago I shaped them to put their front paws on it and push it along in the kitchen. This is good for building core strength. I got the ball out last night and put it in the garden where we were training. The plan was a bit of a warm up, some core strength (pushing the ball along) and some agility (SG's check check and zoom zoom). When it was Lucy's turn to train she ran out the house very excited as per usual and jumped straight on the ball - all 4 legs. Of course it started rolling so she had to balance herself. She rolled, balancing all the way, for about 7m! All that time she wasn't at all scared, tail wagging having a ball. She looked like one of those cartoon circus animals. I eventually stopped the ball and she got off, absolutely no fear at all.
  22. I'd be concerned about a trainer that is effectively punishing fear. That certainly isn't going to change the emotional state of the dog. Even the trainers that I know that use prongs and ecollars have said you don't punish fear.
  23. Are you practicing the fronts on their own? Another trick is to sit I a chair, lets a little apart, lean back and do a teeny, weeny recall. That will help get them close and straight.
  24. A landlord isn't allowed to kick you out because you have a pet. The tenants union in Vic has bought a number of cases to court and won. Of course they can just give you notice and say it is for some other reason though
  25. yes but beware that if the skin is inflamed even rinsing it with water hurts - I have skin allergies and can attest to this! ETA: If dust mites are a problem, also put soft toys and cushions in the freezer for 48 hours.
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