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Everything posted by megan_

  1. yes - but the dog was no longer theirs - the dog became the property of the council after 10 days.
  2. ah, the 2 min Google expert.
  3. oooh, I like her parents - agile and moderate and not from the "bigger is better" school. You will have to post oodles of pictures of her as she grows.
  4. There is a man who brings a cat on a leash to an off leash park in Bentleigh. I know that people are meant to have effective control of their dogs, but bringing a prey item and then taking away their flight option is just plain cruelty in my book.
  5. Thanks for this - do you know if the meat is preservative free and inspected for parasites (ie human grade?)
  6. I would sue an owner of the kennel if their mismanagement killed my dog. Yes, it won't bring the dog back but after a substantial fine it would be worth their effort to properly manage dogs in the future. The same applies to any dog that attacked mine - I would sue the owner so that the message would get out: control your dog or face a PROPER financial penalty. The sad fact of the matter is that it would be more economic for the kennel to continue to leave dogs together unattended and pay the odd cost of replacement than it would be for them to manage dogs in their care properly. The $25k changes that equation.
  7. She didn't. Apparently if you say anything about a large dog doing something wrong you are a dog hater. You can complain about little dogs all you like though!
  8. That's fine by me if it can prevent any newcomer who has come to the forum for advice being castigated and conescended to by others. Especially Dogmads obsession of bagging big dogs & especially Bull breeds. As soon as I see a thread by them, I know what it will be about. It's upsetting seeing that on a dog lovers forum. You need to block her then. It is getting tiring reading the same reply after everything she posts.
  9. Yes - the law applies to all breeds and a dog can be declared dangerous in Victoria for charging - no bite required. I agree with Trisven. People who have dogs with aggression issues need to manage those dogs or not own dogs.
  10. Might need to tell the poodle owner that, due to new dangerous dog laws in Vic, having a dog that behaves like that can mean a 10 year ban from owning dogs, a $34k fine and up to two years in jail. A dog can be deemed dangerous for charging, no damage to another dog is required. I'd also complain to the council. Chances are they will do nothing but if enough people speak up something will be done. I wouldn't tell them I have reactive dogs though - especially a reactive staffy.
  11. Don't take it to heart teekay - even the best behaved dog can react because they are in pain (which, given your description in general, I assume Luka is). Re: a muzzle, I think it is good for every dog to get desensitized to it. I have a plastic jafco one from K9Pro (which I have never had to use). On Steve's advice, I cut a small hole in the front so that I could still reward Lucy for being good. These are much better than the nicer-looking material ones as they actually allow the dog to pant and drink. All the muzzle's from K9Pro come with a sheet explaining the desensitization process.
  12. Just a random tip. Make sure his water isn't cold (this triggers my asthma) and occasionally give him some warm homemade chicken stock).
  13. Please don't lock them in a crate together - it leaves no flight option.
  14. You can leave them on a dog when not using it - they are a strangulation risk.
  15. But how is the dog meant to know the difference? Dogs can be territorial, especially when the owner isn't there and someone hops over their fence. If they react that doesn't make them an aggressive dog. FWIW, I never trespassed as a kid, it would never enter my mind to hop over someone's fence. If I did and got scared by a dog, my mum would have told me it was my own fault. I'd just like to address the bolded part above. Just how do they expect a dog to know the difference between a child trespassing to retrieve a ball and a burglar or someone of 'malicious intent'? I'm sure all dogs couldn't make the distinction -- act differently yes, but not know the intent of the trespasser. Are they expecting dogs to sit a course on human profiling now? They do not expect a dog to recognize malicious intent. Nor do they expect kids to have good judgement. They were hoping that whoever frames the law in its final form will allow the judge or some other authority to consider the public interest. That is, it is in the public interest to scare off the bad guys. It is not in the public interest to have dogs put their teeth into local kids being naughty. Did you never trespass when you were a kid?
  16. She isn't taking them to the pound. She is elderly and wants to ensure that they don't get fobbed off to the pound. If I was on my last legs I would do this with my girl, who is not rehomeable.
  17. It is illegal to discriminate against registered assistance dogs. Are you saying that a blind person shouldn't be allowed to live in this building?
  18. While I agree in theory you can't put a sick pup on a plane. The breeder is t local. I'd agree with this. If it was a little upset tummy then no, but it sounds much more serious.
  19. Regardless of whether it is true or not, people need to secure their dogs. If someone can walk down your driveway and open a gate then your dog is not secure. A cheap padlock from Bunnings could keep your dogs safe. I'd be more worried about a meter reader or bored kid letting my dogs out.
  20. Bruno is the star of that photo though, and Jackson looks a bit "cross" (ie the straight stare) that could put people off. My only suggestion is to be 100% honest. When I read his original profile it didn't sound like the dog you described. When a rescue writes "requires strong leadership" I think the dog is a bit out of control. It shouldn't be that way but many people seem to be using euphemisms these days. I have the same reaction with "good with dogs" - a dog that loves all dogs but knows no boundaries and will run up to any dog to say hello. Is he like this or is he genuinely good with dogs - ie respects their space and interacts with them like they want? If a dog gave an appropriate "stay away from me" growl" how would he respond? If he is genuinely good with dogs I'd take the time to explain what that means.
  21. Does she want a working line lab (aka field bred) or one from a breeder that produces good assistance dogs? I'd imagine they would have very different traits.
  22. yes - and then the feed their dog a big bowl of food every night for doing nothing and wonder why their dogs "isn't food motivated".
  23. The big cost is coming back - I've heard about $10k per dog
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