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Everything posted by megan_

  1. Alsi have youghat makers on sale next week - I think they're $15.
  2. yeah there were a few cases reported in the US of dogs being injured or dying due to chomping too hard on the ball - it can dislodge and be swallowed
  3. Sorry this has happened to you. Even if something is 100% genetic, it doesn't mean that it is the breeders fault. For example, a dog can be bred from a line that has very good hip scores, and still land up with HD. If I was told a condition is genetic, I would want to know: i) Was there a test for it (eg TNS in BC's or PRA in poodles)? Did the breeder do the tests on the breeding stock and were the results clear (or in some cases carrier is fine). ii) If there wasn't a test for the condition, have they bred from dogs that display symptoms of the condition. I agree that breeders need to implement responsible breeding practices, but when we talk about living creatures there are no guarantees. There is no known history of auto-immune disease in my family, for example, but both my brother and sister suffer from severe conditions.
  4. I don't think you can order food from the US and bring it into Australia without a permit. Even highly processed food gets confiscated. Try the Australian Pet Treat company.
  5. yes - taht should be the true story. How on earth was someone allowed to own dogs that he repeatedly used to attack people?
  6. Have they implemented the rule "if you judge you can't compete at all ?
  7. thanks - I've sent off my form via email so I'll deposit the $$ now. I've requested the morning session so fingers crossed both dogs can get in.
  8. Can I ask what the cost is for 1 person and 2 dogs?
  9. we do . If it was for the dogs, I'm sure I could find the time. For myself though.. meeeeeh, stock cubes. Having said that, if feet are involved, hell no. Everything about chicken feet makes me want to vomit up everything I've ever eaten plus some future food. When my dogs had kennel cough years ago, I made them fresh stock to drink warm (I figured it would help lubricate their throats and Lucy was quite snotty). I actually roasted the bones beforehand so that the stock was golden and sticky . I looked at it longingly, but it was for the dogs...
  10. Thanks. I assumed as much but was perplexed by the note as I have never seen that on fish or meat before. It also said "intended for human consumption only"?
  11. bear in mind some dogs just don't like other dog's company. There is nothing wrong with this and there is no problem to fix. All you need to do is ensure their environment is managed (which would be much easier if everyone obeyed the law!). Here is a great article that popped up in my facebook feed this morning: http://www.robinkbennett.com/2013/07/21/my-dog-got-kicked-out-of-daycare-today/
  12. I bought some whole, frozen local sardines at the butcher today (1kg for $4.50!) with the intention of feeding them whole, and obviously raw, to the dogs. There is a sign on the packaging that says "must be cooked before consumption", which has me thinking...it is okay to feed them right?
  13. I wonder what position has the least impact on the dog's body? Riding it down in a drop maybe? Even thought I would prefer Australia adopt more international rules, I quite like the weesaw because I have small dogs and I'm not keen on the impact to their joints when they come crashing down on the big-boy seesaw. ETA: I've noticed that, with small dogs, even if they do 2o2o properly there is often kickback from the seesaw and their back legs go flying into the air. That can't be good for their bodies.
  14. You'll also need to get a poo sample as it may be a bacterial infection.
  15. yes - artificial colours and flavours for me, but only the best natural stuff for the dogs!
  16. One of the advantages of dogs that require a lot of grooming is that they get used to being poked and prodded so don't put up a fight with nails. My dogs (mini schnauzer and mini schnauzer x) go to the groomers every 6 weeks and their nails are cut as needed. They stand nice and still when groomed as it is just part of life for them. When people say they don't notice, I think: i) Either they have noticed, but are to embarrassed to say that "yes, I saw my dog was limping in pain and did nothing about it" OR ii) The dog lives outside and has no human interaction. After all, who would be patting and playing with a poo encrusted dog?
  17. Sunflower oil is high in Omega 6. Omega 6 isn't bad and doesn't cause cancer BUT you do need to ensure that you have the right ratio of Omega 3 too (flaxseed & fish oils are high in omega 3). The ratio of omega 3:6 is different for dogs and humans I believe. The issue with Omega 6 is that it is cheap and so is used a lot dand people/dogs on't have the right balance. Incidentlally, it has recently been shown that Omega 3 sourced from fish oil (which David Gillespie promotes) actually increases the risk of prostate cancer in men. With all things diet, it is about balance. If you eat high levels of omega 6 with low levels of omega 3 then chances are you will get inflammation problems. No need to toss the baby out with the bath water.
  18. That is true of allergies, but not intolerances (which can be just as severe as allergies and in extreme cases can lead to anaphalactic (sp) shock too). It can take weeks for there to be enough build up to react. I can eat certain things for a few days and be fine, and then all of a sudden my lips will swell, I'll get hives and feel very itchy.
  19. yip - it happens when the owner is feeding the dog.
  20. Just be very careful with them - I believe there have been a few injuries/deaths in the US where the dog has bitten on the tube and then choked on the ball
  21. What makes me uncomfortable about this argument is that we can say exactly the same about puppy farm dogs. They know no different, they aren't committing suicide etc therefore this is "normal" for them.
  22. Our council laws say that you must be in control of your dog at all times. Neither owner was in control of there dog here. With regards to socialising, socialising isn't taking a dog to an uncontrolled situation. If they wanted to socialise a DA dog they should consult a professional and do it in a controlled - leashed - setting.
  23. If I was in doubt about a dog's quality of life, I would rather they be let go a day too soon rather than a day too late. I can't help but wonder about the mental stability of some "rescuers" (note, I say some and not all!). It seems that some needy people thrive on the "you're doing such a good thing/God bless you etc etc" messages.
  24. Yonjuro - a lot of people on this forum feed their dogs RAW - myself included. However, people get a bit tired of having their choice - dried - run down all the time by a few raw zealots. This happens every few months when someone finds the dog food analysis website and post it up like it is the gospel. People are sick and tired of being called lazy for not feeding raw. I feed my dogs about 1/2 raw and 1/2 dried because I don't have a PhD in animal nutrition and don't want to miss out on nutrients. My dogs are happy and healthy. I spend most of my free time with them and they learn agility and obedience. They are walked daily and do tricks and tracking to keep their minds active. I am not a lazy owner and it is tiring hearing that cry from raw zealots.
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